
pǐn zhì bǎo zhènɡ
  • quality assurance
  1. 品质保证和自主创新是我司的一贯坚持。

    Quality assurance and autonomous innovation are our constant core concept .

  2. 给出了具有商品品质保证的电子支付协议。

    A goods quality assurance electronic payment protocol is proposed .

  3. 熟悉制造业ISO质量管理体系标准,了解供应商的质量管理及品质保证。

    Familiar with ISO system , know supplier quality management and quality guarantee well .

  4. 当前,唯一一个有品质保证的CVM的GC是世代的(generational)GC(在这儿和这儿可以看到GC的细节执行文件)。

    Currently , the only product quality GC for CVM is the generational GC ( see here and here for GC specific implementation files ) .

  5. 蓝宝石(BLUESAPHIERE)是其中的上品,会提供一份国际承认的品质保证书。

    The sapphire ( BLUE SAPHIERE ) is high-grade goods , will provide an international acknowledgment the quality written guarantee .

  6. 质量、品质保证,我司信义颇佳。

    Quality , quality assurance , I SECRETARY Lutheran quite good .

  7. 我们于国内自设厂房,是信心及品质保证。

    With our own China factory , quality is guaranteed .

  8. 要确保产品可靠性的一个方法,就是坚持制定产品的品质保证条款。

    One way of ensuring reliability is insisting on guarantees and warranties .

  9. 赖氏汽车品质保证

    Larry Puckett 's GM-certified vehicles are under factory warranty .

  10. 以下人员向品质保证经理负责

    The Quality Assurance Manager has the following personnel reporting to him / her

  11. 我公司的产品品种齐全,品质保证。

    My company 's product range , quality assurance .

  12. 你们有任何品质保证吗?

    Do you have any assurance for its quality ?

  13. 本保健产品以品质保证维护您的健康。

    The quality-guaranteed health-care products safeguard your health .

  14. 这就是金牌品质保证。

    That is a surefire mark of quality .

  15. 烟草工业中蒸汽品质保证与输送过程分析

    Analysis on the Guarantee of Steam Quality and Steam Transportation in the Tobacco Industry

  16. 品质保证的主要目的是为了满足客户的需要。

    The main idea of quality control is to satisfy your clients ' needs .

  17. 资讯与服务中心及品质保证组

    Information & Services Centre and quality assurance

  18. 欧洲的制造技术与品质保证,中国的生产成本及价格优势。

    European manufacturing technology and quality assurance , China 's production costs and price advantage .

  19. 本公司宗旨:品质保证、诚信服务’客户满意‘永久经营。

    Our principle : sound quality , faithful service , customer satisfaction , sustainable operation .

  20. 供应各种刹车盘,刹车鼓,质量合格,品质保证。

    Supply all kinds of brake pads , brake drum , quality , quality assurance .

  21. 辐射实验室及品质保证;

    Radiation laboratory and quality assurance ;

  22. 工厂建立了全面质量控制体系,产品绝对有品质保证。

    Monitored under the total quality control system , the product quality can be absolutely guaranteed .

  23. 经营宗旨:信誉至上、品质保证、精益求精、共同发展。

    Operating principle : the supremacy of credibility , quality assurance , excellence and common development .

  24. 所有的课程都被教育质量品质保证局评为“优秀”。

    All programmes are rated " excellent " by the quality assurance agency for teaching quality .

  25. 对质量控制品质保证有兴趣或者有相关经验者。

    People who are interested in quality control or quality assurance or experience in this field .

  26. 参与工艺流程的审核工作,以确保其符合品质保证的要求;

    Participate in reviewing the technology procedure , make sure compliance with the quality 's requirement ;

  27. 要是你再多付700元,我们就可以给你完整的经销商开出的品质保证书。

    And if you pay an extra seven hundred dollars , we can give you full dealer-certification .

  28. 全员参与,持续改善,品质保证,顾客满意。

    The whole staff participation , improves continually , the quality guaranteed , the customer is satisfied .

  29. 具有严格的管理制度,健全的品质保证体系和优良的售后售前服务系统。

    It has strict management system , complete quality guarantee system and fine pre-sale and after-sale service system .

  30. 本公司的经营宗旨是:恒久创新、技术领先、服务全面、品质保证。

    The business objective of the company is continuous innovation , advanced technology , full-service and guaranteed quality .