
  • 网络Rio Tinto;Rio Tinto Group;Rio Tinto Group AU-RIO
  1. 中铝本已是力拓集团(riotintogroup)的单一最大股东,持有9.25%的股份,但没有董事会席位。

    Chinalco is already the single largest shareholder in Rio Tinto Group , with 9.25 per cent , but has no board representation .

  2. 全球矿业巨头力拓集团的四名雇员在上海被拘留,显然是因涉嫌间谍活动,窃取国家机密。

    Four employees of global mining giant Rio Tinto in Shanghai have been detained , apparently on suspicion of espionage and stealing state secrets .

  3. 中国企业还拥有澳大利亚矿业巨头力拓集团和FortescueMetals集团不少的股份。

    Chinese enterprises also have substantial stakes in minerals heavyweights Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals .

  4. 目前,力拓集团单方面举动不仅令其中方合作伙伴非常失望,在中国业界和民众中也引起了较大反响。

    Now , the unilateral move by Rio Tinto not only greatly disappointed its Chinese partner , but also drew huge repercussion among the Chinese industry and people .

  5. 同时世界铁矿石供给市场被巴西淡水河谷矿业公司、澳大利亚必和必拓集团、力拓集团垄断,铁矿石价格不断上升。

    Simultaneously , the international iron ore supply market is monopolized by Vale of Brazil , BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto Group , and the price of iron ore keeps rising .

  6. 铁矿石现在占力拓集团利润的大约80%,公司正在分析相关计划,以求到2015年把皮尔巴拉地区的产量提高至3.53亿吨。

    Iron ore now accounts for about 80 per cent of group profits at Rio and the company is analysing plans to lift production in the Pilbara to 353m tonnes by 2015 .

  7. 排名世界第二、三、四位的铁矿石矿商——力拓矿业集团(RioTinto)、必和必拓(BHPBilliton)和FortescueMetalsGroup——都在大力增产。

    Rio Tinto , BHP Billiton and Fortescue Metals Group , respectively the world 's second - , third - and fourth-biggest iron ore miners , are all aggressively expanding production .

  8. 必和必拓(BHPBilliton)昨日承诺,如果成功收购竞争对手力拓矿业集团(RioTinto),将回购价值300亿美元的力拓股票。此举旨在吸引收购目标的投资者。

    BHP Billiton yesterday pledged to buy back $ 30bn of shares if it succeeds in taking over rival mining group Rio Tinto , in a bid to appeal to the target 's investors .

  9. 必和必拓和力拓矿业集团计划通过合并其在皮尔巴拉地区的运营部门来节省最少$10十亿。

    BHP and Rio Tinto plan to save at least $ 10 billion by combining their operations in the Pilbara region .

  10. 然而,必和必拓公司和力拓矿业集团承认被一些调控者和对为了阻止联合经营实现的相关部门所关切。

    However , both BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto acknowledge the concerns expressed by some regulators and the obstacles to achieving clearance for the joint venture .

  11. 2009年,英国-澳大利亚力拓矿业集团退出与中国铝业公司的出售案。

    In 2009 Rio Tinto , an Anglo-Australian mining firm , withdrew from a deal to sell a series of minority stakes to Chinalco , a Chinese metals firm .

  12. 英美资源集团还得同必和必拓、力拓矿业集团这样的钻石巨头们争夺新矿源,这两家公司目前占全球钻石开采量的17%。

    And Anglo will have to compete for new mines with other giants , such as BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto , which between them dig17 % of the world 's diamonds .

  13. 比如,自2013年以来,力拓和英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)均在Pebble铜矿上打了退堂鼓。这座巨大的铜矿位于美国阿拉斯加州,因对当地渔场有潜在影响而备受争议。

    Since 2013 Rio and Anglo American have both given up on Pebble , a huge copper deposit in Alaska that is controversial for its potential effect on fisheries , for example .

  14. 2月2日,力拓声明称,该集团已“与中铝展开谈判,内容涉及中铝购入力拓集团各种营运业务的少数股权,及投资于可转换工具”。

    Rio stated yesterday that it had " held discussions with Chinalco regarding it acquiring minority interests in various operating businesses of the Rio Tinto Group and also investing in convertible instruments " .

  15. 配股完成后,中铝通过其在力拓英国上市公司(riotintoplc)12%的股权,持有整个力拓集团约9%的股权。

    Following the rights issue , Chinalco controls around 9 per cent of the group through a 12 per cent stake in Rio Tinto PLC , the UK listed arm .

  16. 力拓还提议向中铝出售可转换为新股的可转换债券,使中铝得以增持其在力拓集团的股权。

    Rio has also proposed selling convertible bonds to Chinalco that could be exchanged for new shares , allowing the Chinese group to raise its stake in the whole company .

  17. 力拓打算向中铝出售可转换债券,先期筹集资金,而后转为股权,这将令中铝提高其在力拓集团9%的持股比例。

    It is proposing to sell convertible bonds to Chinalco that would raise cash up front and convert to equity later , allowing Chinalco to increase its 9 per cent stake in the group .