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huán yǔ
  • the earth;whole world
寰宇 [huán yǔ]
  • [the earth;the whole world] 寰球

  1. 寰宇列国都觉察到尼禄已离开了罗马城守护者之位。

    The whole world felt the departure of Nero from his position as protector of the city .

  2. 比如,100毫升的巴宝莉情缘香水在寰宇免税集团的机场免税店里卖42.80英镑。而香水销售网站FragranceDirect的价格只有其一半,是24.75英镑。

    A 100ml bottle of Burberry Touch for example is £ 24.75 at Fragrance Direct , half the £ 42.80 for which it is sold at airports by World Duty Free .

  3. 这三家航空公司均属于寰宇一家(OneWorld)航空联盟,并试图从美国交通部获得反垄断豁免权。美国交通部将于本周对此做出初步答复。

    The carriers , which belong to the OneWorld alliance , have sought antitrust immunity from the US department of transportation , which is set to issue its preliminary response this week .

  4. 论《太平寰宇记》的文献学价值与地位

    On Philological Value and Status of Tai Ping Huan Yu Ji

  5. 更久战役和危机,痛彻寰宇一切。

    Longer campaigns and crises , labors beyond all others .

  6. 然而,根本问题寰宇皆同。

    Yet the basic problems are the same everywhere .

  7. 女:不好意思,什么是寰宇一家?

    W : Excuse me , what is RTW ?

  8. 前者象征权力统一寰宇,后者象征子嗣昌盛。

    The former symbolizes power , unification and universality , and the latter fertility .

  9. 寰宇影音中心,来香港记得去逛一下。

    Universal AV Center , a place you definitely want to check out in Hong Kong .

  10. 曾记得,我寻遍寰宇,终于发现

    Remembering me , discover and see

  11. 这些孩子开始认为,掺杂价值判断的爱是纵贯寰宇的自然秩序。

    These children begin to assume that this merit-tangled love is the natural order of the universe .

  12. 1915年11月25日,他写下了那个支配寰宇的方程式。

    And on Nov. 25 , 1915 , he set down the equation that rules the universe .

  13. 这位英雄名震寰宇。宇宙飞船溅落在太平洋。

    The hero 's fame resounded throughout the whole world . The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific .

  14. 男:例如,寰宇一家套票比正常票价便宜将近40%。

    M : For example , an RTW fare can save up to 40 % on normal fare .

  15. 是的,年轻人,意大利由于有了你们,得以成就这项寰宇称颂的伟业。

    Yes , young man , Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe .

  16. 那么祖庙香火,冠于寰宇,为什么妈祖却还保持着原来的肤色呢?

    However , why burning incense in the ancestral temple is even more , but skin of Macau stays the same ?

  17. 寰宇影音中心,位于金钟太古广场及中环置地广场,尖沙咀美丽华商场的分店亦快将于2011年春季开幕。

    Universal AV Centre is located in Pacific Place and Landmark . And their Miramar shop will be opening in the Spring of 2011 .

  18. 人类已经迈入21世纪,终身教育、学习化社会的口号响彻寰宇。

    As mankind has entered the 21st century , the slogans such as lifelong education and a national learning society have resounded through our country .

  19. 乐购超市里,一升装的一瓶马利宝酒现价13英镑,比寰宇免税店便宜了不止3英镑。

    Tesco is currently charged £ 13 for a 1-litre bottle of Malibu , more than £ 3 less than it is at World Duty Free .

  20. 最后,这一段落告诉我们的是,在恰当的情况下,至少如亚里士多德所建议,希腊可能行使某种寰宇规则,如果那是他们所做的选择。

    Finally this passage tells us that under the right circumstances at least Aristotle suggests the Greeks could exercise a kind of universal rule if they chose .

  21. 当然你也可以让其它杂务或环境的因素来影响你的生活,若是如此的话,你将错失创造寰宇光辉的良机!

    You can choose to let circumstances and events dictate the course of your life , but in doing so , you miss your one opportunity to shape the world .

  22. 似乎每一次季节的转换都会让我们兴奋不已。春天的来临犹如混沌初开,寰宇重现,预示着黄金时期的到来。

    As every season seems best to us in its turn , so the coming in of spring is like the creation of Cosmos out of Chaos and the realization of the Golden Age .

  23. 在英国各大机场都开设免税店的寰宇免税集团,最近开始提供取货服务。顾客可以在线订购商品,然后在登机前到店取货。

    World Duty Free , which runs stores in airports around the UK , recently set up a pick-up service , meaning customers can order online before collecting their purchases ahead of their flight .

  24. 寰宇一家教育是总部设在华盛顿的非盈利组织,该组织设有一个教师根据学生写作而开发的课程,学生是中学生和高中生,他们写作关于文化和全球问题的文章。

    One World Education is a nonprofit group based in Washington . The group has a program in which teachers develop curriculum based on student writing . The students are in middle and high school and write essays about culture and global issues .