
  • 网络us courts;courts of the United States;USA Courts;United States Courthouse
  1. 美国法院,海门,印第安纳州,美国

    United States courthouse , hammond , in , usa , 2002

  2. 一般说来,美国法院无条件地接受由合格的分析家根据标准方法中推荐的方法所得到的数据。

    Evidence that is obtained by qualified analysts based upon methods recommended in " Standard Methods " is normally accepted in the courts of the United States without qualification .

  3. 欧美农业补贴政策对世界农产品贸易和世界其他主要农产品生产国的农业生产产生着巨大且多方面的影响。UnitedStates案标志着美国法院开始接纳显失公平原则。

    The agricultural subsidy policies of the United States and EU have produced enormous influences on many aspects of the world agricultural trade and on the agricultural production of the developing countries with intensive agriculture .

  4. 有鉴于此,本文意图相对深入地研究美国法院附设ADR,并就此提出在我国建立相关制度的设想。

    Whereas , this paper tends to have a further study on the Court-Annexed ADR , and puts forward the planning of concrete system .

  5. 第二部分,美国法院附设ADR与法治。

    Although the Court - Annexed ADR in USA has its particular settlement value , it still conflicts with the rule of law and the spirit of law superiority objectively .

  6. 美国法院附设ADR是一种新兴的、在法律阴影下运作的纠纷解决方式,其出现代表了司法制度的新动向。

    Operating in the shade of law , the Court-Annexed ADR in USA is a kind of new rising disputes settlement , and its emergence represents the new trend of judicature .

  7. 美国法院建立调解制度的历史尝试

    A Historical Try of American Court to Establishing the System of Mediation

  8. 美国法院确定网络管辖权的标准研究

    Study on U.S. Courts ' Rules and Standards on Cyber - jurisdiction

  9. 美国法院体制与中国法院体制之比较

    A Comparative Study on Court System between USA and China

  10. 美国法院创设了市场份额责任。

    American court created " market share liability " .

  11. 加拿大天宇网络公司就合资企业被迫解散在美国法院告四川省政府案评析

    Comment on the Case : Big Sky Network Canada , Ltd. v. Sichuan Provincial Government

  12. 司法审查中美国法院特殊身份取得原因解析

    Explanation on the Cause of Achievement of Special Identity for the US Courts in Judicial Review

  13. 美国法院的审判与批评&美国各界对法院审判的批评及其应对情况与启示

    Trial and Criticism of American Courts

  14. 他预测,美国法院会将很多乘客的索赔要求驳至外国司法管辖地。

    He predicted the U.S. courts would knock many of the passenger claims to foreign jurisdictions .

  15. 美国法院对法律规范性文件实行宽严不同的审查,并发展出了双重标准理论。

    The American courts practice different constitutional reviewing examinations , and have developed a dual-standard theory .

  16. 美国法院在破产法实践当中利用衡平权力创设了实质合并原则,为我国破产法律的完善提供了借鉴。

    In America , Court of bankruptcy used the equitable power to create the substantive consolidation doctrine .

  17. 部长是一组考察美国法院律师的领队。

    The minister be the leader of the party of lawyer on a tour of american court .

  18. 然而,美国法院迟迟未承认隐私权。

    Courts in the United States , however , were slow to recognize a right to privacy .

  19. 这家公司将继续游说国会通过法律,惩罚藐视美国法院判决的国家。

    The firm will continue to lobby lawmakers to pass laws penalising countries that defy American court judgments .

  20. 通常而言,因循守旧与恪守先例,是美国法院判案的基本特点。

    Generally speaking , the dealing of cases by American judges is characterized by conformism and stare decisis .

  21. 根据萨班斯奥克斯利法案,这种行为构成重罪。但是美国法院很可能无法起诉。

    Such behavior is a felony under Sarbanes Oxley , but the U.S.will most likely be unable to prosecute .

  22. 林肯去世后几个小时,美国法院院长宣誓约翰逊就职。

    The chief justice of the United States swore Johnson into office a few hours after Lincoln 's death .

  23. 美国法院和大学在互相争吵,问题再一次升级。

    American courts and universities are at each other 's throats , and once again the issue is race .

  24. 美国法院应该认识到跨国版权侵权案件的特殊性,较少或者不适用不方便法院原则。

    US courts should understand the particularity of transnational copyrights infringement cases and minimize or cease the application of this principle .

  25. 一款典型的饮料,由美国法院在20世纪20年代法律判决,要求必须与百家得朗姆酒制成。

    A classic drink that by law must be made with Bacardi Rum , enforced by a American court ruling in the1920s .

  26. 三星和苹果在美国法院搏斗争夺专利权,其实也是在争夺消费者。

    Samsung and apple are battling it out over patents in the US court , but they are also battling for customers .

  27. 在特定案件中,美国法院往往尽量适用一致性解释方法来避免条约与其他国内法渊源的正面冲突。

    The courts try to apply the canon of the consistent interpretation to avoid the conflicts between the treaties and the domestic law .

  28. 一家美国法院接受了几家跨国公司的联名诉讼请求,该请求试图摆脱关于他们在南非种族隔离时期所扮演角色的一件诉讼官司。

    US court has heard an appeal by multi-national companies seeking to dismiss a case against them over their role in apartheid-era South Africa .

  29. 根据美国法院的裁决,这对双胞胎成为了首位注册有两位父亲而没有母亲的英国孩子。

    Following a ruling by an American court , they became the first British children to be registered as having two fathers and no mother .

  30. 美国法院在其今年来的判例中使用“最低限度联系”原则为网络管辖权确定了初步的规则和标准。

    American courthouse use " minimum contacts principle " in the cases of this year to establish initial principle and standard for network jurisdictional power .