
xīnɡ jì lǚ xínɡ
  • Interstellar travel;interstellar/space travel
  1. 大卫威尔科克揭示了许多伟大的秘密:DNA基因,意识科学,虫洞,星际旅行,神圣的几何,三维时间,玛雅日历和很多很多!

    David Wilcock exposes many great secrets : DNA , consciousness science , wormholes , stargate travel , sacred geometry , three-dimensional time , the Mayan Calendar and much , much more !

  2. (如果您熟悉电视剧“星际旅行(StarTrek)”,那么您可能也会熟悉术语集合(collective)和吸收(assimilation)。

    If you are familiar with the " Star Trek " television series , then the terms collective and assimilation might also be familiar to you .

  3. 最新一位想要利用人类尚处于早期阶段的渴望摆脱地球粗暴羁绊心理的是硅谷企业家埃隆•马斯克(ElonMusk),他提出了一项让星际旅行梦想复活的计划:

    The latest to capitalise on the inchoate desire to slip Earth 's surly bonds is the Silicon Valley entrepreneur , Elon Musk .

  4. 这家知名公司开发的公寓和写字楼看起来像是宜家(IKEA)和《星际旅行》(StarTrek)的综合体。

    Zhang is half of the glamour couple that leads Soho , a Beijing-based developer known for apartments and office buildings that look equal parts IKEA and Star Trek .

  5. 他说,自己是从小一直看着”星际旅行“,沉浸于Futurama式展览会中长大的。

    He says he grew up watching " Star Trek " and immersing himself in Futurama-like exhibits .

  6. 他过去是《星际旅行》中的医生吗?

    Didn 't he use to be the doctor in'star trek ' ?

  7. 我们没必要进行星际旅行。

    Star travel is of no use to us .

  8. 我们知道你们的战船不能进行星际旅行。

    We know you have battleships that are not capable of interstellar travel .

  9. 它们听上去象是一个不可能的任务和星际旅行中的小机关而不是武器。

    They sound more like Mission Impossible and Star Trek gimmicks than weapons .

  10. 我现在玩的这种科幻电子游戏是根据电视剧《星际旅行》做的。

    I just got this new sci-fi game based on the Star Trek show .

  11. 乘太空船作星际旅行。

    An interplanetary journey in a space ship .

  12. 我们可以送给谢尔顿,告诉他是威廉·夏特纳画的。(电视剧《星际旅行:初代》中饰演星舰舰长詹姆斯·T·寇克)

    We could give it to Sheldon , and tell him William Shatner painted it .

  13. 拿着我的星际旅行手镯。

    Hold my star trek bracelet .

  14. 对于读过科幻杂志中星际旅行故事的读者来说,小行星已是平淡无味了。

    Asteroid has become commonplace to the readers of interstellar travel stories in science fiction magazines .

  15. 它为其后的星际旅行奠定了优美的情感基调,以及清晰的道德和戏剧性基础。

    establishing a delicately emotional tone and clear moral and dramatic stakes for the planet-hopping to follow .

  16. 把我传上飞船“是另一部电视剧”星际旅行“中的标志性台词。

    " Beam me Up Scotty ," is a tagline from another television show ," Star Trek " .

  17. 这个长远的愿景既是上世纪60年代阿波罗计划启动的背后原因,也支撑着马斯克的星际旅行梦想。

    This long-term vision lay behind Apollo in the 1960s and also underpins Mr Musk 's interplanetary vision .

  18. 要是未来看上去像”星际旅行“,有着似乎能解决一切问题聪明玩意儿该有多好。

    If only the future looked like " Star Trek ," with its nifty gadgets that seem to solve every problem .

  19. 如果他是在做一场星际旅行,那么无论在太阳系的任何地方他都是最好的足球运动员。

    If he was in Star Trek , he 'd be the best player in whatever solar system he was in .

  20. 是的,好心的店家。我和朋友史蒂夫想买最新的全部《星际旅行》漫画。

    Yes , my good man , my pal Steve here and I are looking for all your newest STAR TREK comics .

  21. 只要金。罗登贝瑞还有参与星际旅行剧情的描绘,那最终决定都是他说了算。

    And as long as Gene Roddenberry is involved in it , he is the final word on what is Star Trek .

  22. 教授希望,有一天会成为他的创作作为复杂作为克林贡文从外来语星际旅行电影。

    The professor hopes that one day his creation will become as sophisticated as the Klingon alien language from the Star Trek films .

  23. 星际旅行是一个丰富的世界,我们今天招待和影响,其设想在科幻故事的通信和医药的发展。

    Star Trek is a rich world that entertains and influences us today , envisioning the evolution of communications and medicine in its sci-fi tales .

  24. 他的自我并不消融于《星际旅行》中博尔格氏的集体宇宙,而是一个和谐的多元化的社会中的独一无二的存在。

    His own self is not dissolved into a Startrek 's Borg type collective universe , but a UNIQUE being in a harmonious noble society that incorporates diversity .

  25. 在内部,宜居雕塑类似于星际旅行从老式集,但更多的光,因为窗户,旨在充分利用地中海的阳光。

    Inside , the livable sculpture resembles a set from vintage Star Trek , but with more light , since the windows are designed to take advantage of Mediterranean sun .

  26. 他说,一座座被升起的城市还有“星际旅行”中“时光倒流”旅行也许现在似乎庸俗,可至少它们表明人类拥有一个未来。

    The elevated cities and the " Star Trek " voyages of yesteryear may now seem corny , but at least they show humanity has a future , he says .

  27. 70年代他执导了此类影片如《天外来茵》、《兴登堡遇难记》和恐怖片《魔缘》以及第一部星际旅行电影《星际迷航记》。

    In the1970s he directed such films as The Andromeda Strain , The Hindenburg , the horror film Audrey Rose , and the first Star Trek film , Star Trek : The Motion Picture .

  28. 阿瑟.邓特,由于无穷无尽的星际旅行实在太过无聊,曾经靠学习飞船安全程序来消磨时间,于是有幸成为唯一一个知道在非预定条件下降落该如何自我保护的人,进而也就成了船上唯一的幸存者。

    Arthur Dent , because of the sheer boredom of endless interstellar flight , was the only one on board who had actually familiarised himself with the ship 's safety procedures in case of an unscheduled landing , and was therefore the sole survivor .