
  • 网络Information Cult
  1. 信息崇拜是由科学崇拜、技术崇拜、金钱崇拜和黑客崇拜转化而来的崇拜形式。

    Information cult is transformed from the cult of science , technology , money and hackers .

  2. 打破盲目的信息崇拜,适应信息时代的生存,就要正确认识信息与知识的关系,恰当定位信息的功能,培养人的信息素养,高扬人的主体地位。

    In order to break free from the blind information cult and adapt to the life in information age , we should understand the relationship between information and knowledge correctly , locate the information function properly , raise man 's information literacy and heighten his subject position .

  3. Linux与反对知识垄断和信息崇拜;

    Linux and the opposition to knowledge monopoly and the cult of information ;

  4. 中国古代的信息崇拜&惜字林、拾字僧与敦煌石窟

    Information Worship in Ancient China

  5. 这一群体的形成与其“亚文化”特征自由精神、反权威意识、英雄主义、信息崇拜密切相关。

    The formation of this group is closely related to their sub-culture features , namely freedom of spirit , anti-authority consciousness , heroism , information adoration .

  6. 阐述了网络空间的负面问题:沉溺网络不能自拔,网络安全问题,网络犯罪,信息污染与信息崇拜,信息垄断等。

    This paper expounds the problems of network , such as indulging themselves in network , endangering the information security , crimes in network , pollution of information and adoration to information , and information monopoly .

  7. 信息时代信仰的十字架&信息崇拜的科技哲学分析

    The Cross of Belief in Information Age ── The Philosophical Analysis of Information Cult