
  • 网络Mittelklasse
  1. 总部位于杭州的吉利汽车(GeelyAuto)也是沃尔沃母公司旗下的公司。吉利汽车正在与沃尔沃共同研发各种车型——掀背车、轿车和小型SUV——的中级车。

    Geely Auto , the Hangzhou-based volume carmaker also owned by Volvo 's parent , is working with Volvo to create midsize cars in a variety of shapes - hatchbacks , sedans and small SUVs .

  2. 在2010年,10部最高效车辆中就有5部是中级车。

    For2010,5 of the10 most efficient vehicles were midsize .

  3. 亦或宝马认为加长一款中级车是对市场的妥协?

    Or whether do you think the Long Wheelbase Versions are a compromise to the market ?

  4. 加长车型越来越受到中国消费者的青睐,就连一些强调运动性的豪华型中级车也不例外。

    The Long Wheelbase Version of cars get more popular in China , and that also includes the SUV .

  5. 这三大配置现在同时出现在一款主流中级车上表明,一度只有顶级豪车才能享用的这些配置是多么迅速地成为中级车的标配。

    That all three features are offered on a mainstream sedan shows how quickly features once offered in only the most expensive vehicles are migrating to the mainstream .

  6. 如何使新的产品品牌在中级车市占有一席之地,必须从产品开发之初的考虑,到产品上市推广等各个环节进行系统性思考和筹划。

    How to make the new brand placed in the mid-class auto market , it must have systematic thinking and planning from the consideration of product development beginning to all aspects of market promotion .

  7. 此动车组由hitachi公司制造,具有中级牵引车。

    This trainset is manufactured by Hitachi company and has middle traction .