
  1. 高速纯电动乘用车由于成本太高,尽管有政府补贴,购买者依然寥寥,低速纯电动乘用车在山东、江浙一带发展势头迅猛,但因未能进入工信部目录,不能上牌。

    High-speed pure electric vehicles because of high costs , despite government subsidies , buyers are still very small , low-speed electric vehicles in Shandong , Jiangsu and Zhejiang area developed rapidly , but failed to enter the Ministry of Industry " directory ", can not get car license .

  2. 市场上现有的纯电动汽车产品大致可分为高速和低速两大类,本文只重点分析纯电动乘用车的产业化。

    Existing products of pure electric vehicles can be divided into two major categories of high-speed and low speed .