
wèi lái xué
  • futurology;future studies
未来学[wèi lái xué]
  1. 在未来学的发展过程中,乐观与悲观两派的论争,导致了可持续发展战略的产生。

    During the process of the development of futurology , the debate between optimism and pessimism results in the emergence of sustained development strategy .

  2. 未来学诞生于20世纪上半叶,但它于20世纪70-80年代的欧美风行过后,至今在理论上显得异常沉寂。

    Futurology arose in the first half of 20th century . So far , theoretical researches about futurology have been unusually still after it had prevailed in the Occident of the 1970s-1980s .

  3. 斯蒂芬森在接受BBC采访中表示,他的观点来自亚利桑那州立大学校长迈克尔克罗。这位校长曾在一场未来学的会议上说,科学家和工程师应该为科幻小说提供更多科学依据。

    In an interview with the BBC , Stephenson said he got this idea from president of Arizona State University ( ASU ) Michael Crow , who said at a conference on futurology that science fiction needed to supply ideas that scientists and engineers could actually implement .

  4. 它们分别来源于发展经济学、未来学和生态伦理学。

    They deride from development economics , futures and ecological ethics .

  5. 第一部分首先介绍了预算管理与未来学的关系。

    First chapter introduces the relationship between budgeting management and futurology .

  6. 中国城市综合减灾的未来学研究

    Futurological Study on the Comprehensive Calamity Reduction for the Cities of China

  7. 动画呈现终极盘古大陆显示,未来学想法的大胆运作。

    An animated depiction of Pangea Ultima demonstrates a bold exercise in futuristic thinking .

  8. 移动教育教育未来学

    The Mobile Computing and the Future Education

  9. 报告作者正确地避开了未来学贩卖者散播的决定论。

    The authors rightly eschew the determinism peddled by the snake oil salesmen of futurology .

  10. 未来学中乐观主义和悲观主义的论战与可持续发展战略的产生

    The Debate between Optimism and Pessimism in the Futurology and the Emergence of Sustained Development Strategy

  11. 关于计算机未来学学科理论的思索

    Some Thinking about Computer Futurology

  12. 大多数实践者反对“新科学”的这一想法,甚至对未来学这个词吹毛求疵。

    Most practitioners reject the idea of a new science and cavil even at the word futurology .

  13. 正确认识新技术革命对社会的影响&兼评托夫勒的未来学思想

    On the Influence of the New Technical Revolution upon Human Society and Alvin Toffler 's Academic Viewpoint of Futurology

  14. 从未来学的观念看,发展符合时代潮流的网络信息传播模式,是高校学报出版的趋势。

    It keeps up with the current of time for journal publication to explore the mode of network information transmission .

  15. 未来学辩证法是反映与创造从现在到未来发展趋向的必然联系和发展的科学。

    Futurological dialectics concerns the study which depicts or forecasts the inherent connections between the present developmental trends and those in future .

  16. 第二部分把预算管理作为未来学的一个研究对象,分析了预算管理的过去、现在和未来。

    Second chapter analyzes the past , present and future of budgeting management by considering budgeting management as a research subject of futurology .

  17. 计算机未来学是关于计算机科学、术及其产品的未来发展趋势的学科。

    Computer futurology is a science dealing with the tendency of development of the computer science , technology and products in the future .

  18. 本文从未来学角度出发研究企业预算管理,意在扩大我们的视角,亦为预算管理的研究寻求一个科学的理论基础。

    This paper aims to study corporate budgeting management in the aspect of futurology in order to broaden our vision and find a scientific research foundation .

  19. 请在你申请的时候确认你能提供具有说服力的证据去证明你也会是一个忠诚、活跃并帮助未来学(师)弟妹的好校友。

    In your own application , make sure that you can provide convincing proof that you , too , will be active alum , preferably by demonstrating loyalty to your undergraduate school .

  20. 以历史的眼光,用未来学的思想方法研究预算管理发展的进程,从而预测预算管理的未来,对指引现在预算管理的发展有重要意义。

    Historically , it is significant to instruct the development of budgeting management by employing the thinking and methods of futurology to study the evolvement of budgeting management and forecast the future of it .

  21. 在日益成熟的未来学理论中一个最基本的理论争议就是未来到底是怎么样的一个社会,这个社会系统的基础或轴心是什么。

    In these futurism theories , which are getting better day by day , one of the most basic futurism disagreements is what the future society should be and what will be the base or axis of the whole social system .

  22. 对于体育决策学、社会学、未来学、管理学、训练学和体育教学的内容,以及群众体育活动的开展,是一个十分重要和有意义的研究课题。

    It is of great directive significance of decision-making studies , sociology , futurology , management , training studies and teaching of physical training as well as the development of mass sports activities . Hence , it serves as important question for study .

  23. 五运六气是独具中国特色的全球变化科学,是保护中医学、灾难中医学,是人类文明中最完美的未来学教程。

    Five elements ' motion and six kinds of natural factor is a global variation science that owning China characteristic by itself , is a protection TCM , is a disaster TCM , and is a most perfect futurology course of studies in mankind civilizations .

  24. 大脑中动脉MRA血流信号异常与定量CT判断缺血改变的一致性:未来治疗学的研究目标

    The probability of middle cerebral artery MRA flow signal abnormality with quantified CT ischaemic change : Targets for future therapeutic studies

  25. 光致发光材料,包括LED用荧光材料,长余辉材料,多光子材料等三大类,在不同的领域有着广泛的应用,它们的研究是21世纪的未来材料学研究中的热点和重点。

    Photoluminescence materials , used widely in many fields , consist of fluorescent materials for lamp , long-afterglow materials , multiphoton materials . For that , research on photoluminescence materials becomes more hot and important in the 21st century of the future .

  26. 她对自己未来要学的课程看来很有把握。

    She seems quite clear about her future curricula .

  27. 在未来植保学的发展中,相生植保有可能成为一种方向和体系。

    The conception of MPP could be a trend in the future plant protection .

  28. 未来图书馆学发展的理性走向

    Rational Trends of Future Development of Library Science

  29. 对未来图书馆学的思考

    Thought of the Future Library Science

  30. 未来翻译学的发展趋势是文化回归,理论互补以及多学科发展。

    The future trend of translation is culture return , complement of theories and interdisciplinary development .