
wèi zhī
  • unknown
未知[wèi zhī]
  1. 人们的无知会带来恐惧,对未知事物的恐惧。

    Ignorance of people brings fear , fear of the unknown .

  2. 你怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的地域,继续这一探险?

    How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition , through unknown terrain

  3. 他把生命看作是一次探索未知世界的航行。

    He saw life as a voyage of discovery .

  4. 他对未知结果的焦虑消散了,这种焦虑过后还会袭上心头,但至少现在还没有。

    His anxiety about the outcome melted , to return later but not yet

  5. 迄今他的下落全然未知。

    His whereabouts have been utterly unknown so far .

  6. 一个方程数和未知量数一样多的方程组将是相容的。

    A system with as many equations as unknowns will be consistent .

  7. 公司进入了一个陌生的、未知的领域。

    The utility was entering new and uncharted territory .

  8. 星期六早上的集合点,团队坐上汽车向着未知目的地出发了。

    At Saturday morning 's assembly point , teams boarded coaches for an unknown destination .

  9. 未知可否前往?

    Can I go there ?

  10. 采用互补测验可迅速地将某一未知突变型归属于某一特定基因。

    By using the complementation test an unknown mutant can be rapidly assigned to a particular gene .

  11. 在自然史还是一种有价值的探索工具的时代,梅里安发现了许多前所未知的植物和昆虫知识。

    At a time when natural history was a valuable tool for discovery , Merian discovered facts about plants and insects that were not previously known .

  12. 莱斯利认为,前国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德在2002年说,我们要警惕那些“未知的未知”,那些因此而嘲笑他的人是错误的。

    According to Leslie , those who ridiculed former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his 2002 remark that we have to be wary of the " unknown unknowns " were mistaken .

  13. 我想可能有一些苛刻的工作日程,或是社会的焦虑在加紧兴起一项未知的运动。

    I guess that there 's probably some demanding work schedule , or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport .

  14. 自动语音电话的问题变得非常严重,以至于现在很多人拒绝接听未知号码的来电。

    The problem of robocalls has gotten so bad that many people now refuse to pick up calls from numbers they don 't know .

  15. 音乐让我了解到,教学有关分享和尊重、眼泪和微笑、已知和未知,以及最重要的相互理解。

    The music allowed me to learn that teaching is about sharing and respect , tears and smiles , the knowing and the unknown and , most of all , an understanding of each other .

  16. 在经历了艺术、攀岩、阅读和写作的漫长过程之后,现在我已经到了一个自己足够聪明的水平,可以潜入一个完全未知、艰难但有趣的领域。

    Having gone through the long process with art , rock climbing , and reading and writing , now I 've got to a point in my life where I know I am smart enough to dive into an area that is totally unknown , hard , but interesting .

  17. 它使我们非常愉悦,享受生活中我们未知的新奇迹和新事物,。

    It makes us feel pleased , and enjoy new wonders and new part of life that we 've never known .

  18. 虽然它的词源仍然未知,但它有可能是来自法语的gaga,意思为“年老糊涂的”“愚蠢的”。

    Though its origin is unknown , it may come from the French imitative gaga meaning " senile " or " foolish . "

  19. 正是在未知之中,我们才能找到希望。

    It is in the unknown that we find hope .

  20. 在即将来临的2009年里,中国鸟类学史大概会由不打眼的业余人士通过发现未知的鸟类而刷新

    Mere amateurs in 2009 will make ornithological history in China by discovering birds unknown to science .

  21. 将首辆火星车命名为祝融号,寓意点燃我国行星际探测的火种,指引人类对浩瀚星空、宇宙未知的接续探索和自我超越。

    The naming is intended to represent the rover 's symbolic adventure into the immense universe , and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence

  22. 研究人员们无法确定生孩子与更短的端粒长度之间,哪一个先出现。波莱克说,有可能出于某些未知的原因,端粒更短的女性比端粒更长的女性更有可能生孩子。

    It 's also possible that for some yet-unknown reason , women with shorter telomeres are more likely than women with longer ones to have children , Pollack said .

  23. 这份120页的报告称,病毒最有可能来自动物,可能是蝙蝠或穿山甲,经由未知中间宿主传播给人类。

    The 120-page report said the virus most probably jumped from an animal , potentially a bat or pangolin , to an unknown intermediate animal host and then to humans .

  24. 我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。

    I love waking up in the morningand not knowing what 's going to happen , or who I 'm going to meet , where I 'm going to wind up .

  25. 目前尚未知节目中会出现多少其他布景,但是社交媒体上流传的图片中多次出现莫妮卡公寓中备受喜爱的元素,包括沙发和挂在莫妮卡门上的空相框。

    The revived set - partially , I 'll Be There For You . It remains make an appearance , but pictures circulating on social media appear to show much-loved elements of Monica 's apartment , including the sofa and the empty picture frame on her door .

  26. 锚定聚合酶链反应用于扩增人基因组DNA未知序列

    Application of anchored polymerase chain reaction in analysing human genomic DNA unknown sequences

  27. 更为先进的Web应用程序防火墙甚至能识别非法流量,针对未知的零日攻击提供保护。

    More advanced web application firewalls can even provide protection against unknown , zero-day threats by identifying illicit traffic .

  28. 针对实际工业过程控制中常见的多输入/多输出系统,研究了一类参数未知的多变量系统广义预测PID控制参数整定问题。

    For a class of multivariable systems , the tuning of PID controller parameters is discussed in this paper .

  29. cabinet文件有一个未知的版本编号。

    Cabinet file has an unknown version number .

  30. SGDXFERUNKNOWN:数据的传输方向未知。

    SG_DXFER_UNKNOWN : The data transfer direction is unknown .