
yī tiáo lóng
  • A dragon;a coordinated process;one continuous line;a connected sequence;big-scale chain-like co-ordination;conglomeration one continuous line
一条龙 [yī tiáo lóng]
  • (1) [one continuous line]∶比喻事物首尾相连,排成一条连续不断的线

  • (2) [big-scale chain-like co-ordination]∶比喻生产程序或工作环节上的相关联的连续

一条龙[yī tiáo lóng]
  1. 兴盛时期的毛笔业显现出家族化的管理运作模式,较大规模的工场手工业的生产组织形式,产供销一条龙、全国连锁的营销模式。

    JinXian writing brush of prosperous period showed clan manage mode , large-scale handicraft industry production form . Production , supply , sale , had been a connected sequence , the sale mode of link shop all over the world .

  2. 公司拥有经验丰富的工程技术人员和生产工人,产品从开发、设计、制造、销售一条龙。

    The company owns the well experienced engineers and technicians and production worker , the product makes , sells a coordinated process from developing , designing that .

  3. 坏仙女变成了一条龙。

    The bad fairy becomes a dragon .

  4. 它看起来像一条龙。

    It looks like a dragon !

  5. 很久以前,世界上的龙牺牲自己拯救了人类,五百年后,古龙大陆分裂成了五个相互作战的国家,为了拯救世界,拉雅只能出发去寻找幸存的最后一条龙——由奥卡菲娜配音的能变成人形的毛绒绒的水龙。

    Five hundred years after the world 's dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity , and the country was divided into five warring states , it 's up to Raya to find the lone5 survivor6 : a fluffy7 , shape-changing water dragon voiced by Awkwafina .

  6. 改装各种上下水管,水电,以及PPR管等一条龙服务。

    Modification of various upper and lower water pipes , water and electricity , as well as PPR pipe one-stop service .

  7. 但船儿猛然间变成了一条龙!

    But the boat changed into a dragon all at once !

  8. 长城的全景像一条龙。

    The landscape of the Great Wall is like a dragon .

  9. 我们提供一条龙解决方案,斯塔维利说。

    We provide an A to Z solution , Staveley says .

  10. 拥有现代化及先进的一条龙流水线自动生产设备。

    With modern and advanced automatic production line of one-stop equipment .

  11. 园区注重产业、教育和研发的整合,为引入企业提供一条龙服务。

    The Park provides a stream-lined one-stop service for incoming enterprises .

  12. 为此,公司推出了一条龙式服务。

    To this end , the company launched a one-stop service .

  13. 高师英语一条龙教学体系的构想

    The Proposition if the Streamline ELT System in Higher Teachers College

  14. 点胶机用夹具从设计到制造“一条龙”独立完成

    Dispensing with fixtures from design to create " through-train " independently

  15. 钢套贴塑轴瓦三套一条龙注水工艺流程


  16. 它让劲舞团一条龙的我如鱼得水。

    It made me look like a duck in water .

  17. 谈大、中、小学英语教学一条龙的实施

    On implementing a correlated English teaching syllabus from elementary school to university

  18. 你看它细长的形状特别像一条龙。

    Look , its slender shape is very much like a dragon .

  19. 那座大山的轮廓看上去像一条龙。

    The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon .

  20. 听说天上有一条龙,它要把玉轮吞下去。

    It is said that there was a dragon in the sky .

  21. 可为客户提供一条龙的产品解决方案。

    We also can provide customers with one-stop product solutions .

  22. 利用宝石的力量,召唤一条龙,确保他的死亡。

    Use the diamond , summon a dragon to ensure his death .

  23. 开模、加工、生产、喷漆、丝印一条龙。

    Open mode , processing , production , painting , silk screen through-train .

  24. 正泰伟毛织厂拥有强大的生产后盾,纺、染、织一条龙生产。

    The company owns powerful technical strength integrating spinning , dyeing and weaving .

  25. 冷库库体、机组、安装调试一条龙服务;

    Refrigeratory library body , refrigeration units , installation and commissioning one-stop services ;

  26. 在他的梦中,那只蜻蜓变成了一条龙。

    The dragonfly becomes a dragon in his dream .

  27. 不知道你们可不可以给我做一条龙呢?

    Would it be possible if you can make a dragon for me .

  28. 麻烦就在于,千万不能让别人看见他们非法携带一条龙。

    Trouble is , they mustn 't be seen carrying an illegal dragon .

  29. “在家一条龙,出外一条虫”怎么说?

    Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard .

  30. 语言习得关键期假说和一条龙英语教学

    The critical period hypothesis and the starting point of English education in China