
  1. 这种现状被形容为“一超多强”,即一个超级大国和几个强国并存。

    The status quo is described asyi Chao duo Qiang one superpower and several great powers .

  2. 21世纪世界地缘政治经济格局一超多强的态势与趋向

    On the State and Tendency of the World Geopolitics and Geo-economy System ," One Hegemon , Many Powers ", in the Twenty First Century

  3. 当前,国际体系经过近十年的演变,其格局基本上已明朗,即一超多强结构已形成,并将保持很长时间。

    Currently , the international system has evolved into a lucid power configuration , called the structure of " one superpower and multiple big-powers ", which will last long in the coming years .

  4. 进入21世纪以来,随着国际形势的风云变幻,一超多强的世界战略格局更加明显。

    In the 21st century , along with international situation changing constantly , there existed the condition of " one super strong , more stronger . " The world strategy pattern is more obvious .

  5. 当今世界仍是一超多强的世界,未来多极世界将由五大中心和地区性大国及一些重要国际组织构成。

    The present world pattern is still one superpower and many powers , while the future multi pole world will be composed of five power , either central or regional , and some important international organizations .

  6. 冷战结束以来,国际关系处于一超多强过渡性格局,资本主义牢牢控制世界经济政治等中心。

    After the completion of the Cold War period , the international relations are in transitional structure with one superpower and several powers and the capitalism is controlling firmly the centers of world economy and politics .

  7. 在一超多强的国际政治新格局下,中国经济得以腾飞,政治压力得以缓解,周边安全环境得以改善。

    In one super state and more Powerful countries The international to be the political to be new under pattern , China can soar economy , can alleviate politics pressure , the safe environment of perimeter can be improved .

  8. 世界格局多极化发展趋势以及目前形成的一超多强的国际格局;冷战后国际政治、经济秩序的重建。

    Then it elaborates to the trend of multi-polar development and the formation of the order of " one super power , many strong players ", and the reconstruction of international politics , economic order at the post-Cold-War era .

  9. 当前,在一超多强的国际战略格局下,一超对联合国的影响更大。

    Now , within the international uni-multipolar strategic pattern in which there exists the United States and other countries and regions with strong political and economic power , the " unipolar " still imposes more impact on the UN .

  10. 俄美之间从前苏联时期苏美两个超级大国的关系,变成一超多强中的超与强的关系。

    The relationship between the United States and Russia has transformed from the one between the two superpowers in the Soviet era to the one between a superpower and a major power in the age of One Superpower with Multiple Powers .

  11. 至此,房地产业形成了一超(万科)多强的竞争格局。

    So far , the real estate industry has formed a super ( Wanke ) and a lot of powerful competition .