
chāo hè
  • Overload;hypercharge
超荷[chāo hè]
  1. 本文从分析实验出发,对SU3羣八重态理论提出了两个补充假定:(1)同位旋T和超荷Y对质量分裂的非线性贡献与多重态的自旋宇称无关;

    Two additional postulates of the eightfold way are suggested on the basis of the analysis of experiments : ( 1 ) The nonlinear contribution of the isospin T and the hyper-charge Y to the mass-splitting is independent of the spin-parity of multiplets ;

  2. 控制利尿超荷衰患者应该接受怎治疗?

    Diuretic-Refractory , Volume-Overloaded Heart Failure Patients Be Managed ?

  3. 目的:探讨右心室压力及容量超荷患者左心室几何形态的不同。

    Objective : To detect the difference of left ventricular geometry in patients with right ventricular pressure and volume overload .

  4. 系统具有牵引力检测、牵引力控制、牵引力及牵引时间显示和超荷报警等功能。

    This system has multiple functions such as traction force detection , traction force control , traction force and time display and alam when overload eta .

  5. 所以,当有人想知道为什么投资者对于次级抵押市场的问题如此后知后觉时,信息超荷无疑是一个因素。

    So when one starts to wonder why investors were so slow to wake up to the problems of the subprime mortgage market ( see article ), information overload has to be a factor .

  6. 现代工业设备正朝着超高速、超载荷、超精密、机电一体化、自动化、数字化、智能化、网络化、集群化方向快速发展。

    The equipments of modern industry are developed fast towards the hypervelocity , ultra load , ultraprecision manufacture , the electron mechanics integrates , automation , digitization , intelligent , networking .