
  1. NASA的科学家周五揭晓了2020年火星漫游车。该漫游车将在今年启航前往火星,不仅会追寻远古生命的踪迹,还会为未来人类的使命铺路。

    The Mars 2020 rover , which sets off for the Red Planet next year , will not only search for traces of ancient life , but pave the way for future human missions , NASA scientists said Friday as they unveiled the vehicle .

  2. 不但决定了未来人类心理的轨迹

    would determine not only the future course of our psychology ,

  3. 未来人类的脸看上去将非常不同。

    The human face might look very different in the future .

  4. 四下巴:预计未来人类会有比双下巴还夸张的四下巴。

    - Expect people to have quadruple chins .

  5. 对未来人类繁殖方式及进化的思考

    Consideration of Human Future Reproduction and Evolution

  6. 里面说在未来人类开车可能会成为非法行为。

    They said it might become illegal for humans to drive cars in the future .

  7. 我们计划组织并行动起来,为了未来人类的福祉而摧毁当下人类。

    We plan , organize and act to destroy the present man for the future man .

  8. 氘氚聚变能是解决未来人类能源问题的重要途径之一。

    Deuterium / tritium fusion energy is a key way for solving energy issue in the future .

  9. 像戴维·曼德尔说:艺术在未来人类进一步进化中发挥着主要作用所以创作观念转变是必须而刻不容缓的,需要转变的东西也有很多。

    So creative concept of change is necessary and urgent , need to change things a lot .

  10. 不过,有些科学家却认为,离开地球是维系未来人类命脉的必要手段。

    Still , some scientists think that leaving Earth is a necessary part of humanity 's future .

  11. 能源匮乏和环境污染是未来人类所面临的两大难题。

    Energy lack and environmental pollution are the two greatest difficulties facing the human being in the future .

  12. 生物多样性提供对当前和未来人类福祉至关重要的多种生态系统服务。

    Biodiversity provides numerous ecosystem services that are crucial to human well-being at present and in the future .

  13. 库兹韦尔普及了奇点的理念&未来人类将进入技术奇点,届时人类将与机器合二为一。

    Kurzweil popularized the idea of the Singularity & the point in the future when humans merge with machines .

  14. 数字家庭的成熟是一种必然的趋势,在未来人类的生活中也必将占据更为重要的地位。

    And digital home will mature in trend as well as play a more important role in our future life .

  15. 从人类社会的发展来看,美育关系到未来人类的素质和生存质量;

    From the point of view of social development , aesthetic education influences the quality of future mankind and their existence .

  16. 生态农业是未来人类生存与发展的必然趋势,有机农业才是促进城乡和谐发展的光明大道。

    Eco-farming is essential for the future survival and progress of humanity – without it , harmonious urban-rural development is impossible .

  17. 因此,未来人类将居住什么样的城市成为一个全世界关注的问题。

    Therefore , there will be a global question that what kind of city is good for the future people to live .

  18. 未来人类可能要选择数种共生植物一起包被,才有离开地表至太空长居的可能。

    Humans may need to choose to live with several types of plants in the future in order to immigrate to space .

  19. 生物质能先天的优越性,注定其将在现在和未来人类可持续的能源发展体系中扮演着重要的角色。

    Biomass energy will play an important role at present and future human sustainable energy development system , because of its congenital advantages .

  20. 蓝色的海洋将是未来人类生存需要的食品生产基地、原料供应基地和生活发展空间,是人类可持续发展的物质基础。

    The ocean will be the base of food producing , material living space and the base of the people 's sustainable development .

  21. 随着地球越来越拥挤,城市规划师们正试图提出对未来人类居住的新想法。

    As our planet becomes more crowded , city planners and architects are trying to come up with new ideas for future human habitation .

  22. 解决环境的污染和破坏问题,不只是在解决现在的问题,更是在解决未来人类的生存问题。

    Environmental pollution and destruction , not only in resolving the present problem is solved in the next issue of the survival of mankind .

  23. 新区域主义以及全球主义的发展是当前和未来人类经济、社会、政治发展的主要趋势。

    The development of new regionalism and globalism is the trend of contemporary economy , society and politics at present and in the future .

  24. 这就是美国国家航空航天局和一些航空公司的工程师们的意见,他们预测未来人类将会乘坐“飞车”旅行。

    That is the verdict of engineers from the US space agency and aeronautical firms , who envision future commuters travelling by " skycar " .

  25. 不幸的是,如果我们让这种情况顺其自然地继续下去的话,我们不知道在即将到来的未来人类将处在何等位置。

    Unfortunately , if we let this situation continue as it is , we do not know where humans will be in the forthcoming future .

  26. 他所拥有的公司“比格洛航天”正在研发一种充气式太空舱,能够为未来人类探索太空提供栖息地。

    His company , Bigelow Aerospace , is developing a craft for humans that can inflate and might provide the space habitats of the future .

  27. 下一代火星车计划将一款迷你无人直升机送上火星,以测试未来人类前往火星的任务所需要的设备。

    The next-generation robotic rover also is scheduled to deploy a mini helicopter on Mars and equipment for future human missions to the red planet .

  28. 整形手术顾问拉杰夫-格罗夫表示:与现代生活方式相比,未来人类的身材会更符合吃得少能量多消耗的生活。

    Our bodies were designed for eating less and using more energy than a modern lifestyle requires , says Rajiv Grover , a consultant plastic surgeon .

  29. 他说道:在未来人类所需的营养甚至可以通过流食或药剂的方式获得,这意味着牙齿会减少,而且人类的下颌也将退化。

    He says : We could even get our nutrition from liquids or pills in the future , which could mean less teeth and receded jaws .

  30. 氢能以其清洁,能量密度高,导热性好等特点成为未来人类能源发展的重要方向之一。

    With its clean , high energy density and good thermal conductivity as advantages , hydrogen energy will be the most important part of future energy development .