
  • 网络Myth;fiction;a fictitious story;fable;invention
  1. 不要担心,与电影里虚构的故事不同,羊水在公共场合大量涌出的机率是很小的。

    Don 't worry , contrary to movie-fueled myth , it 's very rare for your water to gush out in public .

  2. 在虚构的故事中,美满婚姻比现实生活中更为常见。

    Happy marriage may be more common in fiction than in real life .

  3. “伪纪录片”是指虚构的故事以纪录片的形式呈现的影视类型,英文也写作mockdocumentary。

    Mockumentary ( also known as mock documentary ) is a genre2 of film and television in which fictitious3 events are presented in documentary format4 .

  4. 肥皂剧(soapopera,有时简称soap)指在广播或电视中连续长期播放、情节虚构的故事剧集。

    A soap opera , sometimes called " soap " for short , is an ongoing , episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on television or radio .

  5. 各种虚构的故事围绕着名人的生活。

    All kinds of myths surround the lives of well-known people .

  6. 也许你们会觉得这只是一个虚构的故事!

    Maybe you will consider this as a fiction story !

  7. 这一个球员在此不过是一个虚构的故事吗?

    Is it not monstrous that this player is here ?

  8. 我无法在一个虚构的故事中寄托的我的爱国情感。

    But how can I repose my feelings on a virtual story ?

  9. 她说不喜欢虚构的故事。

    She said she didn 't like made-up stories .

  10. 人生的实际可能比虚构的故事更离奇。

    Truth may well be stranger than fiction .

  11. 在虚构的故事中,起引导作用的动物是关键角色。

    Guiding animals are crucial in mythic stories .

  12. 从日常使用的层面上讲,神话是一个虚构的故事或信仰。

    On the level of everyday usage a myth is a false story or belief .

  13. 虚构的故事拼凑出的是一种我们所有人共有的梦想。

    Mythic stories make up a kind of collective dream that we all have together .

  14. 虚构的故事、报告等。

    A mendacious story , report , etc.

  15. 然而真实故事却比虚构的故事更加神奇。

    But truth is stranger than fiction .

  16. 这是虚构的故事。

    It is an imaginary story .

  17. 所有这些真实和虚构的故事在我心中激起了一种同情与不耐烦杂糅的复杂感情。

    All these real and fictional stories inspire in me an odd mixture of compassion and impatience .

  18. 有一个可能是虚构的故事,讲的是一位俄罗斯游客对美国超市中满满的货架感到吃惊。

    A perhaps apocryphal story tells of a Russian visitor , impressed by the laden shelves in US supermarkets .

  19. 或者也可以带她去看电影,并且仅仅一起坐着享受那几个小时的虚构的故事。

    Or , you can take her to a movie and just sort of sit and stare at fictional stories for a few hours .

  20. 准确表述同样也很重要,在这个呼唤真实的年代,没人喜欢听虚构的故事。

    It also helps to be accurate ; at a time when authenticity is scarce , no one wants to hear a tall tale .

  21. 新闻和虚构的故事以后都将以更多的数量和更快的速度抛向我们,无论它是好还是坏。

    In the future , news and myths will be thrown at us in greater volume and faster , for both better and worse .

  22. 而是一个重新虚构的故事,故事中有更多的猿类,更细致逼真的人猿面孔,还有一位性感的母猿英雄&这些造型均由好莱坞人猿化妆大师拉·里克·贝克一手包办。

    Rather , it is a reimagining , complete with more ape races , better ape faces , and a sexy ape heroine a la Rick Baker , veteran Hollywood ape maker .

  23. 骇客帝国是一个虚构的故事,展现了人类以一种假死的状态生活在自己的物质世界中,就像永久的胎儿一般。而他们的头脑想像着生活在继续着。

    The Matrix is fiction that envisions humans living their physical lives out in a state of suspended animation , like perpetual fetuses , while in their minds their lives progress in their imagination .

  24. 虚构的讲故事方式可以说是人类的交流的根本性需要。

    Story telling meets the fundamental need of human interchange .

  25. 当然,这是该微博博主随意虚构出来的故事。

    Certainly , it is a casual and fictitious story made up by the microblogger .

  26. 那个虚构的大象故事令人难忘。

    The myth that elephants never forget .

  27. 萨拉的自由主要来自于她在社会中的隐身,隐身不仅得益于她自己虚构的爱情故事以及她在罗塞蒂艺术世界的逃遁,还得益于叙述者、查尔斯、格罗根医生等男性的帮助。

    Her invisibility results from her invented love story with the French lieutenant and her shelter in Rossetti s notorious art studio with the aid of the male narrator , Charles and Doctor Grogan .

  28. 他讲了一个关于虚构的地方的故事。

    He told a story about an imaginary land .

  29. 仅仅是个从不能提供建设规划和方向的旧土堆中虚构出来的丑恶故事。

    It is only a horror story borrowed from the dusty past that offers no constructive plan or direction .

  30. 其中包括据说是有着真实背景的“神话”、“传说”以及被认为属于虚构的“民间故事”。

    These narratives include stories that are regarded as true , called " myths " and " legends ," and stories that are regarded as fictional , properly called by the term " folktales " .