
  • 网络Unpaired electron
  1. 另一方面DNA分子具有双螺旋结构,其对称性较低,分子中存在大量的悬挂键,这些悬挂键上的未成对电子也会进入π&电子系统。

    On the other hand , the double helix DNA molecule with low symmetry has a lot of hanging bonds , and the unpaired electrons of these hanging bonds may come into the π - electrons system .

  2. 今天的最后,你有些未成对电子。

    At the end of the day you have some unpaired electrons .

  3. 自1968年发现超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)以后,自由基&这一带有未成对电子的分子在人体的疲劳、衰老、生物合成等方面的作用机理不断地被揭示着。

    Since SOD was discovered in 1968 , the mechanism of free radical - molecule with non-paired electrons has been revealed in human fatigue , aging and biosynthesis endlessly .

  4. 凡是具有未成对电子的原子、分子或原子团都称为自由基,在体内分布广泛。

    All unpaired atom , molecule and atomic group are called free radicals , which exist in body widely .

  5. 它们的未成对电子使原子成为小型的永磁体,它们沿外磁场排列,并因此增强外磁场。

    Their unpaired electrons make the atoms behave like tiny permanent magnets that align with and strengthen an applied magnetic field .

  6. 因为它们都是未成对的,我们已经发现,在Stern-Gerlach实验中,未成对电子扮演怎样一个角色了。

    Because these things are unpaired , we have already seen how unpaired electrons play a role in the Stern-Gerlach experiment .