
  • 网络Teen Choice Awards
  1. 接下里的星期四,两人在好莱坞的咖啡旅馆过夜之后被拍到白天手拉手走向自己的座驾。7月22日的星期六,两人又共同获得了美国青少年选择奖的殊荣。

    The following Thursday , July 19 , they held hands as they walked to their car after a date night at Hollywood music venue Hotel Caf é , then on Sunday , July 22 , both collected their surfboard prizes at the Teen Choice Awards .

  2. 2013年美国青少年选择奖颁奖礼将于美国时间8月11日晚举行,届时FOX将全程进行现场直播。

    The Teen Choice 2013 awards were scheduled to air live on August 11 on Fox .