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huán qiú
  • the whole world;the earth
寰球 [huán qiú]
  • [the earth;the whole world] 整个地球;全世界

寰球[huán qiú]
  1. 美国的传媒公司称雄寰球。

    America 's media companies bestride the globe .

  2. 做为存在国际视线的洗衣连锁专家,THURSDAY始终站在寰球学术界对洗涤用品研发的前沿。

    A global outlook as a laundry chain experts , THURSDAY academia has been at the forefront of global research and development of cutting-edge Cleaning Products .

  3. 去年,Laila被选为寰球一家学生大使,每年都要选出12名学生。

    Laila was chosen as a One World Student Ambassador last year . Twelve are chosen each year .

  4. ERICGOLDSTEIN:“在过去四年间,通过寰球一家课程,我们同1500多名学生作者和325名教师进行了合作。”

    ERIC GOLDSTEIN : " Over the last four years , we have worked with over fifteen hundred student writers and we have worked with almost three hundred twenty-five teachers accessing the One World curriculum . "

  5. 疑作业推进寰球经济开展。

    The information industry helps boost the global economy .

  6. 社会物流是对于微观经济运动,如国内商业和寰球投资。

    The external logistics is about the macro economic activities , like international trade and global investment .

  7. 论近现代转型时期的寰球中国学生会

    On the Trans-Global Student Union of China in the Transition from the Modern Stage to the Contemporary

  8. 她一直在家由父母教育,父亲曾赫罗·南丁格尔寰球人物·是前肯特大学的常务副校长。

    She has been taught at home by her mother and father , the pro-vice chancellor of Kent University .

  9. 他在地球峰会上的报告证明了我们确实要更加关注寰球的环境。

    His presentation on the Earth Summit proves that we really need to pay more attention to the global environment .

  10. 非常感谢,我们的建造没准真会成为寰球最好的办公楼。

    Thank you . I think we do have a shot of building the best office building in the world .

  11. 我希看你们可能帮助扩大这个寰球社会,把你们在这里开展的对话转化为长久的协同配合。

    And I hope you will help expand this community and turn the conversations you 've had here into collaborations that endure .

  12. 寰球全貌:蓝天、云、海、土,构成了一个恒久东转的地球。

    The earth in detail : blue sky , white clouds , dark seas , brown lands , a globe turning always eastward .

  13. 本门课程将介绍始终变更的多元文化寰球贸易环境中技巧管理的复杂性。

    This course introduces you to the complexities of managing with technology within the context of a multi-cultural , diverse and global business environment .

  14. 人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,经济寰球化、都市化的速度一直加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题。

    The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history , with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization , more problems are brought to our attention .

  15. 这样的搭档关联不仅存在于各国政府之间,而且存在于像诸位这样的公民之间,你们可能帮助咱们在处所、地区乃至寰球获得进步。

    These partnerships are not only with governments , but they are with citizens like all of you who can help us generate local , regional , and global progress .

  16. 寰球公司理解并同意,作为综合试车团队的主导公司,韩国燃气应履行自己的工作范围,不承担寰球公司与韩国燃气之间的合同的任何责任。

    It is understood and agreed by HQCEC that kogas , acting as the leading company of the integrated commissioning team , shall perform its scope of work without any responsibilities under the contract between HQCEC and kogas .

  17. 放眼寰球,你定然会对那些具有启发性的景象钦佩不已。你会看到,自由不仅仅是力量和秩序,而且是占据统治地位的不可征服的力量和秩序它使其他一切力量的源泉都相形见绌。

    Look round the world , and admire , as you must , the instructive spectacle . You will see that liberty not only is power and order , but that it is power and order predominant and invincible - that it derides all other sources of strength .