
  • 网络Food Paradise
  1. 无需多言,直接从这份名单中被称为“街头美食天堂”的印度开始吧。

    Without further ado , let 's get to the list , starting with the street food paradise called India .

  2. 我生活在被称为东方之珠的香港,这里是购物和美食天堂。

    I live in Hong Kong . It 's said to be the Pearl of the Orient , shopping and food paradise .

  3. 这里是有名的美食天堂,所以对啤酒来说是个好兆头。

    This is known as a food heaven , so that bodes well for beer . '

  4. 因为广州不但是美食天堂,而且还是购物天堂。

    Because Guangzhou is not only a paradise for gourmets , but also a shopper 's paradise .

  5. 扬州,自隋唐以来,就是我国重要的美食天堂。

    Yangzhou is china 's main food heaven for a long time now since Sui and Tang Dynasty .

  6. 新加坡是一个美食天堂、购物天堂、商业天堂,是一个你要安享晚年的地方。

    It 's a food heaven , shopping heaven , business heaven , somewhere you 'd want to spend your twilight years .

  7. 对于第一次出国的印度人而言,购物和美食天堂新加坡和迪拜是最具吸引力的旅游目的地。

    For Indians going overseas for the first time , Singapore and Dubai with their endless shopping and dining are more attractive destinations .

  8. 宜兰不只是有名在美丽的自然景观,也是老饕们的美食天堂!

    It is known not only for the beautiful natural vistas but also for the cuisine that makes the area a favorite with gourmands !

  9. 不过,直到几年前,这个美食天堂却连最痴迷于吃的美食家也吸引不来。理由倒也很充分。

    But , until the last several years , it was challenging to lure even the most die-hard foodies to this garden of eating & for good reason .

  10. 香港是一个拥有众多选择的真正的美食天堂。你可以选择在典雅的美芝莲星级餐厅或地道的茶餐厅用餐。

    Hong Kong is a truly dining heaven with a range of choices , be it dining in a Michelin star restaurant or local teahouse called Cha Can Ting .

  11. “我有强迫症,”伊瑟说,“我不想给买家有缺陷的鱼。”不过,直到几年前,这个美食天堂却连最痴迷于吃的美食家也吸引不来。理由倒也很充分。

    But , until the last several years , it was challenging to lure even the most die-hard foodies to this garden of eating -- for good reason . '

  12. 这个很像麦当劳的门口,相信你们一定会印象深刻,由此串连了中原校园和校外的美食天堂。

    The gate is quite like the mark of Macdonald . You must be very very impressive about it . The gate connects Chung Yoan campus and the delicious food paradise .

  13. 可以想象她到了北京有多吃惊,该操心的不是厕纸,而是面对美食天堂时不知该下哪家馆子的两难抉择。

    Imagine her surprise after arriving in Beijing , when instead of worrying about toilet paper , she was faced with difficult choices like where to dine in this food-lover 's paradise .

  14. 香港约拥有9000家餐馆,长期以来一直以身为美食天堂而感到自豪。随着大量赌场的开业,澳门也提升了自己的服务。

    Hong Kong , which has about 9,000 restaurants , has long prided itself as a gourmet centre , while Macao has improved its offerings with the opening of a number of casinos .

  15. 新加坡之所以是一个美食天堂,是因为我们的社会太会享福,我们贪吃,要求食物多样化,产生了这个需求。

    It 's a food heaven because we 're such a pampered society that we actually want , not need , variety , and because we 're such gluttons that we create the demand .

  16. 台湾真是个美食的天堂,各地都有著名的小吃。

    Taiwan is really a heaven of delicacy , everyplace has the well-known repast .

  17. 他出身于台湾美食的天堂台南。

    He born in Tainan city which is the gourmet paradise of taiwan .

  18. 好啊。这绝对是一个美食的天堂,有满足所有口味的格式美味小吃。对了,你想吃什么?

    Sure . It 's indeed a culinary heaven which offers a wide range of delicious snacks to satisfy all tastes . Then , which one would you like ?

  19. 旧金山是美食爱好者的天堂,能在这里举办一场宴会对每一位美食爱好者来说都是再合适不过的了!

    San Francisco is a paradise for food lovers and presents a feast of impossible choices to gourmands game enough to take on the challenge .

  20. 槟榔屿还是热爱美食的游客的天堂。

    Penang is also a paradise for food lovers .