
  • 网络Hong Kong Disneyland;Hong Kong Disney;Hongkong Disneyland;Disneyland, Hong Kong
  1. 香港迪士尼乐园将于周一晚些时候公布截至2013年9月这一财年的业绩。香港政府持有该主题公园52%的股份,其余为华特-迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCo.,DIS)持有。

    Hong Kong Disneyland , which is - owned by the city 's government , while Walt Disney Co. owns the rest , will announce financial results for the fiscal year ended September 2013 later Monday .

  2. 香港迪士尼乐园126公顷,是世界上最小的迪士尼乐园。

    Hong Kong Disneyland area of126 hectares , is the world 's smallest Disneyland .

  3. 目前香港迪士尼乐园包括两家酒店――香港迪士尼乐园酒店(HongKongDisneylandHotel)和迪士尼好莱坞酒店(Disney'sHollywoodHotel),总计有1000个酒店房间。

    There are currently two hotels on site -- Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Disney 's Hollywood Hotel -- which provide a total of 1000 hotel rooms .

  4. 香港迪士尼乐园(HongKongDisneyland)周一公布,将投资5.5亿美元兴建第三家酒店,因为创纪录高位的游客数量帮助香港迪士尼乐园实现了2005年开业以来的最高年度利润。

    Hong Kong 's Disney theme park on Monday said it is investing US $ 550 million on a third hotel resort after record attendance figures helped deliver the park 's biggest annual profit since opening in 2005 .

  5. 虽然迪士尼让米老鼠Cutie化,但仍然坚持香港迪士尼乐园中灰姑娘和白雪公主角色必须由西方女性扮演。

    Disney tweaked Mickey into'Cutie'form but still insists that only Western women can play Cinderella and Snow White at Tokyo and Hong Kong Disneylands .

  6. 安明智表示,为帮助中国内地游客了解迪士尼卡通人物(如米老鼠和他忠实的狗布鲁托(Pluto))的背景故事,香港迪士尼乐园正在拍摄一个游览前影片,准备在游客游览时放映。

    To help Chinese tourists to understand the back story of Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse and his faithful dog Pluto , Mr Ernest said the park , the first Disneyland in China , is developing a pre-show to screen to its visitors when they visit the attraction .

  7. 香港迪士尼乐园在亚洲的旅游景点中处于领先位置。

    Hong Kong Disneyland is the leading family attraction in Asia .

  8. 您到访过香港迪士尼乐园多少次?

    How many times have you visited Hong Kong Disneyland ?

  9. 自2011年以来,香港迪士尼乐园首次经历了年度亏损。

    Hong Kong Disneyland Resort has recorded its first annual loss since 2011 .

  10. 香港迪士尼乐园仍是全球面积最小的迪士尼主题公园。

    Hong Kong Disneyland remains the smallest of all Disney theme parks world-wide .

  11. 香港迪士尼乐园泰山树屋钢结构工程制作安装技术

    Manufacture and erection technologies of tarzan ′ s treehouse steelwork project of Hongkong Disneyland

  12. 香港迪士尼乐园的发展有助振兴香港旅游业。

    The development of Hong Kong Disneyland can effectively reinvigorate Hong Kong Tourism industry .

  13. 您曾否游览香港迪士尼乐园?

    Have you ever visited Hong Kong Disneyland ?

  14. 您是否满意到访香港迪士尼乐园的体验?

    Are you satisfied with the experience during your visit of Hong Kong Disneyland ?

  15. 走进香港迪士尼乐园酒店,富丽堂皇的景象立即呈现眼前。

    Enter the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and step into a world of splendor .

  16. 香港迪士尼乐园即将开幕!

    Hong Kong Disneyland is opening soon !

  17. 在一月十九日第一天,我们去香港迪士尼乐园玩。

    On the first day ? Jan. 19 ? we went to Hong Kong Disneyland .

  18. 香港迪士尼乐园是一个位于香港迪士尼度假区的主题乐园。

    Hong Kong Disneyland is one located at Hong Kong Disney Resort area theme park .

  19. 香港迪士尼乐园在此之前一直未实现盈利,部分原因是最初的到访游客数量低于预期。

    Hong Kong Disneyland had previously been unprofitable , partly because early attendance was lower than expected .

  20. 美国迪士尼公司执行长麦克尔?艾斯纳说:「我现在宣布,香港迪士尼乐园正式开幕。」

    " I now declare Hong Kong Disneyland officially open ," said disney 's chief executive Michael eisner .

  21. 在香港迪士尼乐园和木兰合影更是让大批游客乐此不疲。

    And posing for a photo with Mulan is a must for hordes of tourists at Hong Kong Disneyland .

  22. 相比于香港迪士尼乐园,上海迪士尼乐园极有可能不那么依赖多次入园票和年票。

    Shanghai Disneyland will most likely rely less on repeat attendance and annual passes than its Hong Kong cousin .

  23. 就像另外四个迪斯尼乐园一样,香港迪士尼乐园也会有自己的特色。

    Looks like other four Disneyland to be the same , Hong Kong Disneyland will also have own characteristic .

  24. 先前,离上海最近的迪士尼乐园是香港迪士尼乐园,门票价格为539港币。

    Previously , the closest park to Shanghai was Hong Kong Disneyland which is priced at HK $ 539 .

  25. 在本年报所涉会期内,内务委员会曾举行两次特别会议,讨论香港迪士尼乐园计划。

    During the session under review , the Committee held two special meetings to discuss the Hong Kong Disneyland project .

  26. 香港迪士尼乐园主题曲“让魔术禁飞区”由香港迪士尼乐园名誉大使张学友主唱。

    Hong Kong Disneyland theme song " Let the Magic fly " by the Hong Kong Disneyland spokesperson Jacky Cheung singer .

  27. 2015年,香港迪士尼乐园度假区亏损了1.48亿港元,游客数量下滑了9.3%。

    The park recorded a loss of HK $ 148 million last year , while the number of visitors dropped 9.3 % .

  28. 2015年,该园业务收入按年下跌6.4%,为51.11亿港元。这是自2009年起,香港迪士尼乐园经历的第一次年度收入下降。

    Revenue also fell 6.4 percent to HK $ 5.11 billion , the park 's first year-on-year decline in income since 2009 .

  29. 香港迪士尼乐园度假区是香港迪士尼乐园主题公园,是全球第五个迪士尼乐园位于座位。

    Hong Kong Disneyland is a resort area located on Hong Kong Disneyland theme park , which is Disney 's fifth seat Disneyland .

  30. 香港迪士尼乐园的发展能有效提高香港作为一个国际都市的地位。

    The development of Hong Kong Disneyland can effectively enhance Hong Kong 's position as one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Asia .