
  • 网络selective focus;Click-and-Mortar
  1. 虚实结合的三维动画技术

    3D Animation Technology with the Combination of Virtual and Reality

  2. 模拟电子技术虚实结合实验环境的构建

    The Experiment Base Construction of Computer Simulation of Electronic Technology

  3. 虚实结合开设机构运动方案创新设计实验

    Design the mechanism movement innovation experiments by the method of linking virtual with reality

  4. 吸收传统艺术表现手法,做到动静、虚实结合。

    Absorption of traditional artistic expressive techniques , combing nobility and serenity , fiction and reality .

  5. 高校师生虚实结合交往模式的建构与应用研究

    Research on Building and Applying Communication Model of the Integration of Virtuality and Reality of University Teachers and Students

  6. 无线电导航仪课程虚实结合的实验教学

    On the Experimental Teaching of the Combination of " Virtualness and Reality " in the Course " Radio Navigator "

  7. 第二章对灾难片的创作技巧给予分析,主要从电影的画面、声效、节奏和虚实结合等方面着手。

    Chapter ⅱ provides the description of creative skills analysis , such as the movie screen , sound , rhythm and other aspects .

  8. 诚然,你可以有很多选择,但要对付高手,你必须能够做到虚实结合。

    Sure , there are always certain images you can choose to use , but you should always mix up your play against good players .

  9. 该书采用了虚实结合的历史题材小说技巧,在叙事、人物形象塑造等方面也表现出不同于以往历史散文的新的特色。

    In this book , the author used superb technique of combining the false and truth and the new traits of narrating and molding images .

  10. 展馆采用广东特色的骑楼造型,借鉴广东潮汕剪纸工艺,虚实结合、土洋结合,呈现出浓郁的广东味道。

    The pavilion in the shape of Qilou ( special local structure ) is inspired by the local paper-cutting techniques to demonstrate the strong Guangdong taste .

  11. 《桃花扇》在追求历史真实的同时,注意艺术虚构,虚实结合,戏剧与历史达到了完美统一。

    By paying more attention to both historical truth and arts fiction , Kong Shangren integrated historical truth with arts fiction perfectly in " Peach Blossom Fan " .

  12. 其次,采用虚实结合的艺术手法,元代道教小说把传统的史传笔法和想象虚构结合起来,既力求真实,又不免情节虚构、夸张,使小说文学艺术水平有很大的提高。

    Secondly , in terms of artistic techniques , the Yuan Dynasty Taoist novel combine the traditional Biographical to the imagination , so that the level has greatly improved .

  13. 第三部分对快乐购的营销战略进行了分析,从规模效应、虚实结合、跨界经营以及感情营销等四个方面进行详细阐释。

    The third part analyzes marketing strategy of the Happy Go , from the four aspects , the scale , combination of virtual and physical , cross-border management , and emotional marketing .

  14. 随着计算机科技的飞速发展和计算机处理图像技术的突飞猛进,具有虚实结合和实时交互的增强现实技术在文物保护、文化娱乐、电影制作和工业设计等领域提出了越来越多新的要求。

    With the rapid development of computer vision and computer image processing technology , it raises more requirements in the heritage and culture reconstruction , entertainment , film industry and industrial design .

  15. 他的抒写性灵的诗歌主张、诗中表现的“出水芙蓉”一般自然清新的审美情趣、虚实结合的写作风格对后世都产生了深远的影响。

    All his opinion of expressing natural instincts , his sentiment of " lotus flower out from water " in his poem and his style of combining false and true has impacted deeply on Chinese poets after him .

  16. 该文利用局域网技术及C++语言设计了机载数据总线的通信仿真系统,实现了一个虚实结合的飞机内部研究、测试的通用平台。

    With the help of regional-net technology and using the abstract factory pattern by c + + , an airborne simulated communication system on digital bus is designed to realize a general-purpose platform for aircraft internal studying and testing .

  17. 论文依托虚实结合实验平台,研究了仿真计算集群的设计和部署问题,旨在建立虚拟实验环境的高性能后台服务架构。

    Based on the environment of Virtual and Reality United Lab ( VRUL ), this thesis made research on the design and deployment of simulation computing cluster , which is designed to establish a high performance service architecture of the virtual experiment environment .

  18. 上海市车辆实际运行工况的调查与分析虚实相结合的汽车模拟驾驶器的研发

    On the Development of Virtual - Actual Automobile Driving Simulator

  19. 虚实相结合的汽车模拟驾驶器的研发

    On the Development of Virtual-Actual Automobile Driving Simulator

  20. 本论文采用半银镜作为虚实像结合的成像元件,并用两种方法生成具有真实感知的虚像。

    In this paper , a half-silver mirror is used as the imaging component for combination of virtual and real images , and two methods to generate a real perceptual illusion are adopted .

  21. 从虚与实的表现角度来分析宗白华的理性把握与感性体验,他的虚实思想可以理解为两方面:虚实结合、因虚得实。

    His view of emptiness and reality can be understood as two aspects : combination of emptiness and reality , reality coming from emptiness .