
  • 网络present value of future cash flow
  1. FASB第5号财务会计概念公告《企业财务报告的确认和计量》提出了历史成本、现行成本、现行市价、可实现净值、未来现金流量现值5种计量属性。

    No. 5 financial statement of FASB on " the Recognization and Measurement of Enterprise Financial Report " has put forward 5 kinds of measurement attributes including historic cost , current cost , current market value and net realizable value , present value of future cash flow .

  2. 未来现金流量现值的会计计量

    Accounting Measurement of Present Value of Future Cash Flow

  3. 经研究发现:历史成本计量属性是以劳动价值理论为基础,未来现金流量现值法是以要素价值论为基础,通过比较分析,发现前者更具有重大现实意义;

    Through studying , the author finds that : First , historical cost measure attribute to based on labor value theory , study it have great realistic meaning ;

  4. 不同的资产,在不同的情况下,其公允价值可以表现为重置成本、现行市价、可变现净值、未来现金流量现值。

    Under different conditions , the fair value of different assets can be the replacement cost , current market value , net realizable value and the present value of future cash flow .

  5. 文章指出自创商誉应该予以确认,在自创商誉初始计量上对计量属性进行比较选择,认为未来现金流量现值最适合作为自创商誉的计量属性。

    On the internally generated goodwill initial measurement , the author compare the measurement attribute and choose , thought the cash flow current value in the future will be most suitable measurement attribute .

  6. 会计计量属性大体可分为历史成本、现行成本、现行市价、可变现净值、未来现金流量现值和公允价值几大类。

    The accountancy measurement attributes may be divided into historical costs , present cost , present market price , net realizable value , future cash flow current value , fair value and so on .

  7. 对于浮动利率贷款、应收款项或持有至到期投资,在计算未来现金流量现值时可采用合同规定的现行实际利率作为折现率。

    For floating rate loans , receivables or held to maturity investments in the calculation of the present value of future cash flows , the current real interest rate could contract as a cash rate .

  8. 从分析未来现金流量现值的决定因素出发,区分了资产或负债的公允价值和企业特有价值两个重要概念。

    Beginning with analyzing the determinants of the present value of future cash flow , this paper distinguishes two important concepts from each other : the tolerance value of assets or liabilities and firm-specific value .

  9. 现值法是通过确定未来现金流量的现值来确定公允价值的一种方法。

    This method determines fair value through determining the present market price of future cash flows .

  10. 近代理财学的一个重要结论是:资产的内在价值是其未来现金流量的现值。

    Modern financial learned an important conclusion is : the intrinsic value of the assets is its present value of future cash flows .

  11. 企业资产的内在价值是其未来现金流量的现值,研究现金流量的变化是现代理财的一项重要内容。

    Internal value of business assets is the present value of its future cash flow studying the change of cash flow is a main content of modern financing .

  12. 未来现金流量的现值,由期望的现金流量、期望现金流量的风险以及货币的时间价值三个因素决定;

    The present value of future cash flow is determined by such three factors as expected cash flow , the risk of expected cash flow , and the time value of money .

  13. 短期应收款项的预计未来现金流量与其现值相差很小的,在确定相关减值损失时,可不对其预计未来现金流量进行折现。

    Short-term receivables and the present value of expected future cash flows from small , the loss in determining the relevant sum , without a discount to its estimated future cash flows .

  14. 预计资产未来现金流量的现值,应当综合考虑资产的预计未来现金流量、使用寿命和折现率等因素。

    To predict the current value of the future cash flow , the enterprise shall take into comprehensive consideration the expected future cash flow , service life , discount rate , and other factors .

  15. 假设我们的目标是未来净现金流量的现值最大化,那么所选方案是在对比现金流量的基础上选出来的。

    Assuming that our objective is to maximize the present value of future cash flows , the alternatives selected should be based on a comparison of the difference between cash flows .