- futurology;future studies

During the process of the development of futurology , the debate between optimism and pessimism results in the emergence of sustained development strategy .
Futurology arose in the first half of 20th century . So far , theoretical researches about futurology have been unusually still after it had prevailed in the Occident of the 1970s-1980s .
In an interview with the BBC , Stephenson said he got this idea from president of Arizona State University ( ASU ) Michael Crow , who said at a conference on futurology that science fiction needed to supply ideas that scientists and engineers could actually implement .
They deride from development economics , futures and ecological ethics .
First chapter introduces the relationship between budgeting management and futurology .
Futurological Study on the Comprehensive Calamity Reduction for the Cities of China
An animated depiction of Pangea Ultima demonstrates a bold exercise in futuristic thinking .
The Mobile Computing and the Future Education
The authors rightly eschew the determinism peddled by the snake oil salesmen of futurology .
The Debate between Optimism and Pessimism in the Futurology and the Emergence of Sustained Development Strategy
Some Thinking about Computer Futurology
Most practitioners reject the idea of a new science and cavil even at the word futurology .
On the Influence of the New Technical Revolution upon Human Society and Alvin Toffler 's Academic Viewpoint of Futurology
It keeps up with the current of time for journal publication to explore the mode of network information transmission .
Futurological dialectics concerns the study which depicts or forecasts the inherent connections between the present developmental trends and those in future .
Second chapter analyzes the past , present and future of budgeting management by considering budgeting management as a research subject of futurology .
Computer futurology is a science dealing with the tendency of development of the computer science , technology and products in the future .
This paper aims to study corporate budgeting management in the aspect of futurology in order to broaden our vision and find a scientific research foundation .
In your own application , make sure that you can provide convincing proof that you , too , will be active alum , preferably by demonstrating loyalty to your undergraduate school .
Historically , it is significant to instruct the development of budgeting management by employing the thinking and methods of futurology to study the evolvement of budgeting management and forecast the future of it .
In these futurism theories , which are getting better day by day , one of the most basic futurism disagreements is what the future society should be and what will be the base or axis of the whole social system .
It is of great directive significance of decision-making studies , sociology , futurology , management , training studies and teaching of physical training as well as the development of mass sports activities . Hence , it serves as important question for study .
Five elements ' motion and six kinds of natural factor is a global variation science that owning China characteristic by itself , is a protection TCM , is a disaster TCM , and is a most perfect futurology course of studies in mankind civilizations .
The probability of middle cerebral artery MRA flow signal abnormality with quantified CT ischaemic change : Targets for future therapeutic studies
Photoluminescence materials , used widely in many fields , consist of fluorescent materials for lamp , long-afterglow materials , multiphoton materials . For that , research on photoluminescence materials becomes more hot and important in the 21st century of the future .
She seems quite clear about her future curricula .
The conception of MPP could be a trend in the future plant protection .
Rational Trends of Future Development of Library Science
Thought of the Future Library Science
The future trend of translation is culture return , complement of theories and interdisciplinary development .