
  • 网络shure;Schur;Shur
  1. 勿庸置疑,舒尔将继续在全球范围内为优质话筒和音响产品树立行业标准。

    No wonder Shure continues to set the worldwide industry standard for superior microphones and audio electronics .

  2. 我有这方面加上连同我舒尔耳机,我可以告诉你们,音频质量平均水平。

    I have these coupled together with my Shure headphones and I can tell you audio quality is average .

  3. 非洲人国民大会指派他为参加格鲁特舒尔会谈的代表团成员之一。

    He was nominated by the African National Congress as one of its team at the Groote Sehuur talks

  4. 奥特舒尔公司媒体分析师kendoctor指出,美国报业公司大多以地址区分读者,而非姓名。

    Ken doctor , a media analyst at outsell , points out that American newspapers tend to sort their readers by address rather than by name .

  5. 第三,对解LPC正则方程的格形算法、德宾递推算法和舒尔递推算法的硬件实现进行了比较,提出了一种基于舒尔递推算法的LPC参数提取系统的总体方案。

    Thirdly , compare the hardware implement of Lattice arithmetic , Durbin arithmetic and Schur arithmetic , and bring forward a collectivity scheme of LPC character parameter extraction system based on Schur arithmetic .

  6. 1988年,他申请了一份安联的工作,在汉堡的地区办公室工作一段时间后,引起了前任首席执行官海宁舒尔特-诺埃尔(henningschulte-noelle)的注意。

    In 1988 he applied for a job at Allianz and , after a stint in a regional office in Hamburg , came to the attention of Henning schulte-noelle , his predecessor as chief executive .

  7. 和马德琳舒尔的案子是一样的。

    It 's the same as the Madeline shore case .

  8. 关于矩阵的舒尔积的一个注记

    A note on the Schur product of matrices

  9. 舒尔特-诺埃尔给了迪克曼一份意想不到的工作:管理快速增长的亚洲业务。

    Mr schulte-noelle offered Mr Diekmann an unexpected job : running the fast-growing operations in Asia .

  10. 舒尔物德广州厂的成立为集团完成“全球领先彩盒包装供应商”的战略目标起到了非常重要的作用。

    It plays an important role in Shorewood 's position as a premier global supplier of value-added packaging .

  11. 结论以舒尔氏刺激法为主的语言治疗对脑卒中后失语症的康复有积极疗效。

    Conclusion The results imply that speech therapy had a good effect on the rehabilitation of aphasia after stroke .

  12. 利用舒尔引理,很容易证明有限群的不可约表示满足正交关系。

    It is easy to prove that the irreducible representation of finite group satisfies orthogonal relation through the usage of Schur Lemma .

  13. 第四,对系统的自关函数和舒尔递推两个功能模块进行了设计和实现,并对其工作过程进行了详细的分析。

    Fourthly , design and implement two function module , self-correlation and Schur arithmetic , analyses and explain the work process in detail .

  14. 而另一种方法就是用气流粉碎机,舒尔勒称这种粉碎机能把化妆品磨成更细小的颗粒,做成更加光滑,更加平整的成品。

    Another method uses a jet mill , which Schueller says breaks the makeup into finer particles , creating a smoother , more even finish .

  15. 目的探讨以舒尔氏(Schuell)刺激法为主的言语训练方法对脑卒中后失语症的疗效及机理。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy and mechanism of speech exercise methods with Schuells ' stimulus method as their main part in patients with aphasia after stroke .

  16. 孟菲斯及其墓地&从吉萨到代赫舒尔的金字塔区域苏菲-玛索真的是美极了,而萨米-弗雷也一如既往地充满了魅力。

    Memphis and its Necropolis - the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur Sophie Marceau is really beautiful , and Sami Frey very attractive , as always .

  17. 2012年6月,史蒂芬妮史密斯给她的男朋友、埃里克舒尔特做了一个火鸡肉三明治。男友开玩笑的说,亲爱的,再给我做300个三明治,我就要向你求婚了!

    Stephanie Smith made her boyfriend , Eric Schulte , a turkey sandwich in June 2012 , he joked , Honey , youre 300 sandwiches away from an engagement ring !

  18. 研究了一类线性方程组系数矩阵的红黑排序方法,以及由红黑排序矩阵导出的舒尔补矩阵的条件数。

    The red and black ordering method about the coefficient matrix of a class of linear equations and the condition number of schur complement matrix deduced from red and black matrix are studied .

  19. 该通讯社还报导说,基地将进行正常运作。另外两个靠近中国边境的基地,丘舒尔(音译)和富克彻(音译)也会将被重新启用。

    The news agency said that regular operations would be initiated at the base , while two other air fields , Chushul and Fukche , also along the Chinese frontier , will be revived .

  20. 我们通过平均信道容量函数的舒尔-凹性质对其进行分析,推导了最优输入协方差矩阵特征值分布的必要条件来刻画最优化的发射功率分配。

    We analyze the ergodic capacity function by exploiting its property of schur-concavity , and develop a necessary condition for eigenvalues of the optimal input covariance matrix to characterize the properties of the transmit power distribution for achieving capacity .

  21. 对我来说,那是最重要的一步&3年后,当同一个人(舒尔特-诺埃尔)问我是否愿意接管公司时,我才全面了解了会发生什么。

    " That was the most important step for me - I got a full understanding of what would happen when the same guy [ Mr Schulte-Noelle ] asked me , three years later , if I would like to run the company ," he says .