
  • 网络NEWARK;EWR;Newark NJ
  1. 她为我安排了一架小型飞机,为我改道纽瓦克,我回到英国的时间甚至比原定时间更早。

    She arranged for a flight on a small plane to be held for me , re-routed me through Newark and got me back to the UK even earlier than originally scheduled .

  2. 在裁掉几乎一半员工后,纽瓦克的《明星纪事报》(starledger)最近又招了两名记者。

    The star ledger in Newark , after cutting almost half of its staff , recently reassigned two journalists to the post room .

  3. 米勒此前在《DataCenterKnowledge》发表文章指出,北卡罗来纳州梅登的这个数据中心规模几乎是苹果在加州纽瓦克数据中心的五倍。

    In a previous Data Center Knowledge article , Mr. Miller noted that the Maiden center will be nearly five times the size of Apple 's Newark , Calif. , facility .

  4. 因为,就像纽瓦克的市长布克(CoryBooker)

    because , like Mayor Booker in Newark ,

  5. 罗恩·班农(RonBannon),58岁,新泽西州纽瓦克

    Ron Bannon , 58 , Newark , N.J.

  6. 克里斯蒂周日在福克斯新闻上面以护士身份出现,当时他正在纽瓦克接受隔离,并对CNN记者说了一些话,CNN认为隔离过程是不人道的。

    Christie appeared on Fox News Sunday as a nurse currently being quarantined in Newark spoke to CNN saying the isolation process is inhumane .

  7. 他9月份时献上了自己的头一份慈善大礼,在《奥普拉脱口秀》(TheOprahWinfreyShow)中承诺向纽瓦克的公立学校捐赠至多1亿美元。

    In September , he made his first major charitable gift , promising on ' The Oprah Winfrey Show ' to give up to $ 100 million to public schools in Newark .

  8. 所以,当巴德学院(BardCollege)去年为梦想拿到学士学位的家庭条件不佳的学生在纽瓦克开设大学先修高中时,他确信自己能在那里表现出色。

    So last year , when Bard College opened an early college high school in Newark for disadvantaged students with dreams of a bachelor 's degree , he was sure he 'd do well there .

  9. 大卫·赵(DavidZhao)是从温德汉姆花园酒店出发的那辆大巴上的导游,他说去纽约旅游,住在纽瓦克这个概念对于有些中国人来说很难理解。

    David Zhao , the tour guide on the bus from the Wyndham Garden , said the concept of staying in New Jersey on a trip to New York was hard for some Chinese to understand .

  10. 在接下来的一周,检查将扩大到纽瓦克自由机场,华盛顿的杜勒斯、芝加哥O'hare和亚特兰大的Hartsfield-Jackson国际机场。

    Over the next week , screenings will expand to Newark Liberty , Washington Dulles , Chicago O'Hare and Hartsfield-Jackson in Atlanta .

  11. 因此在5月2日,RAHMEMANUEL任命纽瓦克警察总指挥GarryMcCarthy(如图)为芝加哥市的新警长。

    So on May 2nd he tapped Garry McCarthy ( pictured ) , Newark 's police director , as the city 's new top cop .

  12. 纽约和新泽西人都觉得纽瓦克和纽约是完全两个不同的地方,酒店业咨询公司租房顾问(LodgingAdvisors)的首席执行官肖恩·亨尼西(SeanHennessey)说。

    People in New York and New Jersey think of Newark and New York as two different places , said Sean Hennessey , the chief executive of Lodging Advisors , a hotel industry consulting company .

  13. .周四,从布鲁塞尔出发的一架大陆航空公司(ContinentalAirlinesInc.)波音777客机机长在飞行途中死亡,副机长和换班飞行员驾驶这架飞机降落在新泽西州纽瓦克自由国际机场。

    Backups Land Jet Safely After Pilot Dies A first officer and relief pilot safely landed a Continental Airlines Inc. jetliner Thursday at New Jersey 's Newark Liberty International Airport , hours after the pilot of the Boeing 777 died midflight en route from Brussels .

  14. 参与了巴德所有三所公立高中的创办的雷·彼得森(RayPeterson)说,鉴于纽瓦克学生所处的困境,对目前所取得的成绩,他感到很欣慰。在现有的29名二年级学生中,有21位已经被四年制大学接收。

    Ray Peterson , who has helped start all three of Bard 's public high schools , says that given the Newark students " struggles , he is pleased with where they are : of the remaining 29 second-year students , 21 have been accepted to a four-year college .

  15. 俄亥俄州立大学纽瓦克分校心理学荣誉退休教授萨拉•斯塔茨(SaraStaats)在2009年主持的一项研究发现,具有英雄主义倾向的人与他人有较高程度的情感共鸣,即对他人的关爱或担心。

    Empathy , or care or concern for others , runs high in people with heroic tendencies , according to a 2009 study led by Sara Staats , a professor emeritus of psychology at Ohio State University in Newark .

  16. 长期关注酒店业的美国PKF咨询公司资深副总裁马克·范斯特克伦伯格(MarkVanStekelenberg)说,去年纽瓦克机场附近的酒店房间均价是116美元一晚,而曼哈顿地区的酒店均价是294美元一晚。

    The average hotel room around the Newark airport was $ 116 a night last year , according to Mark VanStekelenberg , a senior vice president of PKF Consulting USA , which follows the hotel industry . The average in Manhattan was $ 294 a night , he said .

  17. 他已被收进纽瓦克的一家私立精神病院。

    He 's been committed to a private psychiatric hospital in Newark .

  18. 但在纽瓦克和新泽西则例外。

    Newark , New Jersey , however is an exception .

  19. 这位是纽瓦克的艾姆女士。

    And this is lady em of newark .

  20. 纽瓦克在许多方面都未从1967年的动乱中恢复元气。

    In many ways , Newark has never really recovered from the 1967 riots .

  21. 纽瓦克犯罪控制警察到达芝加哥

    Newark 's crime-cutting cop comes to Chicago

  22. 美国肯尼迪国际机场和纽瓦克机场重新开放。

    JFK and Newark airport have reopened .

  23. 2008年,纽瓦克的犯罪率下降了32%,引领了全国犯罪下降率之风。

    In 2008 Newark led the nation in murder reduction with a 32 % decrease .

  24. 我们都会变得很忙但我在纽瓦克的工作中认识到

    We all will be busy but i 've seen it in my work in Newark .

  25. 这才是“头等”我找到了“头等”从纽瓦克的高层建筑项目

    This is first class i 've found first class from the high-rise projects of Newark .

  26. 然后开车飞奔向纽瓦克机场我现在是纽瓦克市长了

    And we raced off to Newark airport I 'm the mayor of the city now .

  27. 但我的博士学位是在纽瓦克的街头巷尾拿到的它来自于足够关心我的那些人

    But my phd on the streets of Newark from folks who cared enough about me .

  28. 原来的过程是由发明家塞思博伊登在1818年在新泽西州纽瓦克。

    The original process was developed in Newark , New Jersey by inventor Seth Boyden in1818 .

  29. 宾夕法尼亚中央铁路公司纽瓦克车站的复兴

    Renaissance at Newark Penn Station

  30. 从纽瓦克和霍波肯的终点,铁路通过两条隧道穿越的哈得逊河。

    From terminals in Newark and Hoboken , the railway crosses the Hudson river via two tunnels .