
hào zi
  • mouse;rat
耗子 [hào zǐ]
  • (1) [mouse]∶小家鼠

  • (2) [rat]∶老鼠

耗子[hào zi]
  1. 不久,他看见耗子正在顺着一块他自称为楼梯的,斜放在那里的木板往下爬。

    Soon he saw the rat climbing down a slanting20 board that he used as a stairway .

  2. 瞬间来历,他就看见耗子的尖鼻头从木头食槽下面探出来。

    In a moment he saw the rat 's sharp nose poke24 out from underneath25 the wooden trough .

  3. 人们认为我养只耗子当宠物是变态。

    People think I 'm sick for having a rat as a pet .

  4. 她像耗子一样悄悄地爬上楼去。

    She crept upstairs , quiet as a mouse .

  5. 我抓着耗子的尾巴倒提起来。

    I held the mouse by its tail .

  6. 从山谷里跑来了一条饥肠辘辘的狗,它沿路嗅探,仿佛在寻找小耗子或者小鹌鹑。

    In the valley below ran a hungry dog , sniffing along the ground as if in search of mice or quail .

  7. 你片子里的明星是耗子,小猫和胖的老仙女。

    Your film stars mice and cats with an old , fat fairy .

  8. 他们想要的是耗子般的小姑娘,胃口小得像雀子,一点儿见识也没有

    An ' dey thinks dey wants mousy lil gals wid bird 's tastes an ' no sense at all .

  9. 母鹅用她扁扁的嘴巴把那只没有孵出来的蛋推到了她的巢外,全体的伙伴都带着憎恶的表情看着耗子把它搬走。

    With her broad bill the goose pushed the unhatched egg out of the nest , and the entire company watched in disgust while the rat rolled it away .

  10. 鲁维把威伯的食槽拽到了院子中间后,往耗子洞踢进了一些脏土,将那只破蛋和坦普尔曼其他的收藏品一起盖上。

    And Lurvy dragged Wilbur ’ s trough across the yard and kicked some dirt into the rat ’ s nest , burying the broken egg and all Templeton ’ s other possessions .

  11. 这只耗子不讲道义,没同情心,无所顾忌,不顾他人,没有品德,没有啮齿类动物的仁慈心肠,从不会良心不安,毫无高尚情感,没有友情,什么好的地方都没有。

    The rat had no morals , no conscience , no scruples , no consideration , no decency , no milk of rodent kindness , no compunctions , no higher feeling , no friendliness , no anything .

  12. 我倒是听说过它们会传染疾病,是要小心点。Michael,那象耗子那样的小动物也能够叫做critters吗?

    M : Well , I would not try to feed those little critters if I were you , they bite and can carry diseases .

  13. 耗子就对了,我们在水边嘛。

    Rats . yes , well , we live near water .

  14. 你以为这样就算完了吗小耗子

    Did you think it would end here , little rat ?

  15. 他在星期天晚上安静得像只耗子。

    On Sunday night he was as quiet as a mouse .

  16. 耗子把这个盒子的盖咬穿了。

    The mouse has gnawed through the cover of the box .

  17. 那船上方便的设备很多,可是耗子也很多。

    The ship abounds in conveniences , but abounds with rats .

  18. 耗子、老鼠和野鼠靠嗅觉区分彼此。

    Rats , mice and voles recognise each other by smell .

  19. 不能为了吓走耗子而烧了房子。

    Bur ot your house to rid it of the mouse .

  20. “啊哼!”耗子神气十足地说。

    Ahem ! Said the mouse with an important air .

  21. 看,这只耗子来偷吃东西了!

    Look , this rat come to steal our foods !

  22. 即使一只瞎松鼠也有发现一个橡子的时候。(瞎猫也有碰上死耗子的时候。)

    Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while .

  23. 那耗子灵活地顺着马腿爬上去。

    The mouse ran nimbly up the horse 's leg .

  24. 现在放下他然后去扮耗子吧

    Now put him down and act like a mouse .

  25. 他本人跟磨坊里的耗子那么浑圆滑溜。

    He himself is sleek as a miller 's rat .

  26. 一只耗子能够引向地底之下的秘密生命。

    A mouse leads a clandestine life below the ground .

  27. 穿着内裤到处走一个追耗子的

    just sitting around in their underwear and-and chasing rats ...

  28. 你谁也不是小耗子你成不了什么角儿

    You are nothing . You will always be nothing !

  29. 你的确进步了不少脏兮兮的小耗子

    You 've made lots of progress , dirty , little rat ,

  30. 那小耗子对它面临的危险还茫然不知。

    The mouse is ignorant of the danger that he 's facing .