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quán shì
  • interpret;annotation;explanatory notes;exegesis
诠释 [quán shì]
  • (1) [annotation]∶加进书中的一段评论或解释性的文字

  • (2) [explanatory notes]∶解说;解释;阐明

  • 详加诠释

诠释[quán shì]
  1. junkDNA的功能诠释

    Annotation for The Functions of Junk DNA

  2. 碳酸钙分解动力学TGA实验数据的新诠释

    A new annotation of TGA test data of CaCO_3 calcining reaction kinetics

  3. 合同中的某些条文容有不同诠释。

    Some phrases in the contract are open to interpretation .

  4. 她给那个角色注入了她自己的诠释。

    She stamped her own interpretation on the role .

  5. 她最近出的这个剧本对未来世界作了虚无主义的诠释。

    Her latest play is a nihilistic vision of the world of the future .

  6. 梦可以作各种诠释。

    Dreams are open to interpretation .

  7. 说实话,不同歌手对一首歌曲有如此不同的诠释让我感到惊讶。

    I was frankly astonished at the degree to which different singers can affect the interpretation of a song .

  8. 实际上,她很好地诠释了“欣然接纳自我”这一法语习语的意思。

    She is , in fact , a perfect illustration of the French idiom ' to be comfortable in one 's own skin . '

  9. “中年危机”这个短语几近完美地诠释了它自身。

    The phrase almost completes itself : midlife crisis .

  10. 该报告包括他对法庭证据的诠释。

    The report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence .

  11. 不过,基于你的形象如何被诠释,也总有机会获得惊喜。

    Yet , there are always chances of being surprised , based on how your profile is being interpreted .

  12. 对于涂抹者来说,香水的亲密属性诠释了气味尽可能与涂抹者契合的特点。

    The intimate nature of a fragrance to its wearer dictates that the scent be as close as possible a match .

  13. 它是摩登、年轻、活力的诠释,令人上瘾。我以前买的时候给这个写过香评,这瓶我已经快用完了,而且肯定会再买的。

    I 've reviewed this before when I bought it but I 've got to the end of the bottle already and will definitely buy it again .

  14. 面对世纪疫情叠加百年变局,中俄相互坚定支持,密切有效协作,生动诠释了中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系的深刻内涵。

    In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic unseen in a century , China and Russia have firmly supported each other and cooperated closely and effectively , which is a vivid demonstration for a new era .

  15. 诠释GIS专业素质教育的内涵。

    The connotation of making education of GIS major is explained .

  16. 诺基亚现场论坛诠释3G

    Nokia Forum Interprets 3G

  17. 综合上述两种理论的主要观点,冉永平(2004)提出了顺应关联模式(ARM),用于诠释言语交际。

    Integrating the main points of the two theories , Ran ( 2004 ) has proposed an adaptation-relevance model ( ARM ), directed at the interpretation of verbal communication .

  18. 所有这些理论从某种意义上说,都是伴随着现实与理论冲突的困惑、不断修正古典MW完美市场的范式以对凸现出的困惑做出诠释的这一过程而展开的。

    It can be said that all those theories are expanded to explain the disaccord between practice and theories through amending hypothesizes of the classical MW perfect market paradigm .

  19. 经济增加值(EVA)可以诠释股东价值目标,设计正确的EVA激励计划可以保证经理层经营公司的方式与股东价值目标一致。

    Economic Value added ( EVA ) can interpret shareholders'value target . The plan for encouragement based EVA might guarantee the managers'operating in accordance with the shareholders'value target .

  20. 在本文中,我们重新诠释TCP连接容量的含义并将其定义为虚拟连接容量,基于此来分析RTT抖动具体如何影响TCP的性能。

    In this paper , we reinvestigate the TCP connection capacity and newly define it as virtual connection capacity ( VCC ), based on which we analyze how the RTT jitters impact TCP performance .

  21. 3H思想在20世纪上半叶几乎同时进入到法国,这使得法国哲学界呈现出一道独特的文化景观:黑格尔是经过依波利特诠释过的黑格尔;

    The 3H thought , appearing in the early 20th century , presented itself to France almost at the same time and gave an unimaginable sight to the French philosophy community .

  22. 本文在对多功能农业进行初步诠释和探讨的基础上,结合崇仁镇多功能农业发展的SWOT分析,提出了崇仁发展多功能农业的发展策略和保障措施。

    This paper bases on preliminary explaining and investigating about MFA , and combines the SWOT analysis of MFA development in Chongren town to propose strategies and safeguards of the development of MFA in Chongren town .

  23. 公共交通导向的城市土地开发(TOD)是城市土地利用与交通规划协调发展的理想模式,是对土地利用与城市交通结合的分析方法最好的诠释。

    TOD is considered as a rational strategy for urban land use and transportation development , which is the best annotation about how to integrate the land use with transport .

  24. 从GDP崇拜到GNH关怀,是两种发展观的转变,其实质就是对幸福的一种崭新诠释和评价标准的转变。

    The change from GDP Worship to GNH Concern is a change of two viewpoints of development , and its essence is a change of a kind of brand-new annotation and evaluation standard to happiness .

  25. 正因为局部免疫反应是一个Th1/Th2的动态平衡过程,ROC曲线评价发现单方面的细胞因子无法诠释整体,将两个变量引入临床诊断价值更大,能更好的体现免疫机制特点。

    Because of local Thl / Th2 immune response is a dynamic process , ROC curve analysis found that the cytokines can not be a unilateral interpretation of the whole , the diagnostic value of two variables into a bigger , better reflect the characteristics of the immune system .

  26. 距离不能产生美但能诠释脆弱的爱。

    Distance doesn 't bring beauty but explains the fragile love .

  27. 其新颍之处不止于它对运动的诠释。

    The newness is more than a function of the motion .

  28. 先秦儒家德治思想的现代诠释

    A Modern Explanation of Pre-Qin Confucian Thought of Rule of Virtue

  29. 第一和第二宇宙速度的诠释

    Annotations on the First Cosmic Velocity and the Second Cosmic Velocity

  30. 实践与创新关系的认识论诠释

    Explanation of Cognitive Theory About the Relationships Between Practice and Innovation
