
  • 【法】wildlife under first class protection
  1. 国家重点保护的野生动物分为一级保护野生动物和二级保护野生动物。

    The wildlife under special state protection shall consist of two classes : wildlife under first class protection and wildlife under second class protection .

  2. 动物卫生专家们说那些想要保护鸡和其他家禽的人应把它们集中在一起,远离那些野鸟。国家重点保护的野生动物分为一级保护野生动物和二级保护野生动物。

    Animal health experts say people who want to protect chickens and other birds should keep them in closed areas , away from wild birds . The wildlife under special state protection shall consist of two classes : wildlife under first class protection and wildlife under second class protection .