
  • 网络future network
  1. 进一步论证了SIP协议在未来网络中的主宰地位。

    This article demonstrates the dominate status of SIP in the future network .

  2. 远程会诊中的最关键技术&如何在Internet上传输实时音视频流也是未来网络多媒体的一个重要研究方向。

    The crucial technology in distant consultant system , research on how to transfer real-time audio-video through Internet will lead the orientation in the future network and multimedia development .

  3. 全IP化、业务极大丰富和高度智能化的网络管理是未来网络演进的重要趋势。

    All-IP-based , plenty of service and high intelligence are the important trends of future networks evolution .

  4. 移动Agent计算模式将成为未来网络计算的主流模式。

    The model of Mobile Agent will become the most important , and fashionable way in network computing environment in future .

  5. 下一代互联网与IPv6是未来网络发展的重点。

    Next Generation Internet Networks and IPv6 are the emphasis in the future .

  6. 本文介绍了在未来网络化时代工业自动化中的一种基本技术框架&基于Internet环境和多传感器融合的专家网络。

    This article describes the basic technologies frame for industrial automation in network time in future - the expert network based on Internet and multi - sensor fusion .

  7. 未来网络下的移动MPLS连接

    A mobile MPLS connection for the future networks

  8. 本文介绍了XML和HTML、HTML和SGML,并较详细地论述了XML家族在未来网络中的应用。

    The paper introduce XML ? HTML and SGML , and discusses the application of XML to the Internet .

  9. 会话初始化协议(SIP)被视为未来网络多媒体通讯的标准协议。

    SIP is considered to be the standard protocol of network based multimedia communication in the future .

  10. 经过不断的网络演进,从技术角度来看,IP网络终将成为实现未来网络融合的基石和各种业务的统一网络层承载平台。

    From a technical perspective , IP networks will eventually become the cornerstone of network convergence and the unified bearer platform of various business network .

  11. 网络融合和IP化是未来网络发展的必然趋势,终端融合是整个网络融合中重要的组成部分。

    Network integration and IP networks are the inevitable trend of network development . Terminals ' integration is an important part of the whole network integration .

  12. 随着以IP为代表的数据业务的爆炸式增长,能提供高速、廉价访问的宽带网已成为未来网络发展的必然趋势。

    Along with the explosive growth of IP data services , the high-speed , low-cost access network has become the inevitable trend of the future network development .

  13. 针对未来网络全IP化的趋势,以及基于网络层的移动性管理方案,本文对移动IP技术进行了深入的研究与探讨。

    For the trend of future all-IP development , and the mobility management scheme based on network layer , this article deeply researched and probed the mobile IP technology .

  14. WAP(无线应用协议)技术促进了因特网的网络应用技术与无线网络通讯技术进行有效的结合,是未来网络技术的一种发展方向。

    WAP ( Wireless Application protocol ), which accelerates a combination of internet technology and wireless technique .

  15. 实验表明,该模型增强了客户端的用户体验感,减轻了服务器的压力,极有可能成为未来网络GIS发展的主流。

    The experiment shows that the model strengthens users'sense of experience on client and lightens the burden of server and it may be the main developing direction of Web GIS .

  16. 随着人们对Linux服务器依赖的加深,用Linux集群技术构建网络服务器就成为了未来网络服务器的发展方向。

    With the more dependence on Linux servers , to build web servers using the technology of server cluster based on Linux is the orientation of future web server .

  17. 基于IA的网络管理具有智能性,它能够自主地、自适应地、协同地工作,是未来网络管理的发展趋势。

    The network management based on IA has this character , it is current of the future network management .

  18. 本文详细介绍了ATM网络及与传统网络相比它所具有的优势,并且明确指出ATM网络将是未来网络发展的趋势所在。

    This paper introduces ATM and its advantages over the traditional network . We indicate that ATM is the developing trend of network in the future .

  19. IEEE802.16协议定义的宽带无线接入系统(BWA,BroadbandWirelessAccessSystem)具有组网安装维护方便,运营价格低廉,面向连接且保证服务质量的特点,正在成为未来网络接入技术的主导方向。

    The IEEE 802.16 BWA ( Broadband Wireless Access ) system has many advantages , such as easy installation and maintenance , inexpensive operation , connection-oriented service and quality of service guarantee .

  20. 人们对高速数据业务和视频业务的迫切需求正在不断增加,宽带化和IP化成为新一代电信网的基本特征,三网合一成为未来网络发展的趋势。

    People 's demands for high-speed data services and video services have been increasing continuously . Broad bandwidth and advanced IP technology has been the fundamental character of the new generation telecommunication networks .

  21. 但未来网络是全IP化的,无论什么制式都将适应这种发展潮流,通过相应技术和管理手段,可以将风险降到最低。

    But the future network is all IP-based , and no matter what kinds of network format will adapt to this trend . Through appropriate technology and management tools , risks can be minimized .

  22. 基于Web的网络管理(WBM)融合了Web技术和现代分布式网络管理技术,是未来网络管理技术发展的一个重要方向。

    Web-based network management ( WBM ) comprises of the web technology and the modern distributed network management technology . And it is the important prospect of future network management development .

  23. 如何实现下一代VoIP网络的QoS保证是影响未来网络发展的重要问题。

    How to realize the QoS guarantee of the next generation VoIP network is a very important problem that will affect the development of the future network technologies .

  24. 虽然在未来网络发展中,3G是不能阻挡的方向,但在一段时间内2G网络不能完全被3G网络淘汰和替代。

    Although 3G is the future direction of network development , but 2G network still can not entirely replace by 3G in a period of time .

  25. 在IP业务高速增长产生的带宽需求和WDM传输技术提供超大容量带宽资源的双重动力下,代表未来网络发展方向的光互联网近年来得到了迅猛发展。

    The explosive increasing of IP traffic brings huge demand on bandwidth , WDM transport technology provides huge bandwidth resource , under these two driven force , Optical Internet developed very rapidly .

  26. 流标识功能对网络QoS准确、有效的实施至关重要,是各种网络支持QoS的先决条件,也是助力未来网络更加安全有序的必要手段。

    Flow identification function is principal for accurate and effective QoS implementation in networks . It is a prerequisite for networks supporting QoS . And it is also necessary to help future network more secure and ordered .

  27. 通过介绍Google、微软以及Yahoo等公司推出的新型网络地图服务,简单分析了未来网络地图服务的盈利模式。

    Based on the introduction to the new web map service provided by Google , Microsoft , Yahoo , etc , the paper analysed the payoff mode of the new web map service in the future .

  28. 选播是IPv6所定义的未来网络的三种通信方式之一,可以在航空制造业并行工程以及许多网络技术的研究中发挥重要作用。

    Anycast is one of three communication models of the future network defined by IPv6 , and may play vital role in the research on aeronautical manufacturing concurrent engineering as well as many network techniques .

  29. 宽带无线IP网络将是未来网络发展的方向,同传统通信技术相比,其优势在于数据通信速率高、移动性好等。但是伴随着IP网络的发展安全问题日益突出。

    Broadband Wireless IP network is the direction of network development in the future . Compared with traditional communication technologies , it has the advantages of high speed of data communication , good mobility etc. The development of IP network has brought the security problems .

  30. 文中首先分析了21世纪电信网网络管理方案&电信管理网(TMN),然后详尽论述了未来网络管理的综合化、智能化和标准化发展趋势。

    At first , this paper analyses the scheme of telecommunication network management of 21st century-TMN , then describes the unification , automation and standardization of the future network management .