
  • 网络schumann;schuman;robert schumann;Robert Schuman
  1. 电离层F层中舒曼共振现象的检测

    Detection of Schumann resonance in the ionosphere F region

  2. 舒曼钢琴套曲《童年情景Op.15》的研究

    A Research of Schumann 's Piano Cycle " the Scenes of Childhood Op.15 "

  3. 最后,我们谈谈舒曼的medial反折射系统。

    Finally , we mention the catadioptric system of schupmann 's medial .

  4. ShapeSecurity首席技术官舒曼.高斯马宗德(ShumanGhosemajumder)认同监管机构很难解决问题,因为黑客不断开发新手段使安全挑战不断变化。

    Shuman Ghosemajumder , chief technology officer at Shape Security , agreed it is tough for regulators to solve the problem as security challenges are constantly changing when hackers develop new techniques .

  5. 创意总监克里斯托弗贝利(christopherbailey)委托时尚博主斯考特舒曼(scottschuman)在网站上发布照片,主角是舒曼在全球各大城市街道上看到的身着巴宝莉风衣的潮人。

    Christopher Bailey , creative director , has commissioned Scott Schuman of influential fashion blog the sartorialist to launch the site with photos of people in trenchcoats he spots on the streets of major cities .

  6. 虽然一直以来总是充斥着强烈的联邦主义元素,但1945年后的欧洲一体化进程是从舒曼计划(SchumanPlan)正式开始的。该计划旨在整合德国和法国的煤炭和钢铁工业,以避免两国爆发战争。

    Although there was always a strong federalist element in the background , the post-1945 European movement began in earnest with the Schuman Plan , designed to integrate German and French coal and steel industries so that war between the two countries would be impossible .

  7. 舒曼RobertSchumann(1810-1856)德国作曲家、音乐评论家,浪漫主义时期音乐浪潮中的核心人物之一,是19世纪最突出的,很鲜明反映浪漫主义特征及其个人风格特征的作曲家。

    Robert Schumann ( 1810-1856 ) music critic , German composer , one of the core characters of romantic period in the 19th century . He is the composer who had most prominent , very striking reflection to romantic features and personal style feature .

  8. 不过我们现在要讲一下他的妻子克拉娅?舒曼。

    But let 's now talk about his wife Clara Schumann .

  9. 后者则文雅娴静,富于幻想,实际上这就是舒曼本人性格中的两个侧面。

    In reality this was the dual character of Shuman himself .

  10. 你想让舒曼被一个非法入境的外国人救了?

    You want Schumann to be rescued by an illegal alien ?

  11. 奥菲斯甚至计划在下一季度演奏舒曼的交响曲。

    Next season it even plans to perform a Schumann symphony .

  12. 我们不能让一个非法移民救舒曼的事发生。

    We can 't have Schumann saved by an illegal immigrant .

  13. 对于舒曼计划在欧洲联合中的作用和意义,我们应予以充分认识。

    The role and significance of Schuman Plan can never be underestimated .

  14. 你知道舒曼是怎样描述肖邦的音乐的吗?

    Do you know how Schumann described chopin 's music ?

  15. 舒曼共振:测量全球热带气温的最新方法

    The Schumann resonance : a new method for measuring global tropical temperature

  16. 贝多芬、舒曼及肖邦是最主要的浪漫主义作曲家。

    Beethoven , Schumann and Chopin were leading romantic composers .

  17. 克拉拉维克是舒曼的灵感之源。

    Clara Wieck was a source of inspiration for schumann .

  18. 谁是你最爱的作曲家?&贝多芬,瓦格纳,舒曼。

    Who are your favorite composers ? Beethoven , Wagner , Shuhmann .

  19. 你更喜欢哪个一维瓦尔迪还是舒曼?

    Which did you like best-the Vivaldi or the schumann ?

  20. 电离层舒曼共振的空间观测

    Spatial observations of Schumann resonance at the ionospheric altitudes

  21. 舒曼本应于今天从阿尔巴尼亚。

    Schumann was to return to American soil today .

  22. 舒曼作出前瞻性的弦乐四重奏作曲家的两个主要要求。

    Schumann made two principal demands of the prospective composer of string quartets .

  23. 几乎没人知道舒曼的妻子也是个有天赋的作曲家。

    Few people know that Schumann 's wife was also a gifted composer .

  24. 舒曼A小调钢琴协奏曲的研究

    A Study of Schumann 's a Ditty Piano Concerto

  25. 舒曼声乐作品反映出的情感论音乐美学思想研究&以声乐套曲《妇女爱情与生活》为例

    On Research of Music Aesthetics Idea From the Sensibility in R. Schumann Vocal Works

  26. 从《蝴蝶》看舒曼音乐中的标题性

    Themes in Schumann 's Music from The Butterfly

  27. 从钢琴组曲《狂欢节》看舒曼音乐的双重性风格

    The Dual Style of Schumann 's Music since the Piano Music " Carnival "

  28. “大鸟”要在机场接见舒曼吗?

    Big bird meets Schumann at the airport ?

  29. 从舒曼的《童年情景》看早期浪漫主义音乐

    Childhood Schumann and Early Romantic Music Situational Conversation

  30. 稍后我们会播放作曲家罗伯特?舒曼的作品,

    Later we 'll be listening to works by a composer named Robert Schumann .