
  • 网络domestic demand;boost domestic demand
  1. 基本公共服务均等化对拉动内需的作用分析

    Function Analysis of the Equalization of Basic Public Services on Stimulating the Domestic Demand

  2. 在这种情况下,拉动内需第一枪的是什么呢?

    In that case , stimulating domestic demand first shot of what is it ?

  3. 最后,职业教育发展也是拉动内需,促进经济发展的重要力量,文教类支出占人均GDP近二十来一直保持在10%左右。

    Finally , the development of vocational education also stimulate domestic demand and is an important force in promoting economic development . The expenditure of culture and education accounting the per capita GDP has remained at about 10 % for nearly 20 years .

  4. 由于今年3G通信牌照的发放以及国家拉动内需的政策,通信运营商们势必会加大网络建设的投入,这给通信服务市场带来了新一轮契机。

    This year , owing to the issue of 3rd Generation license and national policy for stimulating domestic demand , transportation agencies are sure to invest more in the construction of net . All of these bring telecom service market great opportunities and challenges .

  5. 研究住房价格的变动对消费的影响对我国拉动内需也有现实意义。

    Study changes in house prices influence on consumption have Significance .

  6. 这就是拉动内需的标志。

    It 's a sign of increasing domestic needs .

  7. 商业住宅已经成为经济增长和拉动内需的重要因素。

    Commercial and residential growth and has become an important factor in stimulating domestic demand .

  8. 他并不提倡迫使德国政府再度采用通货膨胀的方式来拉动内需,却想要看到德国努力使其市场自由化,以促进欧盟统一市场的发展。

    He is not a proponent of harrying Berlin to reflate to boost domestic consumption .

  9. 以科学发展观为指导拉动内需&应对经济危机的价值思考

    Expanding Domestic Demand with the Guidance of Scientific Developing Viewpoint & Value-based Thinking on the Economic Crisis

  10. 社会保障支出与拉动内需&对农村养老保障问题的深入探讨

    Social Security Expenditures and Domestic Demand Stimulation in China : Exploration of Old-Age Welfare in Rural Areas

  11. 网络经济的健康发展将会拉动内需,刺激消费,繁荣经济。

    The healthy development of the network economy will boost domestic demand , stimulate consumption and economic prosperity .

  12. 中国奢侈品消费已经成为中国经济中的一股强大力量,成为拉动内需的强大助推器。

    China luxury consumed has become the strong power of China economy and the impetus of Chinese consumption .

  13. 政府出台了多项拉动内需的举措,这当中肯定是商机无限。

    The government introduced a number of stimulating domestic demand move , it must be unlimited business opportunities .

  14. 其目的在于鼓励消费、拉动内需,为中国的经济增长提供动力。

    The purpose is to encourage consumption and broaden internal needs , provide power for growth of China economy .

  15. 旅游业是关联带动性强、拉动内需明显的新兴产业。

    The tourism is a burgeoning industry with strong connections with other industries and can draw obvious domestic demand .

  16. 西部大开发的浪潮可以直接拉动内需,保证经济快速平稳的增长。

    The tide of western development can directly stimulate domestic demand , to ensure fast and stable economic growth .

  17. 全球金融危机下拉动内需的微观基础&中国居民边际消费倾向研究

    Microcosmic Base for Promoting Domestic Demand under the Global Financial Crisis & A Study on MPC of China Inhabitants

  18. 基础设施投资是拉动内需的重要方式,对提高城市化质量,提高城市生活水平意义重大。

    The investment in infrastructure plays a major role in pulling the inner demand and improve urban life quality .

  19. 专业市场建设拉动内需增长具有重要的理论依据与实践依据。

    The construction of specialized market can spur domestic demands , which is based on important theoretical and practical grounds .

  20. 而无论是提高国民身体素质,还是拉动内需,都离不开体育消费。

    Whether to raise the fitness , or driving domestic demand and consumption can not be separated from sports consumption .

  21. 按照主流经济学的宏观经济理论,要通过各种渠道拉动内需。

    According to macroeconomic theory of mainstream economics , numbers of measures should be taken to stimulate the domestic demand .

  22. 国家提出了加快城网和农网建设及改造、拉动内需的发展计划。

    The government raised a plan about speed up the city nets and rural construction and renovation , stimulating domestic demand growth .

  23. 随着市场经济的逐步建立,日益兴盛的体育产业化对社会产生越来越大的影响。消费作为拉动内需的重要支撑点,已成为现实经济讨论的热点。

    It is more and more influence of sports industrialization increasingly and prosperous in society along with the market economy works up .

  24. 他说,韩国将把拉动内需作为重中之重,并尽早公布一项补充预算。

    He says South Korea will place highest priority on activating domestic demand and will issue a supplementary budget as early as possible .

  25. 特别是在现今金融危机的影响下,国家为拉动内需,以上数据将进一步加大。

    Especially under the influence of financial crisis and the state in order to stimulate domestic demand , the above data will further increase .

  26. 眼下更不要打着拉动内需的口号中饱私囊、挥霍无度。

    At present do not have to hit the slogan which in drawing needs to fill with the private pocket , to squander money .

  27. 输配电行业已成为国家振兴民族工业,加大基本建设,拉动内需所重点关注的热点产业。

    Transmission and distribution industry has become the focus of attention of a national industry , increasing infrastructure , which focus on stimulating domestic demand .

  28. 只有充分发挥税收政策优势,改革和完善现行税制,才能切实拉动内需,推动经济增长。

    Only by adjusting taxation structure , reforming and perfecting the present taxation , can we expand domestic demand practically and accelerate economy growth effectively .

  29. 地方政府融资平台在推动城市化基础设施建设、促进产业化发展和拉动内需等方面均发挥着重要的作用。

    Local government financing platform in promoting urban infrastructure construction , promote industrial development , expanding domestic demand and other aspects play an important role .

  30. 扩大信用交易会扩大市场规模,扩大了的市场规模会带来生产规模的扩大,由此可以间接扩大就业水平,拉动内需市场。

    Extend credit trade can extend market scale , bring production scale is extended , thereout can extend indirectly employment level , draw inner demand market .