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  • Future World;【电影】Futureworld
  1. 她最近出的这个剧本对未来世界作了虚无主义的诠释。

    Her latest play is a nihilistic vision of the world of the future .

  2. 那是我对未来世界的想象。

    That 's my vision of how the world could be

  3. 这里有两个关于未来世界的预言。

    Here are two predictions about the world of tomorrow .

  4. 小贝家的小儿子罗密欧8岁生日party主题囊括了未来世界玩酷内容。

    The Beckhams entered a futuristic world of lasers and mazes to celebrate their son Romeo 's eight birthday yesterday .

  5. 在赫胥黎1932年的小说《美丽新世界》(BraveNewWorld)中,生活在那个反乌托邦未来世界中的阿尔法、贝塔和其他种姓的人类手头常备一种名叫“苏麻”的万能灵药,只要一点点就可以驱散生活中的阴霾。

    In Huxley 's 1932 novel about a dystopian future , the Alphas , Betas and others populating his " Brave New World " have at their disposal a drug called soma .

  6. 在LNG的液化过程中,天然气中的水、惰性气体、C5等烃类基本被脱去,燃烧时温室气体排放量低,被公认为是未来世界普遍采用的燃料。

    In the LNG liquified process , water , inert gases , hydrocarbons like C5 are eliminated .

  7. 它具有技术经济性及用户可选择性,并披露FIAT公司未来世界级小型轿车及其销售预测。

    The article also declares the future world-class mini car of FIAT and the prediction of its sales .

  8. 股东们向容光焕发的伊格提出各种老生常谈的问题,从主题公园的徽章交易到一个名叫Figment的小角色的消失——它是迪士尼乐园未来世界里的一条紫龙。

    Shareholders questioned a beaming Mr. Iger about perennial concerns ranging from pin trading at theme parks to the disappearance of an obscure character called Figment , a purple dragon from an Epcot ride at Walt Disney World .

  9. 超前技术新产品,带您进入未来世界。

    Products of most advanced technology lead you into the future .

  10. 为所有儿童建立和平与安全的未来世界会议

    World Conference for a Peaceful and Secure Future for All Children

  11. 绿色营销是未来世界市场营销的主流

    Green sale will become the main stream of market in the future

  12. 千年古都,亚洲大都会,未来世界的中心。

    Asian Metropolis , the Center of the Future World .

  13. 试论中国在未来世界政治格局中的战略定位

    On the Strategic Position of China in the Future World Political Structure

  14. 未来世界,污染会更少。

    In the future , there will be less pollution .

  15. 山东是孔子的故乡!山东也是未来世界领袖的摇篮!

    Shandong is also the home of China 's future world leaders !

  16. 预测了未来世界合成橡胶发展趋势。

    The development trends of synthetic rubber in the world were forecasted .

  17. 它将是未来世界的主要武器。

    It would be a major weapon system of the future world .

  18. 杭州未来世界游乐公园现状分析及发展策略

    Hangzhou Future World Theme Park Actuality and Development Strategy

  19. 未来世界上国家间的收入分布将会是怎样的?

    What the distribution of income between countries is like in the future ?

  20. 你能设想自己处于未来世界的样子吗?

    Can you project yourself into the future world ?

  21. 这本书生动地描写了未来世界。

    The book pictured the word of the future .

  22. 生态文明与未来世界的发展图景

    Ecological Civilization and Aspects in Development of Future World

  23. 你问未来世界大厦?它在睡美人城堡后面。

    The Tomorrow Land Building ? It 's behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle .

  24. 想象一下我们未来世界将会是什么样子。

    Imagine what our world will look like tomorrow .

  25. 未来世界是一个经济高速运转,信息不断更新的年代。

    World economic future is a high-speed operation , constantly updated information age .

  26. 未来世界是否会融合为一个大混合经济?

    Will the future world be a " mixed-economy "?

  27. 对陈纳德来说,虚拟交易的未来世界令人兴奋不已。

    For Mr Chenault this future world of virtual transactions looks extremely exciting .

  28. 地方政府争取可持续性未来世界大会

    World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future

  29. 纳米纤维及其对未来世界的影响

    Nanofiber and it 's influences to the future world

  30. 来自未来世界的人都是这样大声吹牛的吗?

    Are all men from the future loudmouthed braggarts ?