
ɡǔ piào tóu jī
  • Stock speculation;speculation on stock market;stock scalping
  1. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)披露了相关规定,将严厉打击场外交易衍生品和股票投机行为,以期驯服被其称为“蛮荒西部”的金融市场。

    Tough rules to clamp down on the use of privately-traded derivatives and speculation in shares have been unveiled by the European Commission in a bid to tame what it has called the " wild west " of financial markets .

  2. 她将所有的钱赔进了股票投机生意。

    She lose all her money in stock exchange speculation .

  3. 他将大笔的钱拿去做股票投机。

    He ventured large sums of money on speculative stocks .

  4. 只有有钱人才冒得起股票投机的风险。

    Only a rich man can afford to gamble in stocks and bonds .

  5. 他做矿业股票投机获得成功。

    He speculated successfully in mining shares .

  6. 琳达对搞股票投机的丈夫说:你是在冒险

    Linda said to her husband who engaged in stock gambling , " You are playing with edged tools . "

  7. 给出股票投机价值的定义,用经济弹性的方法研究留利固定公司与利率和业绩题材相关的投机价值问题;

    Having given the definition of the speculative value of stocks , the essay makes a study of the speculative value of stocks of the fixed-profit-reserve companies related to their interest rate and performance .

  8. 两者共生现象是重商轻农,美国重在股票投机,苏联多有投机倒把,酿成城里的失业大军与农村人口过剩,结果引发出严重的经济危机、社会混乱与政治险象环生。

    The main characteristic of America is stock speculation and Soviet Union is characteristic of playing the market , all of which bring about a lot of people out of works and " overpopulation in country " resulting in serious economic crisis , social disorder and political dangerous conditions .

  9. 而ST板块的强势也同时说明我国股票市场投机行为依然明显。

    The strength of ST plate is also an indication of market speculation in China is still evident . 4 .

  10. 她透过在股票交易投机上积累了一笔财富。

    She amassed a fortune by speculating on the stock exchange .

  11. 他一直在做股票的投机生意,赔了许多钱。

    He 'd been speculating in shares and lost a lot of money .

  12. 留利固定公司股票的投机价值分析

    An Analysis of the Speculative Value of the Fixed - profit - reserve Companies

  13. 你愿与我平均分担作铁路股票的投机吗?

    Will you go shares with me in the speculation in this railroad stock ?

  14. 买入许多股票进行投机。

    Buy many shares as a speculation .

  15. 他买入石油公司股票进行投机。

    He bought oil-company shares on spec.

  16. 做石油股票的投机买卖

    Speculate in oil shares

  17. 最后,结合我国投资市场的状况,分析我国个人投资者的非理性行为及如何改变我国股票市场投机氛围过于浓厚的问题。

    Finally we analysis the irrational behavior of China investors , and how can deduct the speculative circumstance in financial market of China .

  18. 20世纪初,股票市场投机还被限于专业人士,到了20世纪20年代,就有数以百万计的“普通美国人”在纽约股票交易所进行投资。

    At the turn of the 20th century stock market speculation was restricted to professionals , but the 1920s saw millions of " ordinary Americans " investing in the New York Stock Exchange .

  19. 此外,我们的研究还发现,在某种错误制度禁止卖空机制的诱导下,投资者行为会退化:投资者从信息交易者蜕变为噪音交易者。这可以对中国股票市场投机盛行的现象给出一个解释。

    Besides , a wrong institution , such as ban of short sell can induce investors to degenerate : from an information trader to a noise trader , which can explain the formation of strong speculation in China stock market .

  20. 历史上最伟大思想家之一的艾萨克牛顿(isaacnewton)在南海股票上大肆投机,结果输惨了。

    Isaac Newton , one of the greatest minds in history , speculated wildly in South Sea stock and ended up losing his shirt .

  21. 深圳已经启动了新的风险控制措施,试图阻止对IPO股票的过度投机并防止其股价过快攀升,包括昨天动用的上市首日盘中临时停牌制度。

    Shenzhen has initiated new risk control measures to try to prevent excessive speculation and rocketing prices for IPOs , including the upper limit stops that were used yesterday .

  22. 但很多人买股票是为了投机。

    But a lot of people who buy stocks are speculators .

  23. 政府成员曾在马可尼公司股票上进行投机。

    Members of the government had speculated in Marconi shares .

  24. 股票市场过度投机的综合评价研究

    General Evaluation of the Over-arbitrage in Stock Market

  25. 选择长期持股不要把很多股票用于短期投机。

    You can profit by buying and holding for a long time . Don 't put much stock in short-term speculations .

  26. 新兴产业领域的股票吸引的投机兴趣最大,而宏观经济放缓影响的是较为传统的行业。

    Shares in new-economy sectors have attracted the greatest speculative interest , whereas the broader economic slowdown is afflicting its older industries .

  27. 并在此基础上借鉴最近的行为金融理论,揭示了我国机构投资者尤其是证券投资基金,具有明显的有限理性特征,在其投资行为中具体表现为股票价格操纵投机和羊群行为。

    Moreover , we reveal that the institutional investors in China are commonly bounded rational which is a widely accepted concept in behavioral finance , especially the stock investment fund .

  28. 潘伟迪还告诉读者们,他支持所谓的沃尔克法则(Volckerrule),这项法则将限制银行以自有资金对股票和债券进行投机。

    Pandit also told the audience he supported the so-called Volcker rule , which would restrict banks from speculating on stocks and bonds with their own capital .

  29. 投资股票是一种投机行为。

    Investing money in the stock is a gamble .

  30. 有助于抑制股票市场的过度投机,培育成熟、理性的投资者。

    Is helpful in suppresses the Stock market excessively congenially , cultivation mature , rational investor .