
  1. 论舒婷诗歌语言的审美特征

    On the Aesthetical Characteristics of Language in Shu Ting 's Poetry

  2. 论舒婷诗歌的先进思想文化蕴涵

    On the Advanced Culture Contained in the Poems by Shu Ting

  3. 试析舒婷诗歌的女性意识

    An analysis of feminist consciousness in Shu Ting 's poetry

  4. 简论舒婷诗歌的女性意识

    A Brief Review of The Feminine Consciousness In SHU Ting ' Poems

  5. 舒婷爱情诗的继承与背叛

    The Inherit and Betray of Shuting 's Love Poetry

  6. 考察她诗歌中的意象变迁,有利于将舒婷的朦胧诗置于文学发展史中进行反思。

    The studies on her poem help review the misty poetry in literature development .

  7. 舒婷诗歌的文化分析

    Cultural Analysis of Shu Ting 's Poetry

  8. 舒婷的爱情诗是中国爱情诗史上不可或缺的力作。

    Shuting 's love poetry is significant works in the history of Chinese love poetry .

  9. 舒婷是众多的“今天”派诗人中最幸运的一个,她拥有数量最多的读者。

    Shuting , one of the luckiest poet among many modern poets , has a number of readers .

  10. 女性自我的觉醒与张扬&论李清照、舒婷创作中的女性意识

    Awakening and publicity of Feminine Self & Review on the Female consciousness in Li Qing zhao and ShuTing 's works

  11. 很多年轻女孩喜欢浪漫的朦胧诗,这是一种现代诗歌,以北岛、舒婷等为代表。

    Many young girls enjoy romantic misty poetry , a form of modern poetry represented by Bei Dao and Shu Ting .

  12. 海、水、大地,这几种典型意象的变换,从一个侧面展示了舒婷诗歌的发展变化历程。

    The varying of these kinds of typical images , has shown Shu Ting 's poem development and change course from a side .

  13. 由于本质上是“无神论者”,舒婷在“宽恕”等基督教的重要命题上又显示出自身的独立思考和异质性存在。

    As an antitheist in essence , Shu Ting makes independent thinking and demonstrate different being in some Christian issues such as condonation etc.

  14. 1983年后,讨论基本结束,对舒婷诗歌的研究渐渐剥离出朦胧诗,在解读的基础上进入新的阶段。

    After 1983 , the discussion ended mainly and the research changed from her hazy poems into a new stage on the basis of comprehension .

  15. 女性主义诗歌在20世纪80年代中期以躯体诗学对舒婷一代的替代,完成了性别意识的艰难蝉蜕与确证。

    In the middle of 1980s ' , the feminist poetry completed the difficult transformation and corroboration of gender consciousness with the " body poetics " .

  16. 舒婷的每一步变化,都深深地烙着这个新时代的特殊印记,也反映了一代大的叛逆、迷茫、困惑和游离。

    Each change of her has deeply branded with a special mark of the new era , and reflects rebellion , confusion , confusing and indetermination .

  17. 在朦胧诗派的代表诗人舒婷的诗歌审美意象群中有两个中心意象,这便是海和泪。

    Two central images are there among a great number of aesthetic images in poems bY Shu Ting , a representative poet of the school of obscure poetry .

  18. 无论就思想还是就艺术而言,舒婷诗歌创作都给当代中国诗坛带来许多重要启示。

    As far as both arts and ideas are concerned , Shu Ting 's creation of poems brings a good deal of enlightenment to the contemporary poetic world of China .

  19. 舒婷的诗歌创作视角独特新颖,从女性内心细腻情感律动的角度表达对人的关怀,从而观照现实世界,呈现出一种与众不同的审美价值和思辨力量。

    From the female subtle inner affection , she expresses comforting human beings , and then covering the realistic world , and showing the unique taste value and thought power .

  20. 含泪面海的抒情歌手&从意象角度看舒婷诗歌的价值和意义

    A Lyric Singer Facing the " Sea " with " Tears " in the Eyes & The value and significance of poems by Shu Ting viewed from the perspective of images

  21. 走过了理想主义者困顿、放逐、挣扎到固守的心路历程,舒婷最终作出了选择,并对自己重新定位,以完全不同的姿态开始另一种书写。

    After the change of her mind as an idealist , from dilemma , exile , struggle to adhesion , Shu Ting at last makes a choice , redefines herself and begins to write with a different attitude .

  22. 在诗人们纷纷于传统与现代的围困中进行语言实验与改革之时,研究舒婷诗歌语言的审美风范和个性姿态,对当下诗歌创作具有很好的启示作用。

    When more and more poets are making language experiments and reforms in the traditional and modern puzzlements , making the research on the aesthetical characteristics of language in Shu Ting 's poetry provides some good revelations on the present poetic creation .

  23. 他于二十世纪纪七十年代末开始诗歌创作,稍晚于北岛、舒婷等朦胧诗人,其早年创作也确实受到朦胧诗风的影响。

    In the late 1970s of the 20th century , He started writing poems , a little later than Bei-dao and Shu-ting , who are poets of the school of " obscure poetry " . His early poems also are written influenced by " obscure poetry " .

  24. 舒婷以款款的吟唱,抒写了个人的情感世界,表现出理想与现实、主观情怀与客观环境的反差与矛盾,以及由此而来的渴望与忧郁情怀。

    Shu Ting through leisurely reciting , has expressed in writing individual emotion world , displays the ideal and is realistic , the subjective mood and the objective environment contrast and the contradiction , as well as from this the hope and the melancholy mood which but comes .

  25. 舒婷以女性的细腻和敏感,抒写女性独特的生命体验,以自我心灵的抒发和对传统的颠覆,呼唤着女性独立意识的真正崛起,这在新时期诗歌史上具有重大意义。

    With the female delicateness and sensitivity , Shu Ting depicts the women 's unique life experience , self-expression and spiritual tradition of subversion , calling for the rise of independent women 's awareness , which is of great significance to the history of poetry in the new period .