
  • 网络United States Naval Observatory;US Naval Observatory;USNO
  1. 叙述了未来10年可能实施的几个空间天体测量计划,如欧洲空间局的GAIA、美国喷气推进实验室的SIM、德国的DIVA、美国海军天文台的FAME和俄罗斯普尔科沃天文台的STRUVE等。

    In the third section , some space astrometric projects , which will probably be carried on in the next decade , such as GAIA of ESA , SIM of US JPL , DIVA of Germany , FAME of US Naval Observatory and STRUVE of Pulkovo , Russia are described .

  2. 现在斯吉普·劳什尔在华盛顿美国海军天文台与我们一起作详细报道。

    Skip Loescher joins us now from the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington for more .

  3. 而且你没必要拥有像美国海军天文台这里一样的高倍望远镜。

    And you don 't have to have the kinds of high-powered equipment they have at places like here at the U.S. Naval Observatory .

  4. 上海天文俞于1980年8月18&24日在佘山利用专用接收机接收该卫星信号,并加以传播延迟等修正后获得了美国海军天文台的基准时间。

    The transit satellite signal was received at Zo-Se section of Shanghai Observatory with a special receiver 18-24 , August 1980.The refrence time of USNO was derived through some corrections , such as propagation delay .