
shuǐ cǎi huà
  • watercolor;aquarelle;drawing in water-color;watercolor painting
水彩画 [shuǐ cǎi huà]
  • [watercolor painting;aquarelle] 用水彩颜料绘制的画

  • 一次水彩画展

  1. MashaD'yans设计的颜色精美的贺卡一下就抓住了我的眼球,它们看起来不像贺卡,而更像是水彩画。

    Beautifully colorful cards made by Masha D'yans caught my eye immediately and looked more like watercolor paintings than cards .

  2. 一眼望去,到处都是一片绿景象,就像一幅水彩画。

    One looked everywhere green scene , like a watercolor painting .

  3. 这是透纳1844年水彩画的一小部分。

    This is a detail from the 1844 Turner painting .

  4. 水彩画是他最喜欢的表现方式。

    Watercolour is his favourite medium .

  5. 水彩画似乎仍比油画略逊一筹。

    Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting .

  6. 整个展览的重点是一大组水彩画。

    Forming the pivot of the exhibition is a large group of watercolours .

  7. 展览陈列了50幅油画和水彩画。

    The exhibition comprises 50 oils and watercolours

  8. 这个画廊专营美丽的木炭画和水彩画

    The gallery specialises in beautiful charcoals and watercolours .

  9. 他的水彩画和雕刻赢得了全球的赞誉。

    He 's won international accolades for his watercolors and carvings .

  10. 这些蚀刻画、水彩画和绢画真的很不错。

    These etchings , paintings , and silkscreens are really nice .

  11. 水彩画似乎能使房间的气氛和谐。

    Watercolors just seem to soften the atmosphere in a room .

  12. 你会以为自己步入了一幅水彩画中。

    You ll think you ve stepped into a watercolor painting .

  13. 最后一章是对水彩画艺术魅力继承和发展。

    The last chapter is watercolor art charm inherit and develop .

  14. 中国水彩画人物创作的现状和发展前景

    On the Present Situation and Prospect of Chinese Figure Watercolor Creation

  15. 在全国美展上不乏看到大幅的水彩画获得大奖。

    In the national art exhibition are seeing significant watercolor awards .

  16. 水彩画被喻为抒情诗、轻音乐。

    Watercolor painting is compared to the lyric and light music .

  17. 体现我国现代水彩画多元化发展的新兴面貌。

    Manifests our country modern watercolor painting multiplication development the emerging appearance .

  18. 偶然性在水彩画中具有非常重要的作用和意义。

    Accidental in watercolor painting plays a very important role and significance .

  19. 水彩画是一个具有独立意义的画种。

    Watercolor is a type of painting with independent meaning .

  20. 他的水彩画在全国大赛中得了一等奖。

    His paint in watercolor won the first prize in national competition .

  21. 水彩画本体语言分析与思考

    An Analysis and thinking on the True Language of Watercolor

  22. 论文第章节阐述了节奏在水彩画中的体现。

    The first chapter describes the embodiment of the rhythm in watercolor .

  23. 近十余年来,中国水彩画取得了长足的发展。

    During the last decade , Chinese watercolor has seen great development .

  24. 浅谈肌理表现在水彩画中的作用

    A Rough Discussion on the Roles of Watercolor Texture in Watercolor Painting

  25. 浅谈水彩画技法中民族绘画语言的融汇

    A Study on Merging National Painting Language in Skills of Watercolor Painting

  26. 三,中国当代水彩画的发展。

    Third , the development of contemporary Chinese watercolor painting .

  27. 她既喜欢画油画,又喜欢画水彩画。

    She likes to paint in both oils and watercolours .

  28. 这些水彩画在表现力方面比不上那些。

    These paintings can 't compete m expressive power with those ones .

  29. 现在这幅作品正悬挂在一间水彩画的屋里。

    It hangs in pride of place in a room of watercolours .

  30. 我认为最漂亮的流鼻血都是在水彩画。

    I think the prettiest nosebleeds are done in watercolor .