
quān yǐ
  • round-backed armchair
圈椅 [quān yǐ]
  • [round-backed armchair] 由靠背和扶手接连形成的半圆形椅子

圈椅[quān yǐ]
  1. 以肌电实验为客观研究方法,并结合主观评价方法对实验测试的结果进行定量分析,得到的主要结论有:(1)在圈椅的使用过程中人们更多地强调对人体生理和心理的反应。

    We use sEMG as objectives re-search method , and combined with subjective experimental result , conduct a quantitative analy-sis . The results of experiment showed : ( 1 ) People pay more emphasis of using the round-backed armchair to human physiologi-cal and psychological reactions .

  2. 浅析中国圈椅的演变历程

    The Evolvement of the Chinese Traditional Furniture Round-backed Armchair

  3. 典狱长请英国人坐在一张圈椅里。

    The inspector begged the Englishman to seat himself in an armchair .

  4. 少校拖过一把圈椅,自己坐下了。

    The major drew an arm-chair towards him , and proceeded to seat himself .

  5. 圈椅是我国传统家具中的瑰宝。

    The round-backed armchair is a rarity in the antique traditional furniture of our country .

  6. 他们看见莫雷尔以超人的力量抱住那只坐着诺瓦梯埃的圈椅,把老人抬上楼来。

    Morrel was seen carrying , with superhuman strength , the arm-chair containing Noirtier up-stairs .

  7. 比尔重重地倒在了圈椅里。

    Bill slumped into the armchair .

  8. 研究表明径山方丈椅是新发现的又一种宋代圈椅。

    The Jingshan abbot chair in Southern Song Dynasty is discovered to be a new kind of circular chair .

  9. 本文以时间为顺序,畅述了家具发展的历史背景,并揭示出社会,经济,文化等诸多因素对圈椅发展的影响,从而分析圈椅的发展历程,总结了各时期的圈椅的特点。

    By analyzing the factors that influence the evolvement of the Ming-style Round-backed Armchair , the article summarizes the characteristics of the round-backed armchair among different periods .

  10. 热浪姆酒和棕榈酒及碎鸡蛋制成的酒。欧热妮轻轻地走过去,看到那个老头儿正在他那个小房间的一张圈椅里酣睡。

    Hot rum toddy with a beaten egg . Eug é nie approached softly , and saw the old man sleeping soundly in an arm-chair in his lodge .

  11. 腾格拉尔略微点了点头,就指着一只圈椅请伯爵就坐,圈椅上配着白缎绣金的椅套。

    With a slight inclination of the head , Danglars signed to the count to be seated , pointing significantly to a gilded arm-chair , covered with white satin embroidered with gold .

  12. 他转过头去看着莫雷尔,莫雷尔仍跪在地上,但已把头伏在一张圈椅里,他便含有深意地握一握艾曼纽的手,又低声说,“留心他。”

    Then turning around , and seeing that morrel , still on his knees , had thrown himself into an arm-chair , be added in a low voice , pressing emmanuel 's hand significantly ," watch over him . "