
  1. 我和他处在完全不同的社会圈子里。

    He and I moved in totally different social spheres .

  2. 奥尔顿把自己搞得在某些圈子里极其不受欢迎。

    Alton has made himself fiercely unpopular in certain circles .

  3. 他们幸福无忧地呆在自己的社交圈子里。

    They stayed , safe and happy , within their own social milieu

  4. 他们把你卷入他们肮脏糜烂的圈子里。

    They suck you in to their seedy world .

  5. 不要老在个人利益的小圈子里打转儿。

    Don 't keep going round and round pursuing your own selfish interests .

  6. 在他们整个熟人圈子里,没有一个人抽烟。

    No one in their entire acquaintance smokes .

  7. 你要对你圈子里的事情负责。

    You are responsible for what put in your circle .

  8. 同时,你圈子里的愤怒或嫉妒也会蔓延到其他圈子。

    At the same time , the anger or jealousycoming from your circle will also spread to other circles .

  9. 如果你愿意的话,你的圈子里的美好或平静将会传递给其他人。

    If you want , the good or peace that comes from your circle will be sent to others .

  10. 手足反目是最新的热门话题,至少在我的圈子里是热门的。

    Sibling is the new barbecue stopper — at least in my circles .

  11. SOA资料卷中的许多思想在SOA的圈子里流传已久。

    Most of the ideas in the SOA Sourcebook have been circulating around the SOA world for some time .

  12. 《纽约邮报》(NewYorkPost)曾称他为纽约俱乐部圈子里的神秘人物,还说,人们对刘特佐的钱是从哪来的有各种推测。

    The New York Post once called him the mystery man of city club scene , adding , Speculation is brewing over where Low is getting his money from .

  13. 在圈子里颇受追捧的四轮机器人红色漫游车(RedRover)也到场亮相。

    Red Rover , a four-wheeled robot that has become a local celebrity in robot circles , made an appearance .

  14. 4.n.抗抑郁剂在某些圈子里,谈其他话题之前先比较一下抗抑郁药用量已成了常规。

    In some circles it 's customary to compare antidepressant dosages before moving on to other topics .

  15. 《纽约邮报》(NewYorkPost)曾称他为“纽约俱乐部圈子里的神秘人物”,还说,“人们对刘特佐的钱是从哪来的有各种推测。”

    The New York Post once called him " the mystery man of city club scene , " adding , " Speculation is brewing over where Low is getting his money from . "

  16. 任何一位老师都会担心学生上Facebook是八卦吐槽,而不是从朋友圈子里了解到有用的信息,这种担心合情合理。

    Anyone teaching a class would reasonably worry that students using Facebook were gossiping rather than learning useful information from their network of friends .

  17. 尤里米尔纳(YuriMilner)在互联网企业家圈子里非常受欢迎。

    Yuri Milner is very popular among internet entrepreneurs .

  18. 有一位微软的老人推荐了一名准外部人士:Yammer公司CEO大卫•萨克斯&贝宝(PayPal)圈子里的一员。

    An ex-microsoftie suggests a quasi-outsider , yammer CEO David sacks , a card-carrying member of the PayPal Mafia .

  19. 卢自小在纽约皇后区长大,从哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)和乔治敦大学法学院(GeorgetownLaw)毕业后直接去了华盛顿,此后的大部分时间里都在政府圈子里供职。

    After Lew , a Queens , New York native , graduated from Harvard University and Georgetown Law , he headed straight to Washington and has mostly stuck inside the Beltway ever since .

  20. 例如,腾讯qq(tencentqq)在年轻人圈子里使用普遍,一些人甚至创建了高达1000人之多的qq群。

    Tencent QQ , for example , is widely used by younger communities , with some people building groups of up to 1000 people .

  21. 迪克森在零部件买卖圈子里的成名战是在去年完成的,当时他拿到了后来iPhone5所使用的逻辑板。

    His first notable score in the parts trade came last year when he got his hands on what turned out to be the logic board of the unreleased iPhone 5 .

  22. 要确保资源的长期供应,中国将不得不在卡扎菲(gaddafi)和穆加贝(mugabe)之外的圈子里结交朋友。

    To ensure long-term access to resources , China will have to make friends across the spectrum beyond the gaddafis and Mugabes .

  23. 在有些圈子里,企业社会责任(CSR)正在受到抨击,往好了说是公关策略,往坏了说是对政府行动的扰乱或阻碍。

    Corporate social responsibility has come under fire in some circles for being a PR tactic at best and , at worst , a distraction or deterrent from government action .

  24. 不过,他在2009年上传到youtube上的、画面抖动的自制视频,直到最近才在对冲基金圈子里引起某种轰动。

    It is only recently , however , that a jerky , homemade video he uploaded to YouTube in 2009 has become something of a hit in hedge fund circles .

  25. 这提醒你你在Foursquare圈子里的一个朋友正在下个街口的一家露天咖啡馆喝咖啡。

    It tells you that one of your many Foursquare contacts is enjoying a coffee at an outdoor caf é on the next block .

  26. 社交媒体经理专攻网络虚拟互动,这样的工作对内向的人来说最合适不过了。社交媒体经理与成千上万的Twitter和Facebook粉丝互动,但不会令太多人闯入他的社交圈子里。

    But since social media managers specialize in virtual interaction , their work is perfect for introverts . Social media managers interact with thousands of Twitter followers and Facebook fans without having too many people invade their bubble 。

  27. 在许多圈子里,LLM被视作有抱负的政界人士和渴求顶尖司法职位者的必备条件。

    In many circles , LLMs are viewed as a prerequisite for aspiring political players and those aspiring to the top judicial ranks .

  28. 剑桥大学(cambridge)经济学家约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)有句名言(至少在央行行长圈子里颇为著名),说他希望有一天经济学将变得像牙科那样平凡和普通。

    The famous saying ( famous among central bankers , anyway ) of the Cambridge economist John Maynard Keynes was his hope that economics would one day become as humble and routine as dentistry .

  29. 但最终,这些公司纷纷把自身或是其资产卖给了杰米•戴蒙(JamieDimon),以及在花旗集团或摩根大通成为他内部圈子里的经理人。戴蒙在花旗集团担任总裁直至1998年。

    Each eventually sold itself or its assets to Jamie Dimon and his inner circle of managers at either Citigroup , where Mr Dimon served as president until 1998 , or JPMorgan .

  30. 对这个圈子里的少数几家顶级企业如流媒体音乐服务提供商Spotify和Pandora来说,用户使用率和收入增长率是实实在在的,比如日前Pandora的财报就声称已经实现了收支平衡。

    Adoption and revenue growth rates at a few top players like spotify and Pandora are real Pandora ( P ) reported earnings yesterday , breaking even but what are the costs to play ?