
Therefore , the study of CP-violation could provide hints on the new physics beyond the standard model .
Many new physics theories beyond the standard model predict the existence of the non-universal gauge boson Z ′, which can produce characteristic signatures at the present or future collider experiments .
With the large hadron collider ( LHC ) of CERN making new progresss in the past few years , the new physics beyond the Standard Model ( SM ) has been one of the most important issues of particle physics .
This is signal of beyond the standard model .
This thesis is devoted to the tests of new physics beyond the Standard Model in astro-physical observations and colliders .
All these inconsistencies may indicate that the SM is not an ultimate theory , which will provide room for developing new physics beyond the SM .
Neutrino flavor mixing and oscillation is the only evidence of physics beyond the standard model in particle physics supported by various experimental results and con-sidered as the key to search for new physics .