
  • 网络Traditional College;Heritage Academy
  1. 他1852年毕业于耶鲁学院,深受传统学院思想的熏陶;

    He graduated from Yale College and was deeply edified by the traditional college ideas .

  2. 在大众文学等通俗文化的发展影响下,由历史及文学分析占据主导的传统学院学科受到了冲击。

    Under the impact of the popular literature such as the literature of the masses , the academic scholarship predominated by the historical and cultural analysis suffers great challenge ;

  3. 刷新传统学院,采用系科制,创建研究生院,构建现代立式大学;

    Meanwhile , America had renovated the traditional colleges , adopted the department system , and founded the postgraduate research institutes so as to establish the modern dimensional universities .

  4. 中小学课外体育活动的组织与管理现代大学与19世纪传统学院在组织与管理上有根本的不同。

    Organization and Administration of Extracurricular Physical Activities in Primary and Middle Schools The modern university is fundamentally different from the colleges prior to the 19 century in terms of organization and administration .

  5. 就TQM未来的发展而言,笔者认为,TQM在高等教育中的发展,最终将和传统的学院文化融合,并构建一种以学术文化为基础的高校全面质量管理模式。

    Considering the development of TQM in the future , the author think that at last the ideals of TQM in higher education will merge with the traditional cultures of higher education institution and form a TQM model of higher education institution based on academic cultures .

  6. 学生所学的知识与付出的代价与传统法学院的学生无异。

    They must learn the same material and pay the same price as students in the traditional program .

  7. 我相信类似这样的课程在许多情形下都会很有效,而不仅仅适用于传统的学院的设置。

    I believe that such a course can be effective in many situations , not just the traditional college setting .

  8. 在建校之初,课程设置依循英国大学的模式,以传统的学院式的课程为主,但又与当时美州盛行的第一批移民的清教思想相一致。

    During its early years , the College offered a classic academic course based on the English University model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists .

  9. 德梅耶尔教授补充称,其中许多问题需要在传统商学院无法学到的知识,但它们可以在数学、工程和哲学中找到,这些系都可以在一所更综合性的大学里找到。

    Many of these issues call on knowledge that is not available within traditional business schools , adds Prof de Meyer , but which can be found within mathematics , engineering and philosophy all departments that can be found at a more broadly based university .

  10. 事实是,让传统的商学院教在真实世界中艰难前行的创业方法,还不如让茶党(TeaParty)接受平价医疗法案(AffordableCareAct)的可能性大。

    The truth is you have a better chance of getting the Tea Party to embrace the Affordable Care Act than getting traditional business schools to teach real-world , hard-knocks entrepreneurship .

  11. 伦敦帝国学院商学院(ImperialCollegeBusinessSchool)的安娜贝勒•加韦(AnnabelleGawer)教授表示:“15-20年前在比较传统的商学院教授的MBA课程可能讲一些战略、一些财务和一些会计学,这在一个不同的时代是合适的。”

    Prof Annabelle Gawer of London 's Imperial College Business School , says : " The MBA that used to be taught maybe 15-20 years ago in more traditional schools - a bit of strategy , a bit of finance , a bit of accounting - that was appropriate in a different time .

  12. 许多传统的商学院都在摇头。

    A lot of the traditional schools are shaking their heads .

  13. 她扮演的角色是传统的威斯利学院有着自由思想的艺术史教授。

    She played a free-thinking art history professor at traditional Wellesley college ;

  14. 传统的法学院一般为三年制,有的学校推出了两年制。

    Some schools offer a two-year program , in addition to three-year traditional courses of study .

  15. 皮耶佛别墅学院是从瑞士发展到全世界的一所有50年经验的传统女子精修学院。

    50 years of experience , Institut villa Pierrefeu is a traditional finishing school of the type the world expects from switzerland .

  16. 霍尔姆斯始建于1963年,它一开始致力于发展成为澳大利亚墨尔本一所具有优秀的商业传统的商学院。

    Established in1963 , Holmes commenced building a proud tradition of business excellence with the founding of a commercial college in Melbourne Australia .

  17. 在这种定制课程中,管理发展与管理咨询颇为接近,这种课程,较为传统的商学院可能会觉得难以把握。

    In these kind of customised programmes management development borders on to management consultancy and it is something that more traditional business schools can find hard to manage .

  18. 传统中国画学院教育一直缺乏系统与统一的教学坐标,遵循或是颠覆中国画传统教育方式,是通才教育还是专才教育,种种矛盾应运而生。

    The traditional mode of education Chinese painting are always in short of systematic and unifying teaching standards . Lots of problems arised : should we follow or overthrow the traditional teaching mode ;

  19. 他指出,和他人一同出色地工作,这正是那种不能在网上所学到的技巧,而传统的文理学院想要与时俱进地提供这种技能的培训,他们有理由为自己感到骄傲。

    Working well with others , he pointed out , was precisely the kind of skill that could not be learned online and one that brick-and-mortar liberal-arts schools could pride themselves on providing as they sought to stay relevant .

  20. 由于这些不确定性,他们往往会禁不住诱惑,试图寻找各种指引,比如传统的商学院案例研究,更有可能的是,被视为竞争对手的公司最近的举动等。

    Because of that uncertainty , there 's always a temptation to reach out for some kind of guide , whether it 's old business school case studies , or , more likely , the most recent moves of the firms that you perceive to be competitors .

  21. WeWork空间帮助孵化出了麦肯锡学院(McKinseyAcademy)——这个在线培训服务让麦肯锡与作为高管教育传统提供者的商学院展开了更直接的竞争。

    The WeWork space has helped to incubate McKinsey Academy , an online training service that brings the company into more direct competition with business schools , the traditional providers of executive education .

  22. 因此当我听说哈特福特有个项目时,哈特福特神学院,是的,是传统的基督教神学院。

    So I heard of this program that 's in Hartford , the Hartford Theological Seminary , It 's traditionally a Christian seminary .

  23. 回到教室,塔夫斯大学(tuftsuniversity)创业领导能力负责人、协调人詹姆斯巴洛(jamesbarlow)正在使用的非传统教学方法,让新人训练营不同于传统的商学院教育。

    Back in the classroom some of the unconventional techniques being used by facilitator James Barlow , the director of entrepreneurial leadership at Tufts University , set boot camps apart from traditional business education .