
ɡāo nán dù
  • High difficulty;superior difficulty;main difficulty
  1. 我不得不为这些体操运动员们高难度的扭体动作而赞叹。

    I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts .

  2. 采访政治家可能并不是什么高难度的事,但的确很重要。

    Interviewing politicians may not be rocket science , but it does matter .

  3. 您还可以使用相同的方法执行一些高难度的UNIX操作。

    You can also use the same techniques to perform some UNIX wizardry .

  4. 帕瓦罗蒂在其演唱生涯的巅峰时期,凭借著对高难度高音举重若轻的把握被誉为“高音C之王”。

    In his heyday , he was known as the " King of the High C 's " for the ease with which he tossed off difficult top notes .

  5. 最后将漫游系统与GIS相结合,设计并实现了电力行业中的一个完整的培训与参观系统,特别适用于危险与高难度操作的地方。

    Then it designs and realizes a roam system that units the GIS system for an electric station . It 's especially for dangerous situation and difficult operation .

  6. 为了分析高难度SC电路,文章拓宽了这种方法(包括所谓的直接拓扑规则)。

    To analyse high hard SC circuit , This paper expands the method ( including direct topology ruli ) .

  7. 当然,他并非真的在尝试最高难度的跳水动作,而是在进行一次学术方面的高难度尝试:申请超一流的MBA课程。

    He wasn 't attempting the world 's most difficult dive , but its academic equivalent instead : applying to an ultra-elite MBA program .

  8. DataDisplayDebugger是GDB的图形前端,它甚至支持高难度的任务,比如虚拟化使用指针链接的数据结构。

    The GNU debugger ( GDB ) is quite powerful ; the Data Display Debugger is a graphical front end for GDB and even supports difficult tasks like the visualization of pointer-linked data structures .

  9. 加勒比海地区尼维斯(Nevis)的摄影师塔拉&12539;利(TaraLeigh)的客户则提出了一些更高难度的要求。

    Tara Leigh , a photographer in Nevis in the Caribbean , has had some more involved requests .

  10. 自动目标识别(ATR)作为一个重要的研究对象,无疑是举世公认的高难度技术之一。

    As one of important objects of study , Automatic Target Recognition ( ATR ) is , without doubt , one of the well known difficult techniques .

  11. BTT导弹控制技术的特点决定了其成为强耦合的非线性时变系统,使其控制系统设计具有很高难度。

    The features of BTT control have determined that BTT missile is a strong coupling and time varying system , which make it difficult to design a control system .

  12. SoC设计的高难度、高成本使设计者都面临这样的挑战:怎样在更小芯片尺寸上,以更低的功耗、更短的时间设计出功能更强大的芯片。

    The complexity of SoC make the design and manufacture cost grow dramatically . Chip designers are facing with the challenge of how to design more powerful chips which are smaller in size , lower in power consumption in a shorter time .

  13. 涵艺数字油画(上海)文体用品有限公司多年以来专业从事高难度,装饰艺术和DIY数字油画,产品出口于欧美、日本、韩国等国家和地区。

    Hanyi digital painting ( Shanghai ) culture and sports articles Co. , Ltd engaged in difficult decorative arts and DIY digital painting , products are sold to Europe , America , Japan and Korea ect .

  14. 应用电动钻机和顶部驱动钻井设备,优化钻具组合,完善钻井液性能,仅用79d就安全优质地钻成了这口大斜度高难度定向井。

    It took only 79d to complete the extremely difficult high angle directional well safely with high grade by using the electric rig and top drive drilling equipment , optimized bottom hole assembly and perfect performance of drilling fluid .

  15. 装配E.T.Driver的混合动力大客车道路试验按照国家标准进行,主要考察小油门起步换挡、加速换挡、高档位等高难度工况。

    The road experiments of hybrid electrical bus equipped with E.T.Driver are carried out according to the standard of China , and mainly attention is focused on typical difficult working conditions , such as small throttle start-up gear shift , gear shift during acceleration course and high gear position .

  16. 新生儿头皮高难度静脉穿刺的固定方法

    Fixing Method of Highly Difficult Venous Puncture on Newborn Head Skin

  17. 熟巧、轻松的完成了高难度的技艺表演;不经意的优雅。

    A difficult feat performed with casual mastery ; careless grace .

  18. 高难度高风险项目的实施管理

    Management of in the Project with High Difficulty and High Risk

  19. 冲浪是一项高难度的运动。

    Surfing is a very difficult sport to become good at .

  20. 当场回答高难度的问题是很难的。

    And answering difficult questions on the fly can be problematic .

  21. 高难度的东西留给我摆弄吧

    and let me play around with the hard stuff , huh ?

  22. 下水道工人的高难度游戏

    One of the more difficult games sewer workers play .

  23. 高难度动作是以高质量完成为基础的;

    High difficulty elements with the high quantity complete are the basal ;

  24. 武术套路运动高难度之审美特征

    The Esthetics Characteristics of " High Difficulty " in Wushu Movement Sets

  25. 我当时还在刷牙呢高难度

    I was brushing my teeth at the same time .

  26. 对各类高难度之神经疾病作精确分析诊断以提供完整的诊疗。

    These laboratories can help the doctors precisely diagnose all neurologic disease .

  27. 不过,周四的表决结果依然跨越了高难度的障碍。

    Still , Thursday 's vote was a high and difficult hurdle .

  28. 那个高难度的手术在生死边缘进行了好几个钟头。

    The complicated medical operation was touch and go for several hours .

  29. 高难度水平下单通道与多通道突显的效用性研究

    Visual Search Performance Study Between Single and Multi-modality Highlighting on High Level Difficulty

  30. 腹腔镜下高难度子宫肌瘤剔除术85例分析

    High difficult laparoscopic myomectomy : analysis of 85 cases