
  • 网络OneWorld;oneworld Alliance;One World
  1. 这三家航空公司均属于寰宇一家(OneWorld)航空联盟,并试图从美国交通部获得反垄断豁免权。美国交通部将于本周对此做出初步答复。

    The carriers , which belong to the OneWorld alliance , have sought antitrust immunity from the US department of transportation , which is set to issue its preliminary response this week .

  2. 女:不好意思,什么是寰宇一家?

    W : Excuse me , what is RTW ?

  3. 男:例如,寰宇一家套票比正常票价便宜将近40%。

    M : For example , an RTW fare can save up to 40 % on normal fare .

  4. 寰宇一家教育是总部设在华盛顿的非盈利组织,该组织设有一个教师根据学生写作而开发的课程,学生是中学生和高中生,他们写作关于文化和全球问题的文章。

    One World Education is a nonprofit group based in Washington . The group has a program in which teachers develop curriculum based on student writing . The students are in middle and high school and write essays about culture and global issues .