
  • 网络yuen woo-ping;Yuen Woo Ping;Woo-ping Yuen
  1. WellGo最近发行的其他影片包括李沧东的《燃烧》、张艺谋的《影》和袁和平的《叶问传》。

    Among Well Go 's other recent releases are Lee Chang-dong 's Burning , Zhang Yimou 's Shadow and Yuen Woo-Ping 's Master Z : The Ip Man Legacy .

  2. 有资源透露说这部影片花费了7000万美元,并且可能由袁和平担任武术指导。

    Sources say the movie has a budget of70 million US dollars and might be made by martial arts choreographer and film director Yuen woo-ping .

  3. 影片的制作人韦恩斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)把这对动作明星组合称为“梦之队”,并表示,新片《卧虎藏龙2:铁骑银瓶》(CrouchingTigerHiddenDragonII—TheGreenDestiny)将由传奇动作指导袁和平担任导演。

    Producer Harvey Weinstein described the action duo as a " dream team " and said the new film , " Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon II ─

  4. 袁和平的打斗尽管迅速而精巧,仍然令人感觉敷衍。

    Even his fight sequences , while fast and intricate , feel perfunctory .

  5. 同时还有袁和平。

    They also have Yuen Woping .

  6. 温斯坦公司将执导权交给了中国知名导演袁和平。

    The Weinstein Company has instead given the directing reins to Woo-ping Yuen , a well-known director in China .

  7. 袁和平的执导风格与平庸的电脑特效技术令影片显得好像一部中国摄影棚拍出来的图画故事书。

    Mr. Yuen 's directorial style and the mediocre computer graphics give the film the picturesque , storybook feel of a Chinese studio production , however .

  8. 香港风格不只是一种类型,它包容了吴宇森、徐克、袁和平和胡金铨等各种各样的人才。

    The Hong Kong style was more than just a genre , encompassing talents as diverse as John woo , Tsui hark , King Hu and Yuen woo-ping .

  9. 袁和平和甄子丹将与韦恩斯坦参加周六在戛纳举行的新闻发布会,届时他们将向外界透露更多与续集拍摄计划有关的信息。

    Messrs. Yen and Yuen will join Mr. Weinstein at a Saturday press conference in Cannes , where they will shed more light on plans for the sequel .

  10. 他说,我认为这部影片在导演方面是大师级的作品,但是我知道让袁和平担任第二部的导演将会是绝佳的合作。

    I thought it was a master class in directing , but I know we are in fantastic hands with Yuen Wo-ping directing the second installment , he said .

  11. 影片由著名动作设计师、《卧虎藏龙》一片的动作设计袁和平执导,是一连串打斗情景努力在寻找一个故事的电影。

    Directed by Yuen Wo Ping , the famous action choreographer who worked on the original " Crouching Tiger , " it 's a series of fights in search of a story .

  12. 本部影片讲述的是四位武林侠客为保护拥有400年历史之久的青冥宝剑周全的故事,由著名武术指导袁和平担任导演。

    The film follows four martial arts heroes who are trying to protect the 400-year-old sword , known as the Green Destiny . The film is directed by renowned fight choreographer Yuen Woo-ping .