
pǐn zhì kònɡ zhì
  • quality control
  1. PET薄膜的品质控制及其性能检测

    Quality control and property detection of PET film

  2. SPC在现代制造业品质控制中的应用

    Application of SPC in Quality Control of Modern Manufacturing Industry

  3. 现代企业中品质控制管理的地位与作用及与ISO、WTO的联系

    Station and Function of Quality Controller for Modern Enterprise Relations ISO and WTO

  4. 基于PC总线的热分析系统在铝合金品质控制上的应用研究

    Study of Thermal Analysis System Based on PC Bus in Controlling the Quality of Aluminium Alloy

  5. 植物淀粉品质控制酶基因ISO的分子生物学研究

    Molecular Biology Research on the Controlling Enzyme Gene ISO of Starch Quality in Plants

  6. 学术期刊之退稿率向来为学术界采具同侪评阅(PeerReview)要求下,所并随产生与要求呈具的资料。它通常亦被用作证明期刊品质控制良窳之标准之一。

    The rejection rate of scholarly journals has usually been used and accompanied with the evidence of peer review for the quality control .

  7. HACCP系统在冷却肉生产及品质控制中的应用

    Application of HACCP system in production and sanitary quality control of cooling flesh

  8. 轻度混合动力AMT系统换挡品质控制

    Shift Performance Control for Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle Equipped with Automatic Manual Transmission

  9. 提高AMT车辆换挡品质控制策略与试验研究

    An Experimental Study on Control Strategy for Improving Shift Quality of AMT Vehicle

  10. 公司实行ISO9001(2000版)品质控制系统。

    It carries out the ISO9001 ( 2000 edition ) quality control system .

  11. SIPE溶液配制工艺的优化和品质控制

    Process optimization and quality control of SIPE solution preparation

  12. 介绍了一种应用于热力系统水汽品质控制的SCADA系统,它采用了仿人工智能PID控制算法。

    A SCADA system for the water and steam quality control of the thermal system in power plants is introduced , which adopts the PID ( Proportion Integration Differential ) control algorithm with human intelligence simulation .

  13. 并通过饮料发酸或饮料变浑浊(透过率97%)的原因分析来说明其控制要点;从而为PET热灌装菊花茶饮料的品质控制提供了较有借鉴意义的一手资料。

    The control points are pointed out based upon the analysis of the reasons for acidifying and getting cloudy ( permeability < 97 % ) of the beverage , with a view of providing useful references for its quality control .

  14. 在检测加工过程各工序中样品细菌总数、大肠菌群的基础上,确定原料采购、酸浸和灭菌为关键控制点,并初步建立了方便米粉HACCP品质控制体系。

    Purchasing rice materials , immersing with the lactic acid , sterilization were critical control points , HACCP quality controlling system of instant rice noodles was established primarily by checking total number of bacterial and the number of E.

  15. 在给出多模Kalman滤波(MKF)数学模型的基础上,建立了可对GPS/SINS组合制导进行在线故障检测、故障隔离和系统重构的品质控制方案。

    Be rs d on multimode Kalman filter ( MKF ) models , an integrated guidance quality control approach which can be simultaneously used to detect , isolate TBM BPS / SINS system failure and reconstruct integrated system , is introduced .

  16. 搭建了轻度混合动力AMT传动系统试验台架,利用Matlab/Simulink仿真平台和dSPACE实时控制工具,开发了控制系统,分别对车辆起步、动力性换挡、再生制动和换挡品质控制策略进行了试验验证。

    Test rig of MHV equipped with AMT is built . Control system is developed by using Matlab / Simulink software and dSPACE real time workshop . Tests of startup , power shift rule , regenerative brake and shift quality are carried out .

  17. 压力机循环润滑的供油品质控制系统

    Quality Control System of Oil Supplying for Circulation Lubrication of Presser

  18. 基于联合滤波的SINS/GPS级联组合制导品质控制研究

    Research on Quality Control of SINS / GPS Cascaded Integrated Guidance

  19. 茶饮料生产标准化与品质控制

    The standardization and quality control in the production of tea drinks

  20. 球铁卡块铸件均衡凝固工艺与品质控制

    Quality Control and Proportional Solidification Technique of Ductile Iron Segment Casting

  21. 脱硫用轻烧氧化镁粉品质控制指标的选择

    Choice of quality control indexes of lightly-burned magnesia powder for desulfuration

  22. 发酵香肠加工技术及品质控制研究

    Studies on Processing Technology and Quality Control of Fermented Sausage

  23. 印制板阻焊膜制作工艺及品质控制

    The Technology and Quality Control of Solder Mask in PCB

  24. 鲜切菜危害分析及品质控制

    Analysis of the hazard of fresh-cut vegetable and its quality-control

  25. 低温真空油炸生产马铃薯脆片的过程研究及其品质控制

    Process Study and Quality Control for Low Temperature Vacuum Fried Potato Chips

  26. 新型航天器刚性太阳电池翼基板的平面度品质控制

    Quality Control of Planeness in New Spacecraft Solar Wing Substrate

  27. 中长绒棉产业化生产品质控制技术研究

    The Studies on Quality Controlling of Medium-long staple Cotton in Industry Production

  28. 苹果-刺梨混浊汁加工过程中的品质控制研究

    Quality Control of Apple-Roxburgh Rose Cloudy Juice during the Processing

  29. 方便米粉的抗老化及品质控制研究

    Study on Anti-retrogradation and Quality Control of Instant Rice Noodles

  30. 瓶级聚酯切片生产中的品质控制

    Quality control and analysis during bottle grade PET chip production