
wánɡ quán
  • power of the monarch;right of the crown;sovereign's supremacy;majesty;crown;throne
王权 [wáng quán]
  • (1) [reign]∶无上的权力;君主的权力;君主的统治

  • (2) [regale;royally]∶国王的权利、权力或特权;君权

  1. 王权不会永存。

    Crowns and thrones may perish .

  2. 王冠就是王权的象征。

    The diadem is the symbol of royalty .

  3. n.王座;君主;王权vt.使登王位vi.登上王座他登上王位时仅有15岁。

    throne He was only 15 years old when he came to the throne .

  4. 神圣罗马教皇查里斯五世(CharlesV,HolyRomanEmperor)&在西班牙被称为卡洛斯一世(CarlosI),将他的王权扩展到欧洲的其它地区和世界的其它角落。

    Charles V , Holy Roman Emperor but called in Spain Carlos I , extended his crown to other places in Europe and the rest of the world .

  5. 美国作家乔治•R•R•马丁的系列小说《冰与火之歌》则邀我们进入了另外一个虚构世界,这里的大家族互相争夺,都想得到至高无上的王权。

    And A Song of Ice and Fire , a series of novels by US author George R.R. Martin , invites us to another fictional world where powerful families compete to win the most important throne of all .

  6. 问题是,为何苏格拉底认为哲学式王权,对,Kallipolis,是必备的,对这座正义之城?

    The question is why does Socrates regard philosophic kingship as required for Kallipolis ,? for the just city ?

  7. 除了两度前往西西里岛,因应迪欧尼修斯之邀,前去协助建立,位于,Syracuse,的哲学王权,他一直待在雅典教书,写作。

    Except for two expeditions to Sicily , where he went at the request of Dionysius to help try to establish a philosophical kingship in Syracuse , he remained in Athens teaching and writing .

  8. 从一些汉字看王权思想观念种种

    A Look on Idea of Sovereignty by Analyzing Some Chinese Characters

  9. 首先,弹劾是英国议会与王权进行斗争的产物;

    The impeachment resulted from the struggle of parliament and royalty .

  10. 文艺复兴时期西欧王权文化庇护现象刍议

    On the Reign Culture Shelter of West Europe in Renaissance Period

  11. 斯图亚特王朝早期议会与王权的斗争

    On the Struggle between the Monarchy and Parliament in Early Stuart

  12. 王权至上是中国传统政治文化的总框架。

    Kingship-Supremacist is the general frame of Chinese traditional political culture .

  13. 亨利八世将王权凌驾于教权

    when Henry VIII made himself Supreme Head of the Church .

  14. 没有任何一个危险阿拉伯政府屈从于伊斯兰王权。

    Not one treacherous Arab government has yielded to the caliphate .

  15. 在由封建王权所主导的话语系统中,野心就是罪孽,麦克白因而被贴上了恶魔的标签。

    Its unique discourse labeled ambition as evil and thus doomed Macbeth .

  16. 有一种制度促进了王权的产生,这就是扈从队制度。

    One institution particularly favored the rise of kingship : the retinues .

  17. 中世纪早期西欧王权对商业活动的保护

    Study of the Protection from the Kingship on Commercial Activities

  18. 再次,土地私有化动摇了亚述帝国王权的基础。

    Thirdly , land privatization shook the bases of the Assyrian monarchy .

  19. 后冷战时代阿拉伯君主制和王权的走向

    The Trends of Arab Monarchy and Royal System in Post-Cold War Age

  20. 英国早期有限王权成因初探

    An Analysis of the Limitation of Kingship in Early England

  21. 我仿佛是在王权面前。

    I feei as though I 'm in the presence of royaity .

  22. 有损自己的地位与王权

    was really compromising the state and compromising his kingship .

  23. 略论黑格尔对王权和任性的基本观点

    On the Essential Views for the Power of King and Caprice of Hegel

  24. 第一部分:分析《马桥词典》中权力的多元形态&话语权力、王权、男权。

    That is , discourse power , empirical power and power of male .

  25. 因为,第一,他们促进了王权的产生;

    For in the first place they favored the rise of monarchic power .

  26. 那件上面龙的图案就象征着王权。

    The dragon pattern on it symbolized sovereign power .

  27. 时代呼唤着王权集中与文化秩序的重建。

    The Age called for concentration of monarchy and reconstruction of cultural order .

  28. 前期英国封建王权对地方郡政的整饬

    English Feudal Monarchy 's Rectification of the Shire Government

  29. 试论西欧中世纪封建王权的合法性

    On the Legitimacy of Feudal Kingships in Medieval Europe

  30. 在马来西亚,《罗摩衍那》帮助人们塑造了国家和王权的观念。

    The Ramayana helped to mold concepts of state and kingship in Malaysia .