
  1. 试析1921年“信交风潮”的影响

    On Influence of Trust Company and Exchange Crisis in 1921

  2. 而且,从这期间存在的证券市场来看,不是沦于“信交风潮”那样的投机,就是成为政府解决财政困难的“财政市场”。

    And they were either suffered from the financial unrest or reduced to the financial market in need of solving the government financial crisis .

  3. 到1921年冬,泡沫破灭,酿成近代中国经济史上一次严重的金融危机&信交风潮。

    So by the winter of 1921 , with the bubble economy crashed down , China saw a serious financial crisis in its history - " Trust Company & Exchange Crisis " .

  4. 1921年“信交风潮”是近代中国经济史上一次严重的金融危机,对近代中国社会产生了深远影响,其影响是双重的,既有破坏性的一面,也有建设性的一面。

    Trust company and exchange crisis in 1921 was a serious financial crisis in modern Chinese economic history . It has a great deep and dual influence on modern Chinese society : destructive and constructive .