
  • 网络Center for American Studies;American Studies Center
  1. 她还是北京大学国际研究学院的副院长以及美国研究中心的主任。

    She is also the vice-dean of the School of International Studies and the director of the Center for American Studies at the University .

  2. 王一苇在上海大学助理教授在美国研究中心和复旦大学院长助理该研究所研究国际。

    Yiwei Wang is an assistant professor at the Center for American Studies and assistant to the dean of the Institute for International Studies of Fudan University in Shanghai .

  3. 据美国研究中心表示,朝鲜新的主火箭发射台将于春季竣工。

    According to US research institute , an upgraded North Korea 's main rocket launch pad could be completed by spring .

  4. 悉尼大学美国研究中心的杰夫里·加雷特认为,今年的美国大选比人们记忆中过去历届美国大选更重要。

    Geoffrey Garrett , the head of the U.S. Studies Centre at the University of Sydney , thinks this presidential election matters more than most others in recent memory .

  5. 包括兰德公司在内的美国研究中心和智囊团试图传播一种与我们穆斯林信仰的文化相对立的文化。

    The American research centers and think tanks , including the RAND Corporation , try to propagate a culture that is contradictory to what we , Muslims , believe in .

  6. 这些发现都是基于美国皮尤研究中心在2013年10月7号至27号对2,002个成年人进行的最新调查,该调查包括了810个千禧一代(18岁一32岁)。

    These findings are based on a new Pew Research Center survey of 2,002 adults , including 810 Millennials ( ages 18-32 ) , conducted Oct. 7-27 , 2013 .

  7. 本文首次引进美国大气研究中心(NCAR)Sasha等开发的计算对流层紫外线TUV模式,弥补了国内紫外线模式研究较少的不足。

    In this paper , we at first introduce TUV model that was developed by NCAR to calculate tropospheric UV radiance , which will remedy the deficiency of UV model studying in China .

  8. 滕教授是北京外国语大学美国研究就中心的副教授。

    He is an Associate Professor at the American Studies Center .

  9. 美国皮尤研究中心发布了上周美国总统电视辩论结束后选民态度的重大变化。

    The Pew Research Center is reporting a major shift in voter attitudes following last week 's presidential debate .

  10. [新一代美国防卫研究中心]的卡尔分析员表示,美国和伊拉克都同意,伊拉克需要稳定,需要对抗伊朗的影响。

    The analyst says U.S. and Iraqi leaders agree on the need to stabilize Iraq and to counter Iranian influence .

  11. 据英国广播公司报道,美国皮尤研究中心调查显示,亚裔已成为美国人口增长最为迅速的族群,其新移民规模已超过拉美裔移民。

    Asians have surpassed Latinos as the fastest-growing group of US immigrants , according to a Pew Center study , BBC reported .

  12. 另一个调查组织,美国民意研究中心近期发现,17%的美国人不认同任何信仰。

    A different group , the National Opinion Research Center , recently found that seventeen percent of Americans do not identify with any faith .

  13. 1972年,根据美国民意研究中心的综合社会调查,30%的美国人说他们对自己的生活很满意。

    In1972,30 percent of the population said they were very happy with their lives , according to the National Opinion Research Center 's General Social Survey .

  14. 根据美国皮尤研究中心的数据,在所给年份里,72%的互联网用户称自已曾在网上搜索过健康信息。

    According to data from the Pew Research Center , 72 percent of Internet users say they turn to the Web for health information in a given year .

  15. 特拉维斯。夏普是位于华盛顿的美国安全研究中心的军事问题专家。他说,帕内塔面临的一个很重要的挑战,就是从阿富汗撤军。

    Travis Sharp , a military analyst at the Center for a New American Security , says the withdrawal from Afghanistan will be a significant issue facing Panetta .

  16. 这项调查是由独立机构美国皮尤研究中心卓越新闻计划和由报刊业支持的骑士基金会发起的,他们将当地新闻分为16个领域,向人们询问他们从何处得知这些信息。

    The survey , by the independent Pew Center 's Project for Excellence in Journalism and the newspaper-supported Knight Foundation , broke down local information into 16 topic areas and asked people where they learn about each of them .

  17. 美国皮尤研究中心对2000多名美国成年人进行了一项电话调查。调查结果显示,很多美国人都过高估计了自己的身高,同时低估了自己的体重,即便他们确实超重了,他们也并不觉得自己胖。

    But the Pew Research Center telephone survey of more than 2000 adults found that many people overestimate how tall they are and underestimate how much they weigh -- and thus do not rate themselves are overweight , even when they are .

  18. 美国国家大气研究中心(usnationalcenterforatmosphericresearch)和美国国家冰雪数据中心6月进行的一项研究则更为悲观。

    The June study by the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and the NSIDC is still more pessimistic .

  19. 其最令人意想不到的政府合作研究机构大概就是美国国防技术研究中心洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(losalamosnationallab)了。

    Its most unexpected government research partner may be the Los Alamos National Lab , the US defence technology research centre .

  20. 尽管如此,美国领先稀土研究中心艾姆斯国家实验室(ameslaboratory)主任亚历克斯金(alexking)表示,在某些领域,很难找到稀土的替代品。

    Still , in certain areas rare earths will be difficult to replace , says Alex King director of the Ames laboratory , the leading us rare earth research centre .

  21. 美国国家英才研究中心(NRC)是美国目前最大、最有影响力的英才教育研究机构。

    NRC is one of the largest and the most influential research agency for the gifted and talented .

  22. 直到2004年,美国沃顿金融研究中心J.DavidCummins教授一篇名为《SecuritizationofLifeInsuranceAssetsandLiability》的工作论文才正式揭开了人寿保险证券化研究的序幕。

    In 2004 , the work paper which named Securitization of Life Insurance Assets and Liability by Professor J. David Cummins , the Wharton Financial Institution Center , has formally opened the curtain of life insurance securitization .

  23. ArmandoGiuiliano和来自美国其他癌症研究中心的研究人员对接近900位乳腺癌病人进行了研究。

    Dr. Giuliano and researchers at other American cancer centers studied nine hundred breast cancer patients .

  24. HodaRashad是开罗美国大学社会研究中心主任和研究教授。

    Hoda Rashad is Director and Research Professor of the Social Research Center of the American University in Cairo .

  25. 最近,美国弗雷德哈钦森癌症研究中心报道:癌细胞释放一种有效调控基因表达并进入血液循环的重要分子&miRNA,因此血清miRNA就成为肿瘤检测研究工作的重点。

    Recently American Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center reported that cancer cell could release miRNA which control gene expression and enter into blood circulation . Therefore , serum miRNA was becoming one of the most important focuses in tumour diagnosis and treatment .

  26. 美国国家大气研究中心优先研究领域新特点

    The New Characteristics of Research Priorities of National Center for Atmospheric Research

  27. 美国国家空气研究中心报道说。

    The American National Center for Atmospheric Research reported on the study .

  28. 位于美国的医学研究中心也将得到资助来与发展中国家建立合作关系。

    US-based centres are also receiving funding to set up partnerships with developing countries .

  29. 这份调查来自非营利组织美国泛美退休研究中心最新的年度报告。

    The survey is the latest annual report from the non-profit Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies .

  30. 美国霍华休斯医学研究中心研究员波斯、威尔森及几丁发现,斑马鱼天生具有修复心脏的能力。

    Poss , Lindsay G.Wilson and Mark T.Keating found that the zebrafish can naturally regenerate its own heart .