
  • 网络Equity Financing
  1. 剩下的唯一选择是股本融资。

    The only other option is to raise equity .

  2. 最近几个月,之前资金短缺的公司能够大规模举债和进行股本融资。

    Previously capital-strapped firms have been able to raise considerable debt and equity in recent months .

  3. 随着企业的发展,投资的市场化运作和项目融资多样化趋势已然呈现,除购并融资、项目融资外,企业还加大了股本融资、保理业务、资产证券化、票据融资等融资方式。

    With the development of the firms , the investment will be operated in the marketed ways and the project financing will have more channels .

  4. 或许峰会还是能在红利问题上有所突破,但在更深层次的问题上就不行了:欧洲和日本公司强制推行股本融资的局面既不可能出现。

    It may yet produce some fireworks on bonuses , but not on any of the deeper issues : a forced wave of equity-raising by European and Japanese firms is highly unlikely .

  5. 预计未来数周将有许多规模较小的银行宣布股本融资计划。有鉴于此,当前季度来自美国银行业的承销费有望创历史新高。

    With a number of smaller banks expected to announce equity raisings in the coming weeks , the current quarter could become the biggest on record for underwriting fees from US banks .

  6. 新兴市场是全球私人股本融资的少数亮点之一,正如一项最新研究估计,今年上半年私人股本基金筹资额增长了三分之二。

    Emerging markets are one of the few bright spots left for global private equity fundraising , as shown by a two-thirds increase in money collected by such funds during the first half of the year , a new study estimates .

  7. 从我国铁路建设资金的基本构成出发,通过对铁路现行筹资方式的比较分析后认为,股本融资应成为我国铁路建设的主要筹资方式。

    This article explains the structure of construction funds for China 's railways and analyzes several channels of raising funds for railway construction , then a conclusion is drawn that stock financing should become the main channel of raising funds for China 's railway construction .

  8. 如果没有它,风险投资和私人股本的融资来源将会减少。

    Without it , there would be less finance for venture capital and private equity .

  9. 与很多跨国公司一样,吉百利降低税赋的方式是令其在高税收国家的业务承担负债,同时在低税收国家利用股本为增长融资。

    Like many multinationals , Cadbury reduced its tax bill by loading its operations in high-tax countries with debt , while using equity to fund growth through low-tax jurisdictions .

  10. 预计德意志银行将在下周发布公司业绩的同时宣布此笔交易,它将标志着本月以来大型银行进行的第三笔大规模杠杆贷款出售。杠杆贷款用于为私人股本收购提供融资。

    The deal , expected to be announced with the bank 's earnings release next week , would mark the third big sale of leveraged loans – which are used to finance private equity buy-outs – by a big bank this month .

  11. 另外,股本等其他股权融资效率高于留存收益融资效率。

    In addition , the financing efficiency of capital stake and other equity stakes was higher than that of retained earnings .

  12. 迫使银行更多地通过股本而不是债务融资,会让股东更安全,除非因为有政府担保他们总是安全的这正是我们希望消除的局面。

    Forcing banks to fund themselves more through equity than debt makes shareholders safer , unless they were always safe because of a government guarantee exactly the situation we wish to abolish .

  13. 克博怀特说:我们的客户通常是连续创业的企业家,他们不停地寻找投资机会,我们可以将之与投资银行联系起来,为他们寻找一家私人股本公司或需要融资的企业。

    Our clients are often serial entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities and we can link that with investment banking and find them a private equity investment or a company which needs financing .

  14. 然而,即使是最乐观的高级合伙人也承认,在这个几乎没有大规模并购、私人股本交易和跨境融资活动的市场中,他们的业务不可能继续维系两位数的增长。

    Even the most optimistic of senior partners , however , admit their businesses are unlikely to be able to sustain double-digit growth in a market all but devoid of big-ticket mergers and acquisitions , privateequity deals and cross-border financing work .