
  • 网络space shuttle;US Space Shuttle
  1. 美国航天飞机的发射已于今天晚些时候开始进入倒计时。

    The countdown has begun for the launch later today of the American space shuttle

  2. 计算了以美国航天飞机为模型的再入走廊。

    The reentry corridor of American Space Shuttle is calculated .

  3. 这两个平台上安放的备件将被用来在美国航天飞机退役后维护空间站运行。

    The platforms will hold spare parts to sustain station operations after the shuttles'retirement .

  4. 美国航天飞机可以多次使用,向太空运送有效负载。

    The American space shuttle can be used many times to put payloads in space .

  5. 这次任务需历时16天,是美国航天飞机项目的倒数第二次任务。

    This is a 16-day mission and the next-to-the-last mission for the space shuttle program .

  6. 独占鳌头的美国航天飞机

    Current Status of American Spacecraft

  7. 这次飞行,将是奋进号的最后一次使命。也是美国航天飞机的到数第二次使命。

    This will be the last mission for Endeavour , and the second-to-last mission for the U.S. shuttle fleet .

  8. 最后一架美国航天飞机在佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角发射升空,从而结束了30年的航天飞机项目。

    The last US space shuttle has blasted off from Cape Canaveral in Florida , bringing an end to the30-year-old programme .

  9. 国家航空航天局的官员说,这次为期16天的太空之旅是自从国际空间站项目开始以来美国航天飞机访问空间站时间最长的一次。

    NASA officials say the16-day space mission will include the longest shuttle visit to the International Space Station in the program 's history .

  10. 美国航天飞机奋力号因为该地区的雷电暴风天气第四次被推迟发射。

    The launch of the US space shuttle Endeavour has been postponed for a fourth time , because of thunder storms in the area .

  11. 利用美国航天飞机雷达遥感数据,进行穿透深度的实证分析。

    Using shuttle radar remote sensing data , some examples , such as old channels and old lake shore lines , of penetration are shown .

  12. 诚然,尹致源不是一位普普通通的银行家,他曾是一名工程师,为美国航天飞机项目设计过卫星通讯网络。

    Admittedly , Mr Yoon is no ordinary banker but a former engineer who designed the satellite communications network used in the US space shuttle programme .

  13. 本文评述了美国航天飞机几代陶瓷瓦的研究历程,并预测了陶瓷瓦和材料的发展趋势。

    This paper describes the development of several generation ceramic insulation tile for the Space Shuttle in America , and predicts the prospects of ceramic insulation tile and the materials .

  14. 火星观察者号将由一架美国航天飞机运载发射。在航天飞机发射和重返大气层期间,科学家们将和飞行人员一起乘坐在航天飞机的坐舱里。

    The Mars Observer is to be deployed from an America space shuttle . The scientists will ride with the crew in the shuttle cabin during the vehicle 's launch and re-entry .

  15. 接着根据美国航天飞机的飞行试验结果,研讨了研制航天飞机必须要解决的气动力和气动热问题。

    Based on the results of flight tests for space shuttle in USA , the aerodynamic problems and the aerothermal problems that must be sloved for the development of the winged space transportation systems are investigated respectively .

  16. 你们在电视上看到美国哥伦比亚航天飞机的悲剧了吗?

    Did you watch on TV the tragedy of Columbia space shuttle of the u.s. ?

  17. 一架美国军用航天飞机在佛罗里达州发射升空。

    A prototype spaceplane developed for the US military has been launched into orbit from Florida .

  18. 距离周日早上美国发现号航天飞机7名航天员发射升空已经一天时间。

    And another day off from the Sunday morning for the7 astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery .

  19. 奋进号航天飞机载着7名宇航员星期二凌晨在夜色中从佛罗里达州肯尼迪太空中心发射升空。美国的航天飞机很少在夜间发射升空。

    The seven-person crew aboard Endeavour lifted off during a rare nighttime launch from Kennedy Space Center in Florida .

  20. 美国发现号航天飞机为最近的国际空间站任务做准备。

    The US shuttle Discovery is all set for its latest mission to the International Space Station ( ISS ) .

  21. 美国的航天飞机机组预计将在今年晚些时候退役,在那之前只剩下三次飞行任务。

    There are only three shuttle flights remaining before the fleet is set to be retired , later this year .

  22. 2006年7月17日,美国发现号航天飞机在肯尼迪航天中心安全着陆,这也让美国宇航局决定重启已搁置3年的国际空间站扩建计划。

    The space shuttle Discovery glided to a smooth touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center on July 17th appears to clear the way for resumption of station assembly in US .

  23. 如今,美国的航天飞机全部都被封存到博物馆里,而其他国家也都在大张旗鼓地宣传自己奔向月球、奔向火星的计划。因此,卡梅伦在海洋探索事业上的捐赠并不能带来太多安慰。

    In the age when America 's space shuttles are all mothballed in museums while other nations boast of plans to head to the Moon or to Mars , Cameron 's ocean deal provides cold comfort .

  24. 美国几架航天飞机所发生的SEU研究

    Study on SEU occurred on board of several space shuttles

  25. 这种火箭的负重是美国宇航局航天飞机的2倍。

    That load weight is double the capacity of NASA space shuttles .

  26. 今年二月份的时候,美国哥伦比亚好航天飞机在返航的时候突然发生事故,机上七名宇航员全部罹难。

    In february , america 's Columbia space shuttle broke up during re-entry , killing seven astronauts .

  27. 美国奋进号航天飞机发射升空执行最后一次任务,前往国际空间站。

    The American space shuttle Endeavour has lifted off for the International Space Station on its final mission .

  28. 美国奋进号航天飞机开始了一次雄心勃勃的太空使命。奋进号将向国际空间站送去一个新的科学试验室和一个机器人装置。

    Space Shuttle Endeavour has launched on an ambitious mission to deliver a new science laboratory and robotic system to the International Space Station .

  29. 在历经30年沧桑后,美国宇航局的航天飞机即将退役。

    The space agency is retiring its shuttles after thirty years .

  30. 这是美国第129次航天飞机飞行,也是第31次飞往空间站。

    This was the 129th U.S. space shuttle flight , and the 31st to the space station .