
  • 网络new york mets;METs
  1. 因为纽约大都会队的比赛要开始了

    Cause the Mets are about to play .

  2. 听说你爸爸有纽约大都会队的比赛的票?

    So your daddy 's got box seats to the Mets game , huh ?

  3. 比分是94比81。棒球赛消息:(纽约)大都会队以11比3战胜印第安队。

    The score was 94 to 81.In baseball , the Mets beat the Indians 11 to 3 .

  4. 基南法官是一个支持纽约大都会棒球队的球迷,有时用棒球来推理解释法律问题。

    As a baseball fan who roots for the New York Mets , Judge Keenan sometimes uses baseball analogies to explain legal issues .

  5. 它是纽约大都会棒球队老板送给麦道夫的礼物,同其他的很多人一样,他也是这场骗局的受害者之一。

    It was given to Madoff by the owners of the New York Mets , who like so many others , fell victim to his schemes .

  6. 解释自己为什么在纽约大都会棒球队2007赛季最后一场比赛失败后刮光胡子:我本想切断自己的喉咙,但我没瞄准,手举高了点。

    Explaining why he shaved his mustache after the Mets '2007 season-ending collapse : I tried to cut my throat , but I aimed too high .