
  • 网络The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration;National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA
  1. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局日前要求特斯拉在8月26日前回答关于2015款ModelS自动驾驶车辆致死事故的所有问题。

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is giving Tesla until Aug. 26 to fully answer questions about the fatal crash of one of its 2015 Model S cars that was operating with its automated driving system activated .

  2. 而美国国家公路交通安全管理局官网上发布的文件表明,通用汽车公司在召回存在动力转向故障的土星Ion车型时也推迟了好几年的时间。

    Now documents posed on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 's website showed that GM also waited years to recall more than 300000 Saturn Ion for power steering failure .

  3. 这笔民事罚款,是美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NationalHighwayTrafficSafetyAdministration)迄今为止向召回行动不力的汽车制造商开出的最大罚单,超过了本田(Honda)去年因安全气囊故障被罚的7000万美元。

    The civil penalty is the largest ever imposed on an automaker for recall violations by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , surpassing the $ 70 million fine imposed last year on Honda for faulty airbags .

  4. 议员们担忧的矛头还指向了美国国家公路交通安全管理局(nhtsa)的安全监管者。

    Lawmakers also pointed a finger at US safety regulators at the national highway traffic safety administration .

  5. 奥巴马能够推行的最重要改革将是向国会施压,让atf在枪支管理上拥有美国国家公路交通安全管理局(nhtsa)对汽车那样的权力。

    The most important change Mr Obama could undertake would be pressing Congress to give ATF the same power over guns that the national highway traffic safety administration has over cars .

  6. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局(nhtsa)昨日表示,它已接到124起有关2010年型号普瑞斯刹车问题的投诉,包括4起撞车事故。

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said yesterday that it had received 124 complaints about braking problems on the 2010 model of the Prius , including four crashes .

  7. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)周四表示,正在调查“潜在的悬挂系统问题”,并正向车主和特斯拉索取更多信息。

    The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration said on Thursday that it was examining " the potential suspension issue " and that it was seeking more information from owners and the company .

  8. 在苹果致美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)的信件发表后,苹果将更难以维持这一口径。这封信属于该监管机构与制造商就其针对这项快速发展技术的规则进行的定期沟通。

    That position will be harder to maintain after the publication of a letter from Apple to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , as part of the regulator 's regular dialogue with manufacturers about its rules for the fast-developing technology .

  9. 如果油门踏板杆臂断裂,发动机将回到空转状态,驾驶者将无法维持或加大发动机转速,从而增加碰撞风险,美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)在一份声明中表示。

    If the accelerator pedal arm breaks , the engine will return to idle and the driver will be unable to maintain or increase engine speed , increasing the risk of a crash , the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said in a statement .

  10. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局已发布通知。

    That 's according to a notice from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration .

  11. 同时,美国国家公路交通安全管理局表示,克莱斯勒公司的车辆存在油箱起火隐患。

    And National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says the vehicles were at risk of a fuel tank fire .

  12. 研究人员分析了美国国家公路交通安全管理局事故报告分析系统中的数据。

    The researchers analyzed data in the national Fatality Analysis Reporting System of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration .

  13. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局同提供资金的汽车制造商如福特等,每年进行尸体测试。

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , in conjunction with funding from automakers like Ford , conducts cadaver tests every year .

  14. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局正在调查通用汽车公司在10年里召回260万辆车的原因,这些召回车辆存在点火开关故障,并至少与13起死亡事件相关。

    NHTSA is investigating why GM took 10 years to recall 2.6 million vehicles with faulty ignition switches linked at least 13 deaths .

  15. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局上周五宣布召回的时候表示,在召回的全部430万汽车里,有360万汽车来自美国国内。

    Of the 4.3m vehicles , 3.6m are in the US , where the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced the recall last Friday .

  16. 而在最后,我们将听到美国国家公路交通安全管理局前负责人的言论。

    At the bottom of the hour , we 're going to hear from the former head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration .

  17. 根据美国国家公路交通安全管理局统计,2012年有1万人死于酒驾事故。

    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , in 2012 , there were 10000 people who died in alcohol related car crashes .

  18. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局周五表示,特斯拉“以令人满意的方式澄清了其‘善意协议’的措辞,从而解决了这个问题”。

    On Friday , the NHTSA said Tesla had " clarified the language of its Goodwill Agreements in a satisfactory way , resolving the issue . "

  19. 据美国国家公路交通安全管理局的数据显示,假设车速为每小时55英里,那这种情况就像是闭着眼睛开车穿过整个足球场。

    At 55 miles per hour , that 's like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed , according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration .

  20. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局的报告称,2015年因驾车时打电话或发短信导致的机动车事故中,有近3500人死亡,39.1万人受伤。

    The NHTSA reports that in 2015 nearly 3500 people were killed , and 391000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving drivers who were talking on the phone or texting .

  21. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局表示,由于通用汽车公司在4月3日截止日期前未能回复有关召回事件的大量问题,将对其进行每日罚款。

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says it will fine General Motors everyday it goes pass the April 3rd deadline to answer a long list of questions about the recall .

  22. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局表示已经联系当地有关部门,并决定这起事件是否与美国平均每天发生的数百起汽车起火事件类似。

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says it is contacting local authorities to determine if the accident mirrors action on average several hundred cars catch fire each day in the US .

  23. 儿童安全座椅出台更加严格的新规,美国国家公路交通安全管理局的官员以安全为要任,称这份新规将在侧面撞击事故中为儿童提供保护,避免儿童死亡、受伤。

    New tougher Regulations for child care seats officials with national highway traffic safety administration safe the first time ever say it will have to protect child from death injury in side-impact crashes .

  24. 1月,因本田未按要求向美国国家公路交通安全管理局汇报各类车辆上发生的1700多起伤亡事故,美国政府向该公司开具7000万美元的高额罚单。

    On January the U.S. government levied a $ 70 million fine on Honda for failing to disclose , as required , more than 1,700 deaths and injuries in its vehicles to the National Highway Traffic Administration ( NHTSA ) .

  25. 美国政府下属的国家公路交通安全管理局(NationalHighwayTrafficSafetyAdministration)周一宣布召回新泽西州分销商ForeignTireSales销售的轮胎,这些轮胎可用于有篷货车、SUV和小型敞篷载货卡车。

    The US government 's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced on Monday the recall of tyres sold by Foreign Tire Sales , a New Jersey distributor , which are used in vans , sports utility vehicles and pick-up trucks .

  26. 美国交通部和国家公路交通安全管理局也发来了一份3500万美元的罚单。

    and a fine from the Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety administration of $ 35 million .

  27. 美国国会早在2007年就要求私家车必须安装倒车摄像头,不过美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NationalHighwayTrafficSafetyAdministration)已然数次推迟了强制安装倒车摄像头的法规。但是倒车摄像头对我来说太必要了。

    Several times , the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has delayed rules for rear visibility that would require backup cameras since Congress required them in 2007 , but they can 't come fast enough for me .